Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Arthur's cloudy blue eyes became wide with shock when Louis told him about a tragedy that struck this school where students were hushed about it:

A herbivore student by the name Tem was murdered and eaten by a carnivore.

Plus, he was also a member of the drama club.

"But I didn't know!" Arthur protested. "I just got here and no one told me about this. Maybe they're too scared or something-"

"I know that!" Louis snapped. "Which is precisely why I am warning you that if you try anything funny whether here or on campus, I will find you. I won't hesitate if you try anything."

Arthur gulped, his little heart was pounding in feat. He wondered what Louis would look like. He knew that the president was a deer but an angry deer would be something new to him. The Honduran white bat wanted to cover his face with his wings. But the bat just had enough of the deer almost crushing his fingers, he head butted Louis in the stomach.

"Why are you so paranoid?" asked Arthur, trying to flex his finger to check if his bones were intact. "I know carnivores are scary and let me tell you, I've been there and almost got turned into someone's dinner. Right now, you have a club with both carnivores and herbivores which is a big step! As the president, I thought you can show everyone that carnivores and herbivores can be friends?"

Louis was silent at this bat's speech. Who was he to lecture him? He was weirded out when Arthur reached up to touch his antlers, feeling the structure and branches. Arthur knew that he must be distinguished judging by the structure of his antlers. Almost felt like ivory like an elephant's.

Sensing that Louis was not going to go the offence, Arthur apologised with a small bow before leaving the office. He needs to get out of the drama club before anything can happen. But he was stopped when something large tackled him from behind.

"Gotcha!" he heard a rambunctious roar. "Looks like you weren't paying attention. So, what's up with your eyes? Show me your fangs! I wanna know if you are a Vampyrum or not!"

Arthur kicked the figure at the chin before biting him.

"OW! What the hell?!"

The drama club members paused as they saw what was going on. Bill the Bengal Tiger had pounced on Arthur when his back was turned and Arthur retaliated by biting him.

Arthur got up, trying to compose himself. He was really stressed out today from all of the excitement. His cloudy eyes, some of the animals swore that it darkened, almost looked like a black hole. "Now I bit you. Did you feel woozy or have a feeling your blood is rushing out? No, I think not."

Before Bill would attack, Legosi and Aoba held him back while Arthur's hand-wing was grasped by Sanu and Shiira, the cheetah. Legosi knew that Bill was going to harass the new student, which was why the grey wolf had a strong grip on him.

"Enough, Bill!" Aoba scolded him. 

Arthur backed away while everyone was arguing. He slipped out of the drama club to make a move to somewhere quiet. He decided to pay the flowers a visit at the gardening club. As he predicted, Haru was around and allowed him to hang out.


Haru was surprised to see him, considering that he always showed up every morning. Something must be wrong. Seeing how his body was tensed, occasionally he shook his head as if a mosquito went inside his ear and him moving his mouth made the dwarf rabbit worried.

She decided to calm him down by talking about flowers with him.

"So what's your favourite flower, Arthur?" she asked gently, placing a hand on his back.

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