Chapter 89

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Chapter 89

Aoba was concerned when he had heard of Bill getting a trauma egg when he wanted to make himself a cup of instant ramen. Most carnivores would've eaten that egg despite the chick that hatched out of it, a weird logic most carnivores made for themselves. For the bald eagle, it still felt wrong.

He was making his way to the gardening club, hoping they would have something to keep the egg warm. Thinking back to Bill, he was surprised that the Bengal tiger wanted to care for the egg since he had been to the Black Market before. But he was willing to help his friend out since Cherryton was not the same as it used to be.

The adults that he could rely on for now were his parents and Arthur's father. Dr Kirk was just as interesting as his son. No matter how much had happened, he was still cheerful and always lending his ears for support.

Without anyone knowing, he secretly asked him for some advice about parenting a newly-hatched chick despite him being a Chiroptera.

When he arrived at the gardening club, he was tackled by an unexpected figure. "Oooh! I got you this time! Although you're a bit heavy for me to knock you over. Could you pleeeasse fall over to pretend that I knocked you down?"

"Hello, Yuri," Aoba greeted the energetic pangolin bouncing on top of him as he laid down. He chuckled at how this herbivore was ready to take on the world if she was given an energy drink. She eventually got off of him so that he could stand up. "Are you the only one here?"

Yuri shook her head. "Nope! Kane is at the back checking on our herbs we are planning to sell to the cooking club and home economics class. Though a few Felidaes keep requesting us to grow more mints. Seriously, what is it with them and mints when there's a convenient store a few minutes away! So, what can I do for you?"

Aoba clicked his beak. "I'm looking for some lavender flowers to help me sleep. Other than that, maybe a few herbs to add to my cooking."

Yuri nodded before humming to herself as she gathered the required herbs. The gardening club was still standing strong despite the tensions spreading across the school. The drama club became a spot to study besides their club activities and was one of the clubs with interspecies members. "Aoba, are you sure you're not here for Kalliste?"

The bald eagle ruffled his feathers out of embarrassment. "W-what makes you say that?"

The pangolin came back with a cheeky grin. "She's been mooning about you. Her lips are sealed but I know the look of someone who's into a specific bird~"

Aoba cleared his throat, trying to shake off the blush that formed on his face. "I see..."

"Maybe we should change the name of our club to wanted-for-bat club since everyone's been asking for Arthur. First the drama club, then this dreamy hyena from a rock band called the Leftovers and-"

"Miguno? I wonder what does he want with Arthur?"

"Beats me! So, here's what you're looking for."

Eventually, he thanked the pangolin before heading out. Cherryton was acting strange with the whole Melon trend from greetings to even changes in the cafeteria's menu. Aoba placed his wing onto his chest to stop the hammering he was feeling.

"Oh, Arthur....What's going on? What's happening to us?"


Arthur was wobbly in his step as he walked alongside Mizuchi. His ears listened to her descriptions attentively while his mouth opened to give him an idea of his surroundings. It really irked him that the students were obsessed with melons lately.

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