Chapter 90

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Chapter 90

Arthur's entire body was shaking with fear. Why would Legosi and Louis want his blood? It was bringing back a lot of memories pre-Cherryton to which he had repressed ever since he boarded the train and then plane to go with his father to where Cherryton was.

"Arthur?" Mizuchi's gentle voice broke him out of his train of thoughts. He turned his head to where her voice was. Opening his mouth to estimate the distance between them via his clicks, Arthur touched the harlequin's rabbit's cheek softly, feeling the smoothness of her glossy fur that was scented with mango conditioner under his two fingertips.

"I'm alright, Mizuchi," he assured her, guiding them to sit down on her bed. He had so much to tell her and this moment could make or break their relationship. "Louis called me on the phone, saying that they needed me at Legosi's apartment. I don't know if my hearing's getting weak but, they want my blood."

"I'm sorry but what?!" Mizuchi he imagined, blinked in disbelief. "Don't tell me that the former star of the drama club decided to start a blood cult!"

Arthur shook his head, his stomach was churning from fear. He gave her a summary of who Melon was and how he, Legosi and Louis were involved with the whole mess. Not only that, the tensions between carnivores and herbivores could suffer if the hybrid roamed the streets.

There was silence. Arthur's entire body bristled at the tension in the room. Should he leave? Will he be known as a traitor for briefly working with a homicidal maniac just to earn some pocket change? He was bracing himself for the worst until-

"I believe you, Arthur."

Arthur blinked, his wings slowly enveloped the harlequin rabbit into an embrace. He felt Mizuchi's arms wrapped around him, her head resting on top of his. He held her, careful not to crush her inside of his wings. "Thank you, Mizuchi. It means so much to me! I-I'm just so glad that I can tell you all of this."

Mizuchi only giggled. "I'm honoured that I get to hear about your adventures. University can be boring when it's all about workshops, assignments, etc. Arthur, no matter what happens, I'm always here for you, even if we are apart. You have your family, Aoba, everything! If this mission means this much to you, promise me that you will come back in one piece."

The Honduran white bat couldn't stop the tears from trickling down his cheek. He quickly wiped them, in case he might ruin Mizuchi's makeup. His lack of sight was frustrating in terms of judging whether or not someone had something on their face. Feeling her gentle hands on his face, Arthur knew what was happening.

"Mizuchi," Arthur murmured after their kiss. "Since I am needed elsewhere tomorrow, shall we spend this time with each other- I mean having a cup of tea? Me playing music for you to concentrate on your studies? Or-"

He was silenced with a deeper kiss from her, his fur was fluffed up to its maximum. The last thing his ears could hear was the rustling of clothes before his mind became hazy.


Arthur made his way to Legosi's apartment with a little guidance from his clicks. It felt sad that he had to cut his time with Mizuchi so abruptly because both the grey wolf and red deer needed his help. The worst thing was to let everyone down, something he wouldn't dare to do before he was even transferred to Cherryton.

Despite it all, Arthur would do anything to keep himself and those close to him safe. The night he spent with Mizuchi was something he wouldn't forget. In fact, dare he would say that the both of them created a special symphony only their ears could hear?

He blushed at the thought, not wanting his mind to be flooded with the memories. Her scent, the sounds they made, even the feeling of their furs together were enough to make Arthur shake his head. 'Since when have I become this sentimental?'

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