Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Arthur was woken up by the nurse for his morning medicine before having breakfast. The Honduran white bat was reluctant but accepted it since he wants to get better. He was told that he could return to his dorm by the afternoon since his stitch might heal for a while.

"But," the nurse warn him. "I don't want you to do strenuous physical work that might tear the seams. No carrying things, no fights, et cetera."

Arthur only nodded in understanding. It's going to be difficult but he hoped that this problem will pass. After all, he has played instruments with one hand-wing before.

Just then, his ears detected footsteps coming towards the infirmary. He tilted his head, wondering who it was.

"Arthur!" the female voice he recognised tackled him into a hug much to his surprised. He heard another set of footsteps after her.

"I'm okay, Haru," he assured her. "Just mind where you are holding since I have these stitches. And hi, Legosi."

"Okay? Okay?!" Haru sniffed. "You came back late last night all bloodied and everyone thought Bill the tiger attacked you! Legosi, tell him that the drama club was thinking about suspending him."

"He didn't attack me!" Arthur shouted, much to his own surprised. Both Haru and Legosi were stunned at how the bat just snapped. "Bill and I were kidnapped. While we were hostages, the both of us got injured before we escaped."

Legosi told the nurse to give the three of them some privacy because he caught a distinct scent on the bat despite him being coated with disinfectant. The grey detected a scent that is associated with felines. But it was not from Bill...

Sensing both the dwarf rabbit and grey wolf want an explanation, Arthur told them the story on how both him and Bill were kidnapped by the Shishigumi for food and souvenirs. He was certain that they were going to die in that mansion.

"They didn't try to make you strip or something?" Haru prompted. Legosi placed a large hand over the rabbit's shoulder to comfort her. He knew how traumatic she must have felt during that time.

"What? No!" Arthur shook his head. He was confused by Haru's question. "They just bound me as if I were a prop for a dagger-throwing act in a circus. Wait, you two know the Shishigumi too?"

Both Legosi and Haru exchanged glances whether to tell the bat about their experience with those organised crime of lions. It was Legosi who talked softly about his encounters with the Shishigumi and how Haru was kidnapped to be eaten. Arthur listened to the story with interest and his cloudy blue eyes widened.

Haru wondered if it was difficult since Arthur wouldn't know what he actually looks like since he can't see his own reflection and emotions. Hell, the way how Arthur explained his encounter with the Shishigumi compared to her was more like he was picked on by a brute of a bully.

"That's scary..." Arthur managed to speak after Legosi's narration. "I..I never knew they were that vicious. Because with me and Bill, it was like a typical cat behaviour of playing with their catch. I was surprised that they allowed me to convince them about food alternatives, let alone let me play a tune on their piano."

"Luck is on your side, it seems," Legosi commented. 

"I thought I really was going to be a bat burrito for them," the Honduran white bar wiggled his ears, trying to get rid of the irritable dust he felt in the ear canal.

Haru shrugged and patted the bat's shoulder. "Hey, the good news is that you're alive. Say, once you've recovered, let's plant something new into the garden. You got any suggestions?"

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