Preserve Instantiation: Part 1 41.

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The rover arrived. I walked toward it. I smiled at Clarke. "Thought you guys got chipped," I said.

"Where's Luna?" Raven asked.

"Luna said no," Clarke said. Everyone looked at me.

"Who the hell is this?" Harper said. I looked at her.

"Roan," I said.

"He's Ice Nation," Ryan said.

"King of the Ice Nation, actually," Clarke said. I sighed. "And He' sour way into Polis," Clarke said.

"What do you mean?" I asked as Bellamy took Roan to lock up. Clarke sighed.

"You're too important to use, Xania," Clarke said. I scoffed and shook my head.

"Listen!" She said. I looked at her. "Ontari the new commander. She's a night blood. We can use Roan to get to her." She said. I sighed. "I'm not breaking our promise," She said. I stared down at her.

"What promise?" Monty asked.

"It's nothing. Get ready to leave" I said looking around. Everyone nodded slowly. I nodded back.

Monty, Raven, Jasper, and Harper were all staying behind. I was with the others in the Rover.

"Allie knows I'm a nightbleeda. I can use that to distract them." I said.

"No," Clarke said. I looked at her.

"Sounds like a good plan to me," Roan said.

"I don't like it either but that's how it has to happen," Octavia said. Clarke looked at everyone.

"You all agree," She said in disbelief.

"So, what? You're the only one that gets to sacrifice yourself the others?" I said. She shook her head.

"I should be the only one that has to do that," She said, crossing her arms.

I was walking beside Roan and Clarke. The place looked deserted. I could see people sitting down with their eyes closed. "So much for the thousands of people," Roan said as we neared the building. "Here we go," He said. Clarke and I nodded. "I am Roan, King of Azgeda. And I have what the commander seeks" Roan said holding up the flame. Everyone opened their eyes and stood up. "I don't like what I'm sensing. So if she wants it. She can come to me" He said as everyone surrounded us. I looked to my right. Jaha and some others walked toward us.

"Hello, Clarke. Xania" He said.

"Your mother will be so pleased to see you." He said to Clarke.

"Who are you? Where's Ontari?" Roan said.

"Not coming out. But you can give the Flame to me. I'll be sure she gets it." He said. I inched closer to Roan.

"Your friends in the tunnel can't help you. Now give me the flame" Jaha said. The people walked closer to us. I ran around Roan. I grabbed the Flame. I held it up to my neck.

"One move the Flame goes in my head," I said pointing a pistol at everyone. I spun in circles.

"No!" Clarke said through her gag. Roan grabbed Clarke and held a knife to her throat. I continued pointing my gun at everyone.

"You know that these two are the only ones who can activate the Flame," Roan said. I glanced at him.

"we need her alive." Jaha said point at Clarke.

"Run," Roan said. He let go of Clarke and pushed through people. Clarke and I followed him.

"But we don't need you," Marcus said. He shot Roan. I stared at my father. I put the Flame back up to my neck. I looked at Clarke. I swallowed. The people gathered around us. My father aimed his gun at me.

"I'm sorry," I said to Clarke. I put the Flame in my head. Everything went black and I fell to the ground.

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