Chapter 56

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Chapter 56

The next day, news was spreading like wildfire all over campus!

News about the loud bang at night with the bloodied, battered bat was a sight to behold on the school's headline. Most of the animals were gossiping about who could have started it and coming up with nonsensical theories about the case.

"Maybe a carnivore got to him? Those wounds look deep..."

"He didn't 'see' it coming! Get it?"

"Shame his fangs were still intact. I would-"

'These guys can't give him a break?' Aoba thought irritably. The minute the bald eagle began to turn his head, most of the smaller animals stopped their chittering. No one wants to be close to a raptor with a sharp beak.

Aoba immediately called Dr Kirk after he saw Bill carrying his friend to the infirmary. He can't believe that this is happening to a blind bat! It's bad enough that carnivores are treated differently because of their nature but all animals doing this to a disabled animal?

Aoba ruffled his feathers. He was heading to class, planning to record for Arthur. Then again, how can he hear now?

Today, he will check on Arthur again after lunch. He wasn't sure if the constant worrying for his friend was something most birds do.

Ever since he met the Honduran white bat, Aoba has never felt such peace within himself. Arthur in a sense, was his inspiration to be comfortable with his own instincts and who he is as a carnivore. Then again, he figured Arthur's blindness were both a curse and a blessing.

A curse because he couldn't see the beauty of the world while a blessing due to the fact that he can't tell the difference between a herbivore and carnivore instincts.

Plus, his old friends from Gryphon Cross are coming to compete with Cherryton this coming Friday. A lot has been happening in Cherryton over Aoba's second year on campus. First was Tem's death, then Louis' absence, Arthur becoming deaf and...

He doesn't want to think more about it!


"Oh Aoba!" Arthur used both of his wings to feel the bald eagle's face, sharp beak and gently over his eyes. "It's you..."

Arthur's voice sounded hoarse, making Aoba feel guilty for not saving him in time from the attacker. 

"Arthur, I'm sorry I did not get to you in time," Aoba clicked his beak. He felt the tiny two fingers grazed his beak as he said his apology.

"It's okay..." Arthur had a sad smile. "I didn't expect the attack either. Mizuchi's ex must be extremely angry with this whole idea..."

Aoba said nothing but held his friend's wing. He was curious to know how Arthur can hear him when the nurse told the others of his temporary deafness. Depending on the animal and their hearing sensitivity, some can recover within a day while other could take weeks.

Arthur felt Aoba's throat while one finger was close to his beak. Ears erected, Aoba was curious at what he was doing.

"Are you trying to hear me?" he asked with a smile. 

"Hey! What are you doing?" a female voice cried. It was none other than Mizuchi, who came with two other females, a cat and a raccoon. Aoba narrowed his eyes at the other two animals, knowing that they have picked on Arthur before.

"Relax," Mizuchi raised up her hand. "They want to know Arthur. If anything happens, they will be my problems."

Both Riley and Tanya sat next to Arthur's right. Since Arthur is temporarily deaf, someone has to hold his wing or tap his shoulder to get his attention. Both of the females were caught off-guard when Arthur began to trace their faces to identify them.

"Look at their faces," Mizuchi snicker, whispering to Aoba. The bald eagle laughed. One way or another, Arthur will always find a loophole to whatever happens to him. And those two who followed the harlequin rabbit around were starting to warm up to the fluffy bat.

That was something Aoba really admire about Arthur.


Meanwhile at the principal's office, Dr Kirk hung upside down on the roof of the ceiling while Cherryton's principal, Got told him about his son's case.

"Your son will be okay," the Siberian tiger assured the older Honduran white bat. "We have the best nurses and medics to ensure all our students are treated well."

"Not in this context," Dr Kirk muttered, his ears twitching. Principal Got stared up at the Honduran white bat in confusion. "I beg your pardon?"

"Principal Gon," sighed Dr Kirk. "I may not know you personally but from the way you put things into action, you do love your students but that does not cover up the fact that one of your students have been murdered while one will be completely disable due to unruly behaviours of the others."

The Siberian tiger adjusted his glasses before blinking. "I...don't quite understand where you are going with this, Dr Kirk. Are you saying that I have been neglecting my students' well being?"

"With all due respect," Dr Kirk dropped down to sit onto the chair opposite the principal. "I know it must be difficult to handle students from all walks of life, either carnivore or herbivore, but it seemed as if you lacked the awareness for mental health."

It was interesting how a tiny Honduran white bat could intimidate a large Siberian tiger with those careful amber eyes.

"Can you please elaborate?"

"Certainly," Dr Kirk nodded, folding his wings close to his body like a blanket. "Like you, I also teach at Manticore University. Even though my class is small compared to those in the school of medicine or engineering, my students' mental health is also my top priority as a lecturer as well as an astronomer. I don't want them to feel as if life is a chore for them and they feel as if their lives are being threatened. I understand if the both of us old males can't grasp what youths are into nowadays but we must always be there for the students."

"I see...So you are saying we must make the school feel welcomed for all students?"

"Precisely!" Dr Kirk nodded with a soft smile. "Bullying is a serious crime that is so overlooked. It doesn't matter if the perpetrator is male, female, carnivore or herbivore. They knew exactly what they are doing because being in control meant more power. Sure some of them may have bad homes and upbringing but it doesn't excuse their behaviours!"

Principal Gon was surprised when he eyed Dr Kirk's fingers trembling when he was explaining. Something must have affected him years ago?

"Well, I will go and check on my son now," Dr Kirk confessed. "I trust him but right now, he needs me. In terms of the bullying and his conditions, let him be here for another month and we'll see how it will go from there."

"Are you certain?" asked Principal Gon. "Our school policies are strict once students are pulled out and those that want to return."

"I understand, sir. Now, thank you for having me here but I shan't waste your time. So good day, for now at least..."

When Dr Kirk left, he heard a lot of whispering among the students. He felt bad for Arthur experiencing all of this. He wondered if it was his fault to bring his son here when he could be staying with his grandmother and still be at Gryphon Cross.

He wondered if he himself was too impulsive with certain ideas...

Dr Kirk had another bombshell he needed to tell Arthur but how can he hear when he is temporarily deaf? He hoped the news he was about to tell his own son would change something about their lives.

He wanted to tell Arthur if he was alright with the idea of him meeting up with Ten during some weekends.

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