Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

After that incident, Arthur was careful with how he planned his routine for the day.

He will wake up as usual to go to the gardening club but before that, he had two food containers with him in his backpack. One was the breakfast he packed from the cafeteria before the other students arrived while the other was a lunch he made for himself which was a peanut butter and strawberry jam sandwich with crispy crickets.

He was greeted by the sweet fragrance of the flowers and tiny whispers around him. He could hear Haru watering some of the plants. The dwarf rabbit on the other hand was glad to see him on time but was picking up that something was wrong. His hand-wings were shaking when he was placing his backpack aside to help her.

She wished she knew what's in the mind of that bat.

'Maybe Legosi knows what's up,' she thought to herself. She knew that the bat had some classes with the grey wolf and it would be logical to ask him when she bumps into him. While Arthur was tending the soil and pulling up the weeds, Haru got a glimpse at his student card. It was like hers with the photo and description but she wondered why are there little dots at the bottom of each section.

She traced them, wondering what the bumpy dots meant. This was what the card read:

Arthur (Age 17)


Omnivora Chiroptera (Honduran White Bat)

Birthday: December 16

Astrological Sign: Sagittarius

Blood Type: B

Height: 5 Ft ., 5 In

Haru found it interesting that he is neither a carnivore nor a herbivore. But Arthur seemed to keep it to himself and focus on his task. She giggled, thinking that she's finally a president in her own club now that there's another member besides her.

After tending the garden, Haru would give some horticulture tips, which Arthur listened with interest. He in exchange told her about the garden his grandmother had back at where he used to live with his father before they moved here.

"So what does your father work as?" asked Haru, as she sipped her cup of tea.

"He's an astronomer at Manticore University," said Arthur. Judging by his tone and toothy smile, he seemed to be proud about him. "He works at the observatory there, sometimes telling me about the universe and constellations on the phone when he's not busy or teaching the students."

Haru was surprised. She can't remember the last time she had contacted her family because they always warned her about the dangers since she's small for a dwarf rabbit. The both of them decided to chit chat before Arthur heads off to his classes. The bat used the last moments to have his breakfast he packed in his container.

It was breakfast from the cafeteria menu containing egg sandwiches, a hash brown and mixed fruits and nuts drizzled in honey which was meant for herbivores but because of what happened on his first day, he received it out of pity.

"Would you like some of the mixed fruit and nuts?" Arthur offered. Haru kindly refused, seeing that this bat had an episode yesterday if he had to eat his breakfast here before class. She's heard all about it from some of the students and even her roommate, Sally.

Arthur ate slowly, still listening to the wonderful sounds of the winds and flowers. He was also savouring his breakfast, since it was delicious. He finished drinking his tea and then decided to help Haru wash both of their cups. Haru grabbed his hand-wing before he could leave.

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