Chapter 71

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Chapter 71

"Hey! Aren't you listening?"

Arthur felt a rough hand pulling his wing to snap himself out of  his trance. He was currently listening to a podcast that was hosted by his old Gryphon Cross friend, Sameer. Lately, he's been narrating horror stories on the podcast while doing history breakdowns and ASMR on ZooTube.

His friend was doing well and he was proud of it.

"Sorry Haru," Arthur smiled a toothy smile. He turned his body to where she was below him as he was hanging upside down. "I got carried away with the story that I didn't hear you."

"Excuses, excuses," he heard the dwarf rabbit tutting. "How are you going to be the president of the gardening club if you keep daydreaming? We gotta count the flowers and grown tomatoes that we're going to sell. You still thinking about getting that trumpet?"

The Honduran white bat's ears lowered. "Um, probably...I might change my mind if I go to the music store. It's like with clothes but  music. Anyways Haru, I'm awfully a nutter today."

Haru cocked her head to one side. "What?"

"I think I'm going mad," Arthur sighed, rocking himself to calm down. "With the upcoming play, dinner with my family later this evening and don't get me started on understanding colours! Bloody hell, as if biology wants me to know what cell colour is!"

He heard Haru giggling and patted his fluffy head. "I'm sure you'll find a way, Arthur. I wanted to let you know that I won't be around during the release of the play. I will be going back home to spend time with my family so I want you to take care of the club and new members."

This made poor Arthur almost drop from his hanging position.

"New members?'

"I thought you might wanna know. You're lucky that the first one is coming after I graduate and she's an exchanged student, so make her as comfortable as possible."

Ah, it didn't sound too bad now that Haru has explained it. But this does not ease the ache in his stomach. He wasn't sure why...

"Also she's a bat so that's something to look forward to!"

"Haru," Arthur lowered himself down. "Not all bats know each other and I'm pretty sure I am facing forward from where I am."

He heard nothing but silence. Arthur figured it might be something between her and Legosi. He didn't want to pry but it doesn't mean that he shouldn't place his arm around her shoulder to comfort her. Haru has been an older sister to him and it pains him to sense her being upset.

"Sorry, I thought you might needed it."

"Yeah...I do...."


The sounds and smells were overwhelming Arthur's senses. 

How he got himself into the Black Market was through Legosi, who told him that he's living with his dad temporarily. Arthur had never felt so grateful for his dad helping his fellow classmate after he was given details about what happened.

"It's a bit uneasy that most adults are staring at us," Legosi commented, letting Arthur ride on his back. Arthur covered his nose since he can't stand the smell of blood despite being trapped in the Black Market before and met all four of the gangs.

He was damn lucky that he did not end up as dinner himself!

"Maybe it's our fur clashing?" asked Arthur, opening his mouth to use his clicks. "Yours is very coarse and rough while mine is airy like cotton."

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