Chapter 61

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Chapter 61

"We're so beating you girls down!"

"Don't come crying if you lose, boys!"

"Keep telling yourself that, little princesses~"

"You boys are nothing without Maccus on your team! At least we are built for swimming!"

That was the conversation Arthur heard while Legosi was observing the two schools arguing: Gryphon Cross and Selkie Girls. The other three academies watched them with utter confusion because those teams were the only ones where both carnivores and herbivores seemed to co-exist.

Their argument was more gender-based then anything.

Arthur swivelled his ears to absorb every single sound that was around him. Slowly, his hearing was getting better. It was a blessing to know that the speakers were very far behind while Arthur felt that he and his two friends were sat in the middle row.

Of course, he could be wrong!

Arthur clapped and cheered when the whistle blew and the sounds of swimmers splashing into the water were heard. Cherryton's students were shouting and encouraging their swimmers to win the competition. But the voices behind him said otherwise.

"Typical of bats," a female student scoffed. "They can't choose a side even when it hits them."

"He's blind but he's a traitor!"

"Traitor! Traitor! Traitor!"

Arthur whipped his head behind to the source of the sound, his fangs protruding out. "Stop it! I am not a traitor!"

But Arthur was only responded with jeers and cruel laughter. He lowered his ears, fumbling in his pockets for his small earbud headphones to at least block the sounds with music. He will have to ask Haru or Legosi about who won.

He doesn't mind on whoever wins so long as his old friends are alright and not starting another brawl with the Selkie Girls. He remembered their squabbles all-too well during summer camp when he was younger. Mostly, Sameer tried to be the peacemaker while Naia the leopard seal and Maccus the hammerhead shark would be the ones fighting.

Honestly, he wondered all these years if those two have a thing for each other?

Needless to say, he would like to talk to his friends once the swimming competition is over. For now, he wants to clear his mind by playing his favourite movie soundtracks while drinking his hot milk tea in a flask.


"Hah! I had you beat!"

"Just by a nose away!"

The swimmers had finished the competition, which was the mid afternoon. Some of the students have dispersed for lunch while Arthur remained in the seats. Only after he was tapped on the shoulder, the Honduran white bat unplugged his earbud headphones.

"So," Arthur perked his ears. "Who won?"

"You won't believe it!" Haru chuckled, lifting Arthur up to stand. "Your old school won and Cherryton was third in place. The crowd went crazy! Also the nosy newspaper club took some photos and videos about two of your friends fighting."

"Oh? Which one?"

"Arthur!" a booming voice almost made him jump. "So, these are your old friends, huh? Aoba, you're not going to believe this! Hurry up!"

"Hello, Bill," Arthur chuckled, using his wing to feel whoever was close to him. It was the comforting smooth scales of Sameer. When he opened his mouth, he could make out a bit of the shape of an eagle and a sheep with horns.

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