Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

Arthur prayed that the time was right because so far in his life, not once was he ever used as a bargaining chip to adult organisations, let alone carnivorous ones. He can't imagine what his own father would think of him, his friends or...

Mizuchi, what would she think of him now? 

He mentally noted to make up for lost time and come up with an excuse on why he was out late. Maybe he could say that he was visiting his dad and time flew by...

No! It would never work because the dorm mother has all the contacts of every carnivore's parents or guardian. Plus, he's still a minor compared to Agata or these other gang members.

If he ever made it out alive, he bet a cup of tea that Louis might want to speak to him again. That red deer had never been more of a mystery to the Honduran white bat.

Right now, he was riding on Agata's shoulders so that they could reach the Dokugumi's hideout faster before they could spit their acids. The other animals he knew who could spit venom would have been a spitting cobra.

Jokes on them since he's blind and won't be affected by those cobra venom!

"Do you know anything about the other gangs, Agata?" Arthur asked, his ears twitching to listen to the sounds of shoes scraping the stony pavement of the roads...or whatever it is. He could hear talks amongst the Komodo dragons, a bit eerie since he was told that they wore masks.

Was it for fashion or was it a vow if they are part of a gang?

"Only what they do," said the Congo lion. Arthur gripped onto his shoulders as he could feel the pace speeding up. "I don't know them in details unless it's about this war. You might want to ask the boss or Dolph for that matter."


Arthur and Agata arrived to the next hideout. Arthur's leaf-shaped nose caught a whiff of what he would consider as musky with a hint of a dry, copperish scent. Arthur felt sick to the stomach at the scent and he wondered if this is reason the Dokugumi wore masks.

"Not used to it, eh?" a chuckled was breathed into the Honduran white bat's ear. "I thought you bats have stronger stomachs, considering you have groups that live off on blood."

"But I'm not a Vampyrum," Arthur turned his head to the voice. "So....why am I here? Not to be rude but there's a time limit before the last organisation."

"Of course! Of course! Now before anything, my name is Savon. Ironic having that name for a group of venomous Komodo dragons?" the Komodo dragon huffed. "Of course if you decided to run or even fly, remember we can melt your wings with our acid venom."

Arthur lowered his ears. He doubt that he could fly without getting caught by the police.

He realised that these group of Komodo dragons didn't answer his question about his reasons or purpose for the next two hours. He fluffed his fur before holding onto Agata really tight.

"May I stand unshaken," he murmured to himself. "Amidst this crash of a world..."

He was soon lowered down before something was placed around his mouth. His cloudy blue eyes were wide with panic, wondering if this is some sort of muzzle. He tried to shake it off but was hit on the head. So he took a deep breath, before bowing his head.

"Sorry...I'm not used to wearing a mask this tight. But why on me?"

"In case you sneeze or cough," one of the Dokugumi explained. "I'm going to wash my hands since I just touched you."

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