Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

This outing with Mizuchi has to be the most pleasant experience Arthur has ever had since he moved to Cherryton. He wondered if he should tell his father about the new friends he has made and the most interesting encounters he has heard and felt.

Both him and Mizuchi were walking hand-in-wing down the streets, having some time to spare before boarding the train back to school. He listened to how this harlequin rabbit described her favourite design stores and would have a small notebook for her to sketch some new designs.

"So are your designs just made for rabbits?" he asked, a bit curious.

Mizuchi smiled. "Well, for the rare kind of animals whether herbivore or carnivore. But I guessed if I want to be the top fashionista, I will have to see the bigger picture with all animals."

"Even creeping insects?" he asked, his leaf-nose twitched in amusement. Mizuchi snorted in laughter before Arthur could hear her cupping her mouth from laughing too hard. 

Shame, he found it adorable.

"Well, I don't have the right paws for those little guys," she flicked Arthur's ear playfully. "But I guessed even drawing and designing requires a bit of biology and stuff if I have to know my client."

"Sounds exactly like music for me," said Arthur, who turned his head a bit when he heard a child singing, probably with her family. "When I hear a tune whether it's a soundtrack, an animal singing or even a tune; I would use a bit of knowledge from physics to understand it. Music for me is universal where any animal can hear it and understand it even if we don't know the language."

Mizuchi was touched by Arthur's pure philosophy about music. She figured maybe he does listen to soundtracks when doing his homework. He was humming the tune to the movie's soundtrack since they left the theatre.

"I wouldn't mind experiencing that movie again," said Arthur, the both of them stopped at a traffic light. "I want to save the soundtracks tune in my memory."

Mizuchi smoothened her ears down. "It's that amazing, huh? I think so too and I love the dress the female lead was wearing and even her neighbour. I might want to draw some designs based on that for inspiration."

Arthur was half-listening because he was thinking of making something for Mizuchi as a thank you present for this wonderful outing. He has an idea on what to make but he might need some help because his lack of sight is going to be difficult to tell what sort of colour he would put.

Mizuchi wanted to ask Arthur for something but that will be for another time. She hoped that she is not rushing this new friendship. She wouldn't mind spending more time with him.

Yet...she's jealous that he spends more time with that dwarf rabbit, Haru since they're both in the gardening club.

'No, not going to happen!' she scolded herself. 'Haru did say that she thinks of him as a little brother.'

When the both of them sat down in the train, Arthur leaned his head against the window, listening to the sounds in his surroundings before he started whistling the tune from that movie. It was the most beautiful melody he has ever heard.

Mizuchi watched him with an adoring expression. He's so whimsical like those characters her younger siblings used to ask her mom to read for them every night. She wanted to give him something, as a token of their friendship.

She might make a second trip to get some colourful yarns.

"Well, here we are," Mizuchi laughed awkwardly as they got off. "So, I guessed I will see you around?"

"Yeah, I hope to hear from you again," Arthur smiled, then realised that the both of them still held their paw-wing. It was a bit sad that the outing had to end but Arthur knew that he would cherish that moment in his memories.

Before they parted, Arthur swore he could feel a gentle caress on his two fingers.


Back in his room, he had a message that was read by his computer about how the upcoming week in biology, he has to do his environment day homework where he has to go into the rooms in the school's basement and perform his species' natural behaviour.

He imagined that the room would be spacious like a cave where his clicks would echo and bounced across the walls. It would be a bonus if the room for bats' natural environments could have some stalagmites and stalactites for Arthur to experienced the cool water vapours and take advantage of the situation by making music out of it.

About the music he had hear at the cinemas, he can't memorised the whole melody but he could play something similar which was like a snippet of what he had heard. He decided to play it on his piano, since it sort of suited his feeling he is experiencing.

It must be the start of a new friendship.

Then again, he never felt these strong emotions when he had befriended Sameer, Legosi, Aoba or even Haru. With Mizuchi, it felt like it was something new that hasn't been discovered or studied. He was aware that his imagination can be out of control at times but now...

He would play this song to represent his curiosity and peacefulness.

He might want to check when was the next time that amazing film will be shown in cinemas again.

Chuckling to himself, Arthur played softly for only himself to hear.


Meanwhile far down from Cherryton, there was a group meeting around the Black Back Alley Market. Most of the carnivores were whispering and gossiping about the new animal that had came to the market with his friend.

"Do you think that little guy would come again?" one asked.

"I don't know," another one grumbled. "That tiger looked like he wanted the bat for himself. I mean, that cat could tear our throats out if we try."

"Do you think we'll be immortal or have powers if we eat a bat?" another, much younger carnivore asked. "I mean, from the stories my Ma used to tell me that all families of the Chiroptera never once had any issue with diseases. It's like they have a high-tech immune system!"

Before the carnivores could discuss their theories further, the slightly heavy footsteps made all of the vendors and patrons of the market halt. No one spoke until a deep rumbling growl made even the crocodilian vendors tremble.

"No one is going to eat that bat," the figure growl. "He is much too important for us and if any of you had a piece of him, we won't hesitate to turn you into our next meal."

"Yeah! We're not picky!" another figure added. "So, is there any questions or are we clear."

The silence was all the answer that the two needed. 

The both of them resumed their stroll around the market, trying out new foods and drinks.

"Wow, we sure scared them, huh? So, do you think he might come? I heard the boss had told him in private."

"We can never be too sure, Free," the other figure sighed. "The last time he was in our territory, he was as shaky as a leaf. I will admit that he has guts to make us something different and play a tune. But that kid has to learn that you can't change nature."

"Damn right you are! We gotta get back soon or else the boss might want to know where we are."

"I'm sure he can handle us being a way for a while. Now, I might as well check on my phone about informations we must expect from the Chiropteras."

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