Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

Haru was rolling her eyes at Arthur's rambles about his dad. He sounded like a great bat, considering how well he delivered his talk to her and the other third year students during a special assembly in one of the auditoriums.

She was clear in her goals: to study botany and one day open her own flower shop.

When she sat with the other third years, she could feel a few eyes on her. No matter, once she has graduated, that will be the last time they'll ever encounter her. What was surprising was how during the talk she spotted Mizuchi sitting with one of her cronies at the corner of her eyes.

Lately, that harlequin rabbit was acting even stranger than Honest Legosi!

No matter how much Arthur insisted that Mizuchi is getting better, Haru was not convinced as she needs to see and hear from that bunny herself. Right now, the both of them were pulling out unwanted weeds and spraying some of the smaller plants with water.

Before this, it was just fine with her being alone in the gardening club but now with the Honduran white bat, she figured she should put her botany and biology lesson to good use. It would be nice to teach some animals who are enthusiastic and comfortable with plants like her and Arthur.

"I brought some jasmine tea after we are done," said Arthur, who was petting a lavender flower. "These ladies sure are crabby in the morning for their nutrients. I figured the cacti families might have the same problem despite having a water system in their stems."

Haru patted his shoulder. "I could use some tea. God, as if everyone is expected to grow up quickly! Sorry Arthur but I have a lot on my mind so if I snapped, it's nothing personal, okay?"

"Of course not," Arthur fluffed his fur from the chilly breeze of the wind. "All of us are pressured and stressed as we grow older. It's how we choose to handle it or let it handle us."

'Damn him and his philosophical talk,' Haru thought to herself. 'I can see that in Dr Kirk when he gave his talk and his words are crazier than a hare in March. Must be the tea talking...'

Anyways, Haru decided not to think too deep into it since they were supposed to arrange some flowers, collect leaves from the basil plants and even pick some of the lavenders to sell them to some bakeries.

"Still thinking of getting that trumpet?" asked Haru, while petting one of the rose flowers. Arthur nodded. "Oh yes! And I hope you are still thinking about another book about plants."

"You know me well," Haru huffed proudly. "Say, you've heard anything going on with Legosi? He's been awfully quiet lately and since you two share classes together, maybe you might know?"

Arthur's expression fell, his cloudy blue eyes closed a bit. "I don't know, Haru. Legosi keeps to himself and I don't think I want to press on if it makes him uncomfortable. I know how it feels like to have someone breathe down on your neck and demanding some answers even you are unable to answer. So I went with my gut and just listened to what I can."

Haru was stunned at Arthur's reasons. But as compassionate and she is, the Netherland dwarf rabbit wrapped an arm across his shoulder.

"You know something?" she asked, making Arthur lift both of his ears up. "I don't know much about Legosi too but I want to know him. He's so honest with himself and talks to me. Even with me being bullied and all, he was there for me. I want him to let me into his life...."

Arthur was silent since he wasn't the best at comforting. So, he lend her his wing to hold onto. Their bond was of an older sister and a little brother. As an only child, he wondered what it was like to have a sibling like his friends.

"It will be okay, Haru. Come, let's have a small breakfast at the cafeteria before everyone arrives. We both know that we're not the ones to hang around too much in crowded places."

"At least I don't do it upside down!"

With a small laugh, the both of them walked together.


"For the last time, no!" Mizuchi told her ex off before storming the other direction.

"But Mizuchi, let me explain!" her ex pleaded, following her from behind. "I know I fucked up but I'm still the same guy. Please, let me prove to you that I have changed!"

Mizuchi whipped her head back to stare at him with those icy green eyes that reflect the sunlight. "Remind me who broke us up in the first place?"

"It was the dwarf rabbit!" the male harlequin rabbit babbled, trying to fight off the unsettling gaze the doe was giving him. "She-"

"Enough!" Mizuchi held up her hand to silenced him. "You left me because she's cuter and smaller than me. And to think I used to gush over you because you're the only harlequin rabbit here besides me."

"You need me, Mizuchi!" he persisted. "Once the both of us graduated, we will have our own lives but no other rabbits can have a higher chance of survival compared to us. You need me, Mizuchi. Come on, at least go out with me and then I won't bother you again."

Mizuchi has no mood to answer him. Her mind was already swirling with emotions, her life as a student, her future and...

She felt like throwing up.

"Mizuchi?" he tried to approach her but she shoved him before stepping back.

"Just leave me alone..."

She can't go back to the dorm. No one must see her cry or crumbling like a helpless child from the kindergarten. She has to find some place to hide until she calms down.

In school, she scanned for an empty room to cry and luckily, there was one with the doors ajar. Quickly, she entered before closing the door behind her and let out a few sniffles. She has a good life, friends who stuck by her yet...

Why does she feel so miserable?

It seems like meeting her ex again face-to-face has crumbled her to the point even his text messages were deadlier than a scammer telling her that she has a virus on her phone. She pulled up her knees close to her face and silently sob, enjoying the cluttered but dark room.

Suddenly, her long ears caught a faint sound.

It sounded like those light keys from a piano.

'Great, I must have stumbled into one of the drama club's rehearsals,' she thought to herself. Feeling curious, she decided to follow the sound and watch a bit of the practice before she leaves.

She peered into the corner, hearing the source of the sound. She held her hand to her mouth, trying to prevent a gasp from emitting out:

The musician that was playing that beautiful tune was no other than the sweet blind Arthur!

Before she could have a closer view, the music stopped and Arthur's ears were already perked up. He turned his head, the look of panic in his eyes before he moved his mouth a bit.

"W-who's there?" he asked, moving his mouth to estimate who it was. He almost fell from where he was sitting when he deducted who it was. "M-Mizuchi?!"

"Arthur," the harlequin rabbit's voice was in disbelief but tried to approach him slowly. "So it was you..."

Arthur said nothing but was cornered by the wall when he backed away. Mizuchi felt something in her heart when she saw him shaking like a leaf. She wanted to hold him and tell him everything is okay.

"You're the angel of music...."


Author's Note: This fanart was is if Arthur becomes an Animal Crossing villager! I think he'd be smug type and his song in the home would either be K.K. Stroll or Two Days Ago.

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