Chapter 64

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Chapter 64

Meanwhile down below the city, Dr Kirk decided to head back to his apartment. He wanted to clear up some of the works he has been reviewing and analysing. It was tedious but it pays off if he gets to go on outdoor expeditions to observe the stars and solar system in nature.

Based on his findings and observations, Dr Kirk would imagine if he would ever reach out into the galaxy and discover more things than what life has to offer. But he shouldn't be so ambitious or else he would have a greater length of disappointment.

He never regretted any moment he has built for himself. Whether it is his career, his family and the things he does to make each day worthwhile.

While writing his paper about the sound particles in space, he thought back about the kiss that Ten has given him at the jump centre. It was so sudden yet so right when their mouths closed in for the kiss. He never felt that way for a female for so long since his divorce.

He worries about the future if he pursues this and his son's concern. Would Arthur be fine with the idea of him dating? All this time, Dr Kirk has adjusted well to raising Arthur all by himself with some help from other fathers on their parental advice and his own parents. Would he ever marry again at very old age of forty-six?

Then again, it was his son who asked the question in the first place.

Once he felt as if he was done with at least three pages, Dr Kirk decided to take a break. He was impressed yet intimidated by the work culture Manticore University had to offer. Unlike his previous position at his old university with its observatory, Manticore's work culture was lifeless if he had to describe it.

Of course all staffs and professors are professional when it came to teaching but he was referring to free periods where the professors would just be in their office to work until they left for home. Even so, Dr Kirk has never seen them taken a break once in a while.

He wondered if he was breaking the rule by having his flask of tea or headphones to listen to his favourite poems?

He shouldn't think about that or else he might get older than he is now! He decided to watch something on the television, scrolling through the channels for something exciting. His attention was on an odd romantic comedy movie.

He hoped that he could at least get some work done after this interesting story. Dr Kirk wondered if there was a way to catch up with Arthur, just to be sure that his son was well as the last time he saw him.

'Already a new student and he is affecting any animal he comes into contact with,' Dr Kirk giggled to himself. Nonetheless, he was proud of his son and to fully use the best of his abilities despite being blind was an accomplishment he would want to cherish.

Suddenly, his ears perked up and an excited smile was etched on his face. Oh he knew how he could catch up with his son through their busy lives! What better way to bond than an afternoon tea! 

"Yes," he murmured to himself. "Splendid idea....some sandwiches...cakes...scones...Oh, maybe a few friends from my side and he can invite his friends if he wants to..."

With that, he began to send a voice message to his son, his coworker he considered as friends, then hesitated before sending a text to the vixen that made his heart flutter. Just then, he received a phone call that made his heart dropped when he saw who was the caller.

"H-hello?" he answered meekly. He never called unless it was something such as using ultrasounds. 

"I saw you and her at the jump centre, Kirk," he heard the gruff tone of Gouhin on the other end. "What the hell were you thinking?! You know damn well that she is from the Inarigumi gang, right? Not only will you affect her but her whole gang as well!"

"Gouhin," Dr Kirk sighed, he started swinging slightly from the ceiling he was hanging on. "I am aware of her gang and how much she cares about them. You're right to say that I am dancing with death but I'll be fine."

"Kirk..." there was silent on the end. The old Honduran white bat wondered if it was something he said. "I'm not trying to stop you but I know the gangs at the Black Market. If you mess with any member of their gang, you will have the whole package deal coming at you."

"I understand," Dr Kirk told him. "But you have to trust me on this. I have been learning some training thanks to you. Only thing now is to tell my son the news once he is here."

"Well, good luck with that.

With that, the line hung up.


"Besides the plays, Gryphon Cross have always competed with the Selkie Girls," Sameer explained while coiling himself up to stay warm. "It was a coincidence that some of them had to be in the same summer camp as we were. Is that right, Arthur?"

"Of course," Arthur reminisced, closing the piano. "Camp activities, you telling horror stories while we were out in the woods to explore and then there's the cooking. How are your sisters, Sameer? Also you still have that pyramid-shaped plushie?"

"Don't mention that, Arthur!" Sameer hissed in embarrassment, the others in the room chuckling. "Anyways, my sisters are well. Talia is still travelling for her journalist work while Dahlia is alright. I hope she doesn't do anything to my tarantula, Dante..."

"Wait," he could hear Legosi's confused tone. "You have a pet arachnid?"

Arthur was only relieved to know that the fight between Kai and Sameer have subsided but the both of them kept their distance. Now, he could here Sameer and Legosi conversing about insects along with the lines of ancient history, he picked up the boast from Bill and the female members talking to Maccus, who only grunted his answers.

He was really shy around new animals.

However, he couldn't detect Beppi's form with his clicks. Deciding to step outside to leave his friends to get to know the drama club, he received a voice message on his phone. While listening to the message with his headphones, he hoped that none of the animals are close by.

Because he can't always hear things while on headphones so he will have to rely on the vibrations on the floor he stood on. While listening to the message, Arthur was mentally prepared to invite whom to the afternoon tea at his father's apartment.

"Arthur!" he heard Mizuchi calling him, feeling her grasping his wing."

"What happened? What is it?"

He could hear the excitement yet exhaustion in her voice. "You are not going to believe this..."

"What?" he began to hold her paw tenderly.

"Your Tasmanian devil friend is flirting with Tanya! I swear to god I am not joking!"

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