Chapter 96

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Chapter 96

"- and so, that was how I happened to survive," Arthur finished his story. He was busy recollecting some memories for Mizuchi's parents. Clearly, they both want to frisk him to see if he was worthy of their daughter's affection.

"Glad the Black Market has been demolished," said Mervis, nibbling on his watercress sandwich. "I must say, you-"

"So you are a starving artist and a delinquent," Sakai sneered, her paws gripping the delicate crockery to the point Arthur heard it rattle. "Mizuchi is way above your leagues and what do I hear? A poor musician that will never amount to anything! Honestly, she could do BETTER than to settle for a musician, let alone a blind one."


"If he DOES become successful, how long will he stay loyal to our girl? He can't be recycling the same songs, going on tours that separates them and most of all the fucking pills?!" Sakai demanded, the sound of her thumping foot echoed the room. "These musicians have floozies for all I know and what if he taints her just as he had done to her mind?"

"Now that's too far!" Louis called, feeling him standing up from his seat. "Arthur has proven himself from time to time that he is more than capable. Hell, he's more of a rare kind than whatever you claimed your species seems to be."

Arthur was torn between being touched by Louis' word or how Mizuchi's mother's words rang true. Was music really worth it even if it meant flying a difficult path? Should he just give up and focus on something stable such as physics or becoming a teacher?

"Well, you have something to say? Are you going to lead my daughter into poverty?" Sakai ventured, clinking the teaspoon against her cup. He felt his ears droop at the thought of the future. Was he really going to ruin his life, let alone dragging Mizuchi down with him?

His ears drooped as he faced the shrill harlequin doe. Arthur's ears were ringing from her words but he narrowed his eyes. "My career is not your concern. I hope you realise someday that ultra-wealth doesn't equal true happiness, as you like to think. But if you don't, that is your problem, not mine and not Mizuchi's. I wasn't born with a lucky ticket, but I didn't need to be to achieve my goals in life nor my status because of how I was raised. You can't change my path of life, Sakai. Only I can. And as long as Mizuchi's by my side, I don't see the point in changing it."

He sipped his cup of tea, relishing the blend's flavour with hints of honey dancing on his tongue. Arthur imagined the old rabbit couples were stunned by his words and Louis was on guard, just by how tense the red deer felt beside him.

"I think we are done here," Mervis pipped up with a nervous chuckle. "Arthur, Louis, thank you for coming but I need to discuss some things with my wife. Now-"

He winced when he heard a tight slap. "You DON'T get to decide when I will stop! As for you," Sakai growled. "Stay away from my daughter."

Arthur got up after setting down the expensive teacup. "Thank you for the talk and tea. Coming, Louis?" As he was led out, he turned his head back to the sounds of argument from both the harlequin parents.

"Sakai," Arthur called out, "I may not know what my face looks like or understand colours, but I bloody well know that I'm not blind in this situation."

That was his cue to leave.


He hasn't left the room for a week.

A week full of constant worries about his mistakes and how much he wants to graduate. It would give him a sense of relief and yet, the possibilities of what to come was endless. As much as he was so sure of himself, Sakai's words still rang true.

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