Chapter 48

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Chapter 48

Arthur could hardly breathe when wearing the mask. He can't fathom the idea of wearing the mask the whole day without gulping a fresh breath of air. Nonetheless, he carried out the task because to be honest, he wouldn't want to live and breathe in filth.

After all, bats prioritise on cleanliness besides sounds.

He had Agata to help him and one of the members of the Dokugumi guiding him where he should clean. It was still difficult to make out what is his surroundings since the mask had blocked Arthur from using his clicks.

"Not bad, bat," the member commented. "You don't say much, do you?"

"Not when I'm focusing," Arthur murmured through the mask. "I hope it's okay for you. Since I'm blind and all, seeing isn't something I can achieve besides understanding colours."

Agata was kept aside but he was able to keep an eye for the Honduran white bat in case these Komodo dragons tried to backstab him. So far, the brownish-black Dokugumi member was instructing and talking with Arthur as he cleaned.

"So what is cockfighting?" Arthur enquired. "The ones I've heard about back in my old home were usually associated with male chickens having sickles on their feet."

"That was your first thought?" the member snorted a laugh. "You didn't think it would be about us males pulling down our pants and-"

"Nope!" Arthur shook his head before he could finish. "I'll shut up after this."

The Komodo dragon smiled behind the mask. It's a shame this bat is blind to read facial expression. Those cloudy blue eyes are very eerie when reflected in the dim light. They were similar to faded jewels that used to be worthy.

Like all animals, they all knew the blind ones were the first to go in the real world.

"Come, you will use your ears and hope your feet are ready for this," he tapped Arthur on the shoulder before scooping him up, much to the bat's protest.


'They can't call it boxing?'Arthur thought to himself as he relied on his ears to help him locate the sounds of swipes or even the thump of the scaly tail. Both of his wings were bind close together with straps so that he could fit. Poor Arthur was getting boxed by the ears and cheek.

"Come on, Arthur!" Agata roared. "Beat him down! He's just as small as you!"

"Hey! Don't talk about my son that way, lion!" Arthur heard Savon hissed through the mask. "Isaiah! Show the bat what cockfighting is!"

"Hit him in the eye! It's not like he'll need them!"

Arthur was utterly terrified at the idea of being eyelids. His blindness was one thing but becoming eyeless sounded like a horrific nightmare!

He could only listen to the footsteps and the tail for dodging while his punch was what he would rate as pathetic. He and sports were never in a good relationship. He doesn't mind workouts to be in shape or playing ping-pong due to the sound it makes but other than that, he's useless in sports.

"Come on, Arthur!" he heard the repetition from the Congo lion. "Just cling onto him!"

The Honduran white bat took a deep breath, listening to the oncoming steps and body shift before leaping onto the Komodo dragon's back. All he could do was hold on with his dear life as he tried to used his guarded wings to wrap around his neck.

"He's really doing it! He's doing it even with the mask and his wings are bound!!"

All Arthur wanted to do was end this because he just wanted to go home to a warm bed, cup of tea, his friends and talk to Mizuchi again.

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