Chapter 66

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Chapter 66

It has been some weeks but both Dr Kirk and Arthur managed to find a weekend that they could both agree on. Arthur was excited yet nervous to meet his father at his apartment for afternoon tea. He mentioned in the voice message that he is inviting some of his work colleagues, which made Arthur a bit nervous.

He hoped he doesn't make a fool of himself embarrassing his dad in front of his workmates.

"To be honest, this is the first time the five of us got out together," Haru commented. She was right, since Arthur has invited her, Legosi, Aoba and Mizuchi to accompany him to his father's apartment. In his mind, he hoped that everyone will get along or not get into trouble.

He knew all-too-well since his encounters with the gangs at the Black Market.

Arthur wondered if Louis is adjusting himself well to the Black Market? Life as a herbivore among carnivores. Then again, he got lucky that he survived the night with some newfound respect to the four groups.

"You are going to like it," he heard Aoba explaining in a calm tone. But he knew that this visit was making the bald eagle excited, trying new food and the idea of afternoon tea that is not from an expensive cafe. 

"So Arthur," Legosi's voice wavered, making everyone stopped chattering. It was always something important if the grey wolf begins to speak. Arthur turned his head directly to where Legosi's voice was. He was hanging upside down on one of the upper bars in the train.

"Yes, Legosi?"

"What was Camden like growing up? You mentioned during our history class that the town you lived in used to have a lot of crimes. Is it like what's here?"

Arthur rocked himself slightly, ears already twitching. Mizuchi still finds that gesture adorable when the Honduran white bat was in deep thought.

"Well, it's lively with the musics performed on the street or at the market. I remember the sounds of vendors calling out what's on sale at the market from food to furniture. The crimes were usually stealing or the worst blood cults from what I heard in the news."

This made all of the animals shuddered. Even other passengers on the trains were listening with interest. Mizuchi held Arthur's wing while Haru stood between Aoba and Legosi, who both were holding on the bars.

"Used to help my Nana sell her honey and if I saved enough money, I'd go to Muffin Lane."

"Muffin Lane?" Mizuchi questioned in disbelief. All the streets and town Arthur lived in sounded like a child's storybook.

"Oh yes!" Arthur nodded, smiling as he was having a small nostalgia trip. "Muffin Lane was famous for their theatres, musicals and their delicious curry restaurants. I can name you a few songs since they are catchy."

"Really?" he heard a chuckle from Haru. "I didn't know you'd be into that. I always assumed you prefer uppity mansion stories"

Arthur folded his wings in embarrassment. "I don't mind all sorts of plays even if I can't see them. But their dialogues and music ensembles are the key to making the play successful, wouldn't you agree?"

Aoba and Legosi exchanged glances, since they are both drama club members. With Louis' disappearance, they need new ideas for plays or else their club was going to suffer. Not to mention the recent news of segregation between herbivores and carnivores in the school.

Luckily, majority of the clubs at the school rebel against the idea because no one wants to live in fear. Sometimes in life, risks are important because it helps with their growth. And just by meeting Arthur, both of them could tell that he has taken risks due to his lack of sight.

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