Chapter 76

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Chapter 76

Dr Kirk was hanging upside down, observing his son while his fiancé is sleeping next to the hospital bed. He thought back about how much Arthur has grown and the journey he has made so far. It was hard to believe that the same pup who was crying in his wings because he can't see was now a wise bat beyond his year.

He wondered if the decision to move to Cherryton has affected his son greatly just as much as his new workplace?

The work was not the issue since he was used to pressure and intense work hours but the social interactions? His old workplace was a lot lively and so was the prison. While Ten was hugging their son, he thought back about something he had advice his son in the past.


11 Years Ago

 Dr Kirk sighed when he received another call from the school he had registered Arthur to enrol into. However, it has been months and still most of the schools he tried has rejected him. It was because they were not equip to accommodate a blind animal.

He watched his only son, who was tapping on the wooden toy xylophone he had bought for his birthday. As a first time father, he wasn't even sure if it was the right decision to held him from attending kindergarten due to the fact that most children he knew can be cruel.

After all, he had his fair share of bullying back in his youth for being bookish and socially awkward.

Divorced, debt and deadbeat tired, Dr Kirk wished he had the energy to continue his work which was marking most of the exam papers his students have sat for. He winced a bit when he heard a small thud, getting up immediately to pick up his crying son.

"The wall hit me!" Arthur bawled, getting his head a small bruise. His cries really broke Dr Kirk's heart since he never had any experience of fatherhood. His parents were a few kilometres away from his city life but he doesn't want to disturb them.

Certain things were best learn alone.

"Just be careful, son," Dr Kirk soothed him, placing an ice pack on his little head. "Have you tried using your clicks like I taught you?"

"Uh-huh but there's so many things and I don't know where to go!" Arthur continued punched his father in the chest out of frustration. "I heard other kids outside say that I never go to school because I can't see. Dad...why can't I see?"

Dr Kirk sighed, holding his son close before he rocked the both of them upside down on the ceiling. "I don't know, son...I've been asking myself that too. No one really knows how we all turn out once we are born. Everything's a surprise."

"Then my surprise is a disaster," said Arthur glumly, wiping his tears. "I cannot do a lot of things like other kids because I can't see! I wished I never-"

His mouth was clamped shut by his father's wing. Dr Kirk's eyes were already with tears. "Don't say that! Arthur, I know you must be angry and frustrated with the world but believe me there are people who would like to meet you. Some may even like you when they get to know you. I love you, son...I never want to change anything about you."

Just then, their house telephone rang. Kirk picked up the phone, holding his son close to him.

"Hello? Oh, dad! I- What? Take Arthur to the Veteran's Home...Dad, you do realised that he's only six?  Oh...Are you certain it might work? Okay, I might try....But I have to be there to make sure nothing goes wrong! Yes, yes...Goodbye, dad."

"Dad, what's going on?"

"We're going to the Veteran's Home," Dr Kirk explained, his voice trying to sound calm. He was unsure about the whole idea but will have to trust his gut on this one. "Pops has a friend there that might help you how to do things without seeing anything."

Arthur tilted his head, his cloudy were still filled with tears but they held curiosity. 

"His old friend goes by the name of Ol' Hersh, a veteran just like your grandfather. He's been alone far too long and can't see much as he used to. In fact, I think your little fingers can tell that he has holes for eyes."

"He can't see like me?!" Arthur asked incredulously. Dr Kirk chuckled, not wanting to let the anxiety in his gut affect him. Being optimistic was something he has to put up for himself and Arthur.

"Oh yes. I think he'd appreciate if you show him how you can make tea and play music. Do you think you can do that?"

Arthur nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah! I want to show what I can do!"

Dr Kirk smiled, ruffling  him between his ears. "I know you will. Now, do you remember the poem I taught you if you feel scared?"

"Do not go gentle into that good night," Arthur recited hesitantly." Rage...Rage...dying of the light?"

It was enough for Dr Kirk to give his son a cuddle. "That's right. Just be careful about sitting near Ol'Hersh. He's born without fur and he's just cranky as any cat."


Back in the presence, the following day was greeted with an unexpected guest. Dr Kirk wasn't expecting a dark brown horse entering the room with a familiar face.

"Mizuchi?" the old Honduran white back tilted his head. "Who is your friend here?"

"I'm Chief Yafya," the stallion introduced himself, briskly shaking his wing in greeting. "This young lady reported a case that I didn't expect. So just to be clear that the bat on the life support is her boyfriend?"

"Yes, he's my boyfriend and am proud of it!" Mizuchi huffed indignantly before Dr Kirk could say anything. "I just can't understand why my ex can't take no for an answer. After all, he was the one who cheated on me behind my back."

"S-she's right, Chief," Dr Kirk stammered, intimidated by the stallion's stern gaze. "My son and her do care about each other. I've known their situation before-"

"I see," Yafya nickered, writing down some notes with his pen. "Are you aware of the consequences of inter-special couples?"

Both Dr Kirk and Mizuchi exchanged glances. The harlequin rabbit rushed over to Arthur's side, holding his wing tenderly. Dr Kirk held a sad smile. "Of course but there's no harm in that. Where I am from, we do have hybrid neighbours, co-workers and friends. They may be different but that's what makes them unique, isn't it?"

Yafya sighed, rubbing his temples. "Most cases of interspecies couples don't end on a good note. There's a good reason why same-species couple are encouraged once we all reach adulthood."

Dr Kirk wasn't sure if he was accurate but he could detect some sort of bitterness in the stallion's tone. He could hear Mizuchi whispering something to his son while Ten was still sleeping on the chair with a blanket around her.

"I understand, Chief," Dr Kirk nodded, feeling a bit weary at the sudden confrontation about the situation. "Life is full of pain but there's also love and beauty. I just have to trust my son and my own gut on this one."

"And are you aware about your relationship with the head of the Inarigumi?" Yafya questioned, eyeing the old bat as if he were a time bomb. Dr Kirk nodded, smiling fondly at his fiancé.

"I am. Not changing anything about it, Chief. I know it sounds risky but then again, life isn't always straight, is it not?"

"Me neither," Mizuchi added proudly. Dr Kirk noted at how her voice was kept at a low volume, since she was very close to Arthur. He wanted nothing more than to comfort both of them since this police chief's presence. "Chief Yafya said that he's sending one of his police squad to find Genji since he's been harming both of us."

Yafya said nothing but his ears were pinned back. He'd like nothing more than to talk to this young teenage bat that caught his attention. First it was the wolf and now this blind rat who caused a few ruckus in the police force.

He hoped he could answer some questions when he wakes up. For now, he will observe this circus of a family he is experiencing first-hand. Bats from his experience are two sides of the coin. They are either indifferent about their situations or they are outright hostile.

'I feel sorry for those hybrid children,' Yafya thought to himself. 'I guarantee that no one wants to look at them, let alone hear them. Bats with other species are sure going to be a disaster!'

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