The four horsemen 45.

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The hypothermia had passed. Now it was random heat waves. I wiped my forehead of sweat as I put down a circuit board. I breathed in heavily.

"There are 6 entities inside your head not including your own... You have to make another chip. You don't have the right technology here to make one as sophisticated as the first." Becca said. I looked at her. I shook my head.

"Luna brought in the rest of her clan. They ingested radiated fish." I said.

"Which means you only have two months of survivability," Becca said. I sighed.

"I'm working as fast as I can," I said.

"It's not fast enough," Sheidheda said. I sighed.

"Give the girl a break. She just died. I know that can't feel good" Charmaine said. I smiled at her.

"We all know what dying feels like," Becca said. I closed my eyes and leaned on the table.

"Allie 2.0 was originally made of crystal matrix, but Silicon will work as well. You'll have to melt down some silicone." She said. I nodded and rubbed my nose.

"On it," I said grabbing my cane and walking toward storage. 

"Clarke and Bellamy went with Jaha to find a secret bunker," Raven said entering the room. I looked at her.

"Because we have two months to prepare for the end of the world when only 100 people can survive?" I said. She stared at me. "Wild guess," I said.

"Becca?" She asked. I nodded. She walked over to me.

"You're replacing the crystal matrix with silicon?" She said. I nodded.

"I'm assuming Becca has already run all the tests?" She said. I nodded slightly.

"Without the flame inside my head, the only thing that still connects me to it is my brain. It's a part of me as much as it is the last commanders" I said. She nodded slowly. "The flame enhanced the subject. I don't have those enhancements but I do have a pushy neurological engineer" I said. She laughed slightly.

"I'm only pushy because you need me to be," Becca said. I sighed. "Tell you what. I'll go boss around those people that are probably going to die and you maybe work on..." I looked at Becca. She smiled.

"Messiah's hope," Becca said. I laughed slightly.

"Messiah's hope," I said to Raven. She smiled.

"NightRipa...Messheda? What are you baby Jesus?" She asked. I laughed slightly.

"Might as well be" I said. She smiled.

"All right people come on get going! We're all dying anyway" I yelled at the workers. I sighed. I looked around. I saw Monty and Harper kissing. I smiled.

"Looks like someone's making the most out of this" Charmaine said. I smiled at Monty and Harper.

"You... disappeared for a bit. Mind telling me what that was about?" I asked looking at her. She shrugged.

"You think you're the only one that's a Messiah?" She asked. I laughed.

"I don't think I'm a messiah," I said. She stared at me.

"You're one of those people aren't you?" She asked. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at her.

"What?" I said.

"You totally have a savior complex. And that little blonde friend of yours has a superman complex." She said.

"What the hell is that?" I asked.

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