Chapter 78

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Chapter 78

In all his life, Arthur has never been interviewed before.

The closest thing related to this situation would be getting questioned by the principal for something he got into trouble with Sameer. At this moment, all Arthur could think about were his friends from the grey wolf that helped him on the first day to the harlequin rabbit that captured his heart and soul.

Whenever Chief Yafya asked a question, he either nods or shakes his head. But if certain questions needed a specific answer, he simply tap on Aoba's open palm to talk in morse code. His throat still hurts whenever he tried to utter a should.

"You think this is a spy game?" Yafya snorted incredulously. "Can't say a word, bat? Don't tell me that you used to be a child soldier in your old town before coming here. We have laws on those kinds of animals."

Arthur only lifted up his head, hoping that the officer could at least see the stitch across his neck. He simply tap on Aoba's hand to convey his message. But before he could continue, Yafya grabbed his wing so that he could tap on his palm. The stallion has studied morse code before during his youth when he was training to be the next Beastar.

"Arthur taught me how to read braille and understand morse code," Aoba admitted, trying his best not to click his beak since some herbivores are afraid of how sharp it is. Yafya merely nodded, eyes paying attention to the tapping motion Arthur was making.

It took up at least two hours of their time to finish the interview. By the time it was over, Arthur sipped the cup filled with water while Aoba rubbed his back. Yafya was leaning against the wall, watching the whole ordeal. So the father of this blind bat was telling the truth after all.

"I see," Yafya murmured more to himself than to the two flying animals. "So ever since you came here, you've been trying to keep a low profile? How ironic for a flying rat that hangs upside down and can't see."

Aoba just couldn't believe how harsh this police officer was treating his friend! Then again, most of the police have the right to be wary of carnivores since some of them have caused accidents intentionally or unintentionally.

But Arthur kept a default smile but the bald eagle could see his cloudy blue eyes struggling to hold back tears. So, he continued to tap in morse code on the stallion's palm, telling him about his life back at Gryphon Cross, his love for music and fondness for tea. He decided to leave out the details about his relationship with Mizuchi.

'And he has a venomous reptilian friend too,' Yafya rolled his eyes, thinking about how things might have been different if a certain circumstance didn't occur. Seeing the young bat's expression, the police chief involuntarily nickered softly.

"Thank you for answering most of my question," he sighed, rubbing his temple. "I won't take much of your time any longer since I have a busy day ahead of me. And eagle, give him this."

He passed a card that had a number and the police chief's email address. Aoba thought this is pointless considering Arthur is blind and he has never been to the library to study. Needless to say, he will do whatever he can to make sure Arthur is alright.


Later that evening, Arthur has received some visitors, mostly the teachers sending their regards or some students such as those from the drama club. Aoba had to act as a translator while the Honduran white bat's vocal cords are healing.

"The lengths that buck is taking," Haru tsked, arms crossed. "He might as well change his species to a weasel for all I care. So how long until Arthur can talk?"

Aoba glanced at his friend, who was tracing the ceramic plate of his finished hospital meal. Arthur was listening but his expression said otherwise. Haru sat across the bed, tapping him on the knee. 

"Did something happen during your encounter with Genji?"

Arthur fluffed his fur, ears drooped before he took a deep breath. He lifted his head to face where the Netherland dwarf rabbit's voice was. He nodded, tapping on Aoba's palm hesitantly. There was nothing but silence as both the eagle and dwarf rabbit focused on Arthur's tapping motion. 

"My god..."

"What? What's wrong?" Haru demanded, wanting to know what's been bothering the only member of the gardening club to whom she viewed as a little brother. When Aoba translated what Arthur just said, she immediately covered her mouth in shock.

"!"Haru's voice wavered as she grabbed both of the bat's wings. "Who said that you're a burden to us? None of us think so and the same can be said with Mizuchi! Arthur, if she thinks you're a burden, she wouldn't go all the way to call the police on Genji and go against her parents' wishes. She loves you, Arthur and we all care about you."

"She's right, Arthur," said Aoba. "I enjoyed your company and you are never a bother to me. Please, Arthur...You have done so much ever since you transferred here. From your music, your whimsical nature and you don't realise how much you impacted others around you."

Arthur lifted his head, his cloudy blue eyes has never looked so glassy from shedding tears.

With that being said, the both of them embraced the bat who was crying silently. He was careful to not make a sound for he fears he might ruin his stitched up throat. Aoba rubbed his back to comfort him while Haru petted him between his ears.

"It will be okay, Arthur. It may not be now but I wished you could see how far you've come. We'll be there for your trial and who knows what might happen. Oh yeah, since I will be going to university, I'm giving you this!"

Haru gently placed something in Arthur's wing before closing it. Arthur shook it gently, ears perked up and his eyes widened. Aoba chuckled a little bit.

"Your cut from our sales. Now you can buy the trumpet that you wanted. Just try not to buy any poppy seeds or catmint, you hear me?"

Arthur presented them a toothy smile after wiping his tears. He knew that there's going to be a trial coming up for him soon and what the police chief has mentioned. The Honduran white bat was not going to let that harlequin buck ruin Mizuchi's or his life.

Genji may takeaway his voice, spread rumours about him and ruin Cherryton's reputation but Arthur knew too well what he can't take away:


He will not go gentle this time. He will cling onto it, rage against the dying spark of light he has left!

(Author's note: I have an announcement to make: I finally published my first novel after all this time :D)

(If you want to check it out, go to Partridge Singapore and search for my book title "My Boyfriend Cthulhu". Who knows, I might publish a novel series about Gryphon Cross in the future!)

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