Chapter 49

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Chapter 49

This is it.

One more organisation and Arthur could finally hang upside down in his dorm to sleep. His mind was too tired to deal with the consequences of the dorm mother or homeworks he has yet to finish.

Has he finished all of them? He can't recall.

"What time is it now, Agata?" Arthur enquired as he decided to cling onto the Congo lion's back like a backpack.

"It's about to be eleven," Agata reported. Arthur mustered up the urge not to groan but face-plant himself into Agata's mane. It was like a forest of hair conditioner that smelled of spearmint and charcoal. If he has another two hours, that meant...

"I'll be home by one.." Arthur murmured to himself before his cloudy blue eyes widened in panic. "That's an hour pass curfew!"

"When you are an adult," the lion growled in amusement. "You can decide your own curfew. You want to sleep in after an hour, just go for it! Just don't tell the boss though..."

Arthur smiled a bit. At least with Agata, he was starting to realise that adulthood was somewhat like childhood but with more homework that are more hands-on rather than written in books or in his case, typed out on a braille machine.

This whole event on this one night was taking a toll on him. He wondered if he has the energy to even carry his phone out of his pocket or taste tea again. Alas, he silently chanted his 'Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night' mantra to give him strength.

Arthur listened as they entered the final hideout that consists of vixens. Agata described to Arthur about how the hideout reminded him of the temples from the very old eras. Arthur was baffled when the Congo lion described the colour red as something to do with prosperity and passion.

"Interesting...but let's finish this last mission before I can hang myself."


"I mean go to sleep," Arthur assured him, feeling a bit grumpy. "Bats hang upside down whether to sleep or to calm down. I rock myself when hanging in a tree once."

"Oh yeah," Agata chuckled in embarrassment. He forgot that bats can hang upside down.

The sound of clicking heels on the cobblestone pavement was enough for Arthur to slide down from his lion companion to greet the final members. Ears perked up, his leaf-shaped nose twitched while he wrapped his wings around his body like a security blanket.

"Thought you wouldn't show up," he heard the remark from the vixen. He could only describe her voice as smooth, similar to those sparkly grape juice he has had from a party once. Refine, elegant and has an edge.

"We kept our words," said Arthur, bowing his head in greeting. He would very much like to wave but he felt awkward considering he wouldn't know if these animals will ever wave back at him. "Not like I would be your midnight munchies if I had said otherwise."

He could hear several giggles from females around him. He guessed that this final group is an all-female-only organisation.

"Look at his ears!" he heard one of the younger females cried. "They wiggle a lot!"

"Do you think he'll bring good luck?" asked another. "Even if his eyes are defected?"

Arthur opened his mouth to use his clicks to give him a rough idea about this final organisation. He knew that they were foxes from what Louis had told him earlier this evening but he wondered if it's just a certain type or any fox can join. So long as they are females.

"So, shall we start?" Arthur asked, trying to hide the nervousness in his voice. He wouldn't know what these vixens will do to him or Agata.

"So eager for a little bat," the first voice Arthur heard purred. He was feeling a bit uncomfortable when she placed both of her paws onto his shoulders. "But you and that ugly brute are going to need a makeover before you start."

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