Chapter 77

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Chapter 77

While waiting for Arthur to wake up, Yafya was listening to the stories Dr Kirk was telling him. From his old workplace, his son's all-boy's school before moving here. He was surprised to know how their old hometown welcomes hybrids and inter-special couples as if they were just normal animals.

He honestly couldn't understand why can't animals just marry with their own kind? Isn't it easier and the hybrid abominations they called 'children' wouldn't have to deal with the prejudice this world has to offer?

It reminded him of his old partner. They were supposed to be Beastars together but he just HAD to put everything aside because he has a baby to take care of. And look where that go him!

'Inter-special couples think they know everything!' he thought to himself, snorting indignantly. Bats were one of the animals he'd rather not deal with due to their nature. From the history books he has read, bats never contribute anything to stop the world war.

It took a whale to do that!

Honestly, he can't fathom how can one be neutral in the war and still be safe from future threats.

"Oh, you finished your tea!" Dr Kirk's voice snapped the stallion from his thoughts. He gazed upwards at the old Honduran white bat who was using his feet to cling onto the ceiling while sipping tea.

'Another thing about bats,' Yafya thought to himself. 'They have no sense of decency or hygiene!'

Just then, his phone buzzed. Dr Kirk dropped down with the teacup in his wings. He too was curious about what was going on. Apparently, Yafya's assigned squad has captured the harlequin buck but...

"I must be drinking because my squad just informed me that they found the buck but..."

"Must be with a few members of the gang, I reckoned?" Dr Kirk answered with a small smile. Yafya was still baffled at how this old bat took everything as if it were normal. There is nothing normal about this sort of situation! The very idea of the police working with lowlife criminals were out of question!

"Dr Kirk," Yafya addressed the old bat politely, hiding his annoyance.  "Once this harlequin rabbit has been captured, your son will be put on trial. Both of you, actually."

The stallion swiftly turned his head, feeling the presence of both the harlequin rabbit doe and the awaken vixen of the Inarigumi. Mizuchi was furious at what the police chief just said. "Are you crazy?! On what charges?"

"For disrupting the peace," Yafya replied nonchalantly. Dr Kirk began to assure both of the ladies that they will be fine. But deep down, he was terrified at this whole ordeal.

"I will be heading out to meet up with my squad. I will come back tomorrow to see whether or not your son's awake. Goodnight, then."

With that, the only sounds that were heard were the door closing shut and the beeping monitor connected to Arthur.


The next day, there were visitors that came to visit. At this time, Arthur was already awake but felt a throbbing sensation to his head. He tried to speak but the more he made a sound, his throat just hurts.

He had a feeling Genji wanted to severe his vocal chords so that he doesn't get a chance to use either his clicks or voice out his concerns.

'Then again, maybe it's for the best,' Arthur thought to himself glumly. He felt as if he made matters worst not just for Mizuchi but for his parents, his friends, everyone in general. So this lack of voice was somehow a punishment he would gladly take.

Those that visited him were some of the students from Cherryton, mostly the drama club and a few of his friends. As much as he was happy to hear from them again, he wished he could wrapped his wings around his body to cover himself.

"Hey, Arthur?" it was his close friend, Aoba. He could feel the bald eagle kneeling down next to his bed. The small pressure of his feathers closed around his two fingers. "Are you okay?"

Arthur opened his mouth but then closed it again. He didn't want to drag Aoba into this mess. Last night while he was feeling groggy, he could pick up a few words spoken by Mizuchi and an unknown voice, the police chief obviously.

He was going on trial and he shall follow through, hoping it would solve everything.

Instead, his head turned to the direction of the bald eagle, giving him his toothy grin and nodded. There was silence until he felt both of his cheeks were cupped gently by feathery hands.

"Arthur," Aoba began again, his voice was quieter than ever. "You really are bad at lying. Your eyes were trying their best to blink and your head was slightly tilted. Please, tell me what's going on."

Arthur could only sigh, taking Aoba's wing in his and tapped inside of the palm in a sequence of dots. He could hear a few confused murmurs from other drama club members but Aoba knew what it was.

They were communicating in morse code.

"Arthur said that he's going on trial," Aoba translated, earning gasps from others in the room. The Honduran white bat was nodding solemnly. "About what happened to him and the situation with that senior student."

"But that's not fair!" he heard Els stamping her foot. "Arthur didn't attack him."

"Els is right," growled Bill. "This whole system is fucking bullshit! Arthur's too young to even go to jail. Hey Arthur, say something! You can't just be silent about this!"

But Arthur only raised his neck to show the scar that was stitched across his neck. He was terrified of touching it since it could easily tear the wound open. That silenced the room. Other news update was that there's a new member that wanted to join the gardening club.

Ah yes, Arthur forgot that he has so much responsibility. If this is what both Nocturna and Cama Zotz want him to experience, then he shall take it with stride! And yet, he felt like a burden amongst his classmates and friends fro dragging them into this.

"You have to meet the new member! She's a bat that's just as tall as Aoba. Hell, I think he's been tailing her since they first met."

"Shut up, Bill!"

Just then, the door to the hospital room was opened, the chaotic chatter amongst the students soon died down. Arthur detected footsteps but couldn't make out what sort of animals are they. Since his throat has been slashed, it was difficult to use his clicks at this point.

"Herbivores, please step outside of the room this instant," an authoritative voice ordered. This made Arthur's stomach drop, wishing he had a sip of tea or at least listen to his favourite music before all of this. He was thankful that Mizuchi wasn't here to experience this or his parents.

After all, it is his responsibility to handle this now that he's going to turn eighteen.

He felt something wrapped around his shoulders. "Don't you dare hurt him, officer."

"Unless you want to be tased, eagle, I suggest you back off. Now, I don't care if you can't talk or see but I need you to answers some questions, bat. Understand that there will be consequences if you don't cooperate."

Arthur answered with a nod, holding onto Aoba as he was being interviewed for the first time.

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