Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

Arthur was petrified when Mizuchi finally put the pieces of the puzzle on the mysterious musician in Cherryton Academy.

Despite their growing friendship, Arthur was unsure if Mizuchi would tell this secret to her friends or maybe some animal might eavesdrop on the conversation. Even though Arthur loved playing music and composing songs he remembered by ear, the Honduran white bat was very shy and would often hide behind his wings even on stage.

Ironic for an animal that was born blind such as him.

"Arthur, it's okay," Mizuchi's soft tone assured him. The harlequin rabbit knew what it was like to hide the deepest secrets from everyone. After all, their friendship had always been a secret so it must be fair that she might as well not tell any other animal about this bat's musical talent.

This wonderful, sweet and extraordinary bat....

"P-please forgive me," Arthur stuttered, trying to compose himself. "Yes, you caught me and I am the one behind the music. But I played the musics when I am stressed or when I feel content with myself and the day I had experienced. I opened my window every evening to play music for all animals to listen."

Mizuchi wanted to hold those two fingers to comfort him but that might spooked himself with his shaky state.

"If you are shy," the harlequin rabbit began while sitting cross-legged opposite him. "Why do you let others hear you play? Wouldn't it be nice to do it for yourself?"

"It would be nice," Arthur agreed. "To play for myself but the second I was transferred to Cherryton and my first day in school, I realised that all the animals here are on edge. Even the large carnivores. So I want to help calm them down but I can't reveal myself because I don't like that much attention. I'm very well if I were in a band like in my old school but here....This isn't Gryphon Cross."

Arthur slowly reached out his right wing and without question, Mizuchi grasped it gently in her paw. Those foggy blue eyes that were staring at her despite knowing that he can't see and his ears twitching a bit made her want to reach out to touch his face.

But he had her beat to that.

Arthur was trying to imagine what Mizuchi might be like if he could imagine. He traced her soft, plush fur of her hand gently, trying the shape of her fingers and palm. He imagined her to be very careful with how she designed the clothes or even draw.

He wasn't very accurate but it was the thought that counts.

"Um....can I try something?" Arthur asked meekly, hiding his face in his fluffy white fur.

"Go on, Arthur."

With her permission, Arthur's two fingers slowly made their way up to the harlequin rabbit's face. Mizuchi was blushing at the close contact and thought the bat looked funny trying to make out what seemed to be him trying to imagine what she might look like. 

He traced her face gently, not applying any pressure. She allowed him to touched her ears, she closed her eyes at the touch. Arthur then felt his own ears to compare. It seemed like Mizuchi had long ears while his was big and disc-shaped.

"What do you think?" she asked in a whisper. Arthur smiled softly, a bit of his teeth showing.

"You are..." Arthur began, trying to put words he had concluded. "Lovely....there's no other words to describe what I felt. Of course, I will not forget about what you did to me but what animal wouldn't? I've enjoyed your company since that outing and I have yet to take you out to return the favour. I love the sweater by the way and how it feels like a warm blanket when I wear it."

Mizuchi was speechless as she still had one paw holding Arthur's two fingers. He really thought of that about her?

She felt an ache in her chest, she hoped it was because she was worried about her ex coming in here.

"I love the pencil cup that you made for me," she told him, stroking the finger and then his wing. "It glows at night and I felt safe to sleep with little stars in my own room. Arthur, again I am sorry about my first impression about you and of course I want to have breakfast with you."

The Honduran white bat was now flustered by her response. 

"I heard you crying. I was just in the practice room because I wanted to try out something with the piano before heading towards my dorm. I didn't know it was you, I assumed it was one of the drama club members so hope it doesn't bother you. The sounds I mean..."

Mizuchi shook her head and touched his shoulder. "No, it was beautiful. I can understand why you played in private. Would it be selfish to ask what song were you playing?"

Arthur now has a small grin on his face. "Why don't I let you listen? Please, make yourself absolutely comfortable if you must."

Mizuchi decided to follow him and watched him play.

She has never seen his fingers and wings moved so graciously considering the bat himself was clumsy in his steps. But the music, the notes on the piano sounded melancholic yet so hopeful. How can music do that without words?

She wondered if this was something about music being universal?

Needless to say, she was glad to be hanging out with Arthur for a little while.


"You got all the boxes, Legosi?" Kibi asked as both wolf and tamandua were walking to the practice room.

"All the boxes," the grey wolf echoed. But the canine himself caught the scent of a rabbit as they entered the room. Of course, both of them heard the music which made both Kibi and Legosi sought after the source.

Both of them were not surprised that it was Arthur playing that universal melody but the rabbit...

Kibi's eyes were wide when he saw the scary harlequin rabbit. But this was the first time the tamandua was seeing her not having that smug grin or haughty expression when she and her ex used to walk down the hallways together.

Here, she looked so peaceful, content, ears down and all.


Legosi held Kibi's shoulder with utmost care and shook his head. He might want to have a talk with Arthur later at his dorm room and probably invite Jack to accompany him.

Little did all the the animals in the room knew, a brown and white figure had caught a glimpse of what he witnessed. He was sure to make plans to win Mizuchi back.

And he will guarantee to have a private conversation with that bug-eyed blind freak.

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