Part 48

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Duma walked into the ward with home-cooked food and fresh clothes

" The Dr said you free to go today so I thought I will bring you food and fresh clothes " 

maMaKhaye looked at him " why are you doing this ? " 
Duma: " because its a noble and the right thing to do  " 
maMakhaye: "I don't deserve to be alive I did  bad thing, I destroyed my relationship with my daughter, please just let me be I will sleep in the street " 

Duma smiled " Ma my father's house is not that big or has many rooms to accommodate you, you will be using my room, and I will take the floor but I will sleep peacefully at night knowing that you have a roof over your head" 

maMakhaye started crying, " why, why are you helping me? " 
Duma: " because Life is all about second chances. Not in every single aspect, of course, but we’re often granted a “re-do” without even realizing it.
We’re only human, right? Everyone makes mistakes at some point. so ya ,  Please ma wipe your teas and eat your food,  so we can go, yaziphela  this nurse's keep nagging me about needing this bad " 

maMakhaye: " urg I hate public hospital " 
Duma looked at her and smiled,  he still can't wrap his head around what he saw when he found her in the burning shack everything around her was burning to ashes but she lay there  unconscious with fire surrounding her but not touching her, he could have sworn that he saw wings of an angel shielding her from the flames, he looked at her and knew that God was the one that must have sent him to her to rescue her, he still was not sure about her purpose and why her guardian angel saved her but he had that feeling that whatever it is, it was Gods plan
" so my mom has been asking me when I'm vising home"
Jabu said looking at Mbali, her had was on her lap and Mbali was playing with her hair
Mbali: you know that she is not asking you to visit more of asking you when you moving back home"
Jabu: I know I miss home too and my sister but a lot is going on for me dreams that I want to pursue"

Mbali: you got three Job offers Jabu you still have not decided which university you planning on working in? "
Jabu: Mbali my research was just approved so I have no time to settle down and teach thesis in Parapsychology "

Mbali: sometimes I just think settling down is not your forte "
Jabu raised her head and looked at her
" whats that's supposed to mean"

Mbali: you have two Degree one Honours still studying and doing research God knows why and in few months times you want to travel to Egypt? so tell me what does that say about you "
Jabu: Mbali we talked about this "
Mbali pushed her head off her lap and walked to the kitchen

Jabu: Mbali!!"
Mbali: and I did tell you that I'm moving back to Durban permanently when I'm done with this case "
Jabu: so my life is supposed to be on standstill and revolve around you!!"

" wow " Mbali stopped and looked at her
Jabu: I'm sorry Mbali I did not mean that..."
Mbali: ooh you meant it ...and don't give me these crocodile tears, The truth is that you tend to be more truthful when you become mad when you blow the stacks, you put words to the feelings that need expression...and trust me Jabu I get that, I mean those words may not be accurate descriptions of reality, but they are accurate descriptions of the intensity of your feelings, mixed perhaps with unresolved issues from the past or unrealistic expectations, I don't know...

But the Bottom line is you mean what we say and do. So, rather than discounting your behaviors by disconnecting them from your minds, just fuckin  get in touch with your bloody real feelings, thoughts, and belief and stop screwing with me and stringing me along!!! ". 

Jabu looked at her with tears running down her cheeks,
Mbali never spoke to her like that, she must either be real mad or fed up with her,

The house phone rang while Mbali was looking at Jabu, Mbali cliqued her tongue and answered the Phone
" Ms. Khumalo we have a Mr. Khumalo here he says he's your father "
Mbali: what? "
Security: Mis can we let him in ?"
Mbali: uuum sure "
Mbali pulled up her jeans and walked out to her surprise a black Mercedes packed outside her door
Mbali: shit Mntungwa what are doing here?" She mumbled to her self
" Sfiso can you stop stressing about this ". Cebo said following him to the kitchen, he has been like this ever since Cebo told him about her vision
Sfiso: I just found you and we building a relationship together and you tell me about your destiny that said we can never be together "
Cebo: you don't know that "
Sfiso: your pendant never lies Cebo!! "
He stopped and looked at her

Cebo: don't shout at me !"
Sfiso: I can't lose you I just found you Nomcebo"
Cebo: Sfiso I'm right here can we at least focus on that for now then some destiny I don't know if it will ever happen "
She held his arms and Sfiso looked into her eyes, he breathed out loud, Cebo poses so much calmest with her, her radiant gorgeous features  made him melt, she was definitely his weakness.

" wow !!"

Sfiso and Cebo turned and found Omnia who was smiling from ear to ear looking at them.
Sfiso: what are you doing here? aint you suppose to be at a rugby practice or something?"
Omnia: I should but I didn't want to miss all this "
Sfiso: ooh did you think about a year down the line who will be paying for your varsity fee ?"
Omnia: but dad "
Sfiso: get you gym bag and get stepping "

Omnia walked past Cebo and Sfiso with a long face, this is one thing he can't argue about with his father his education, and judging from his mood he was not in right place for his loud mouth he took his gym bag and found his dad and Cebo arguing again and this time it was about him.

Omnia: I'm out "
Sfiso: take my car you already late don't scratch it or ..."
Omnia: or take girls for a ride with it "
Sfiso: good "
Cebo: be safe on the road and don't speed ok "
Omnia smiled he has never had a mother figure for years, and hearing Cebo say this just felt right and it warmed his heart, he dropped his bag and ran to Cebo and hugged her Cebo chuckled
Cebo: oooh and that's for ?"
Omnia: for being here " he kissed her cheek and ran off,
" don't cook im buying dinner," he said walking out
Sfiso: with who's money? "
Omnia: your phone will notify you dad " he said as he winked at them and  closed the door on his way out

Cebo laughed shaking her heard
Cebo: I should  get going too should I make you something to eat before I leave"
Sfiso felt like locking the door and throwing the keys away she can't leave...
Sfiso: your car is at the antique shop can I at least get someone to fetch it for you "
Cebo: that won't be necessary I will request a driver to drive me there "

Sfiso jumped on top of the kitchen counter and looked at her, Cebo opens his fridge and took out fruits,
"I don't like your temper Sfiso,"  Cebo said looking at Sfiso who was seating on top of the kitchen counter looking at her, making him fruit salad
Sfiso: I said I'm sorry "
Cebo: and I said it's ok "
Sfiso: you don't look ok '
Cebo stopped peeling an apple and looked at him
Cebo: I'm fine I just don't like how you can't control your temper, if you angry with me it must be with me, don't take out your frustrations on another person ..."
Sfiso: yes mam "

Cebo smiled shaking her head
" So where to from now ...when it comes to me and you " 
Sfiso: we do this thing called dating "
Cebo: this thing? you say it as if it's taboo or something not ordinary"
Sfiso: honestly speaking I have no clue on how to do it"
Cebo: mmmm really now so  care to explain the red thong in your drawer "

Sfiso almost had a heart attack looking at Cebo "what?"
Cebo looked at him and bust out and laughed
Sfiso: hhayi mani Cebo don't play like that "
Cebo was in tears with laughter   she took his bowl and gave it to him Sfiso pulled her in between his legs
Sfiso: you the only women in my like and I love you"
Cebo was hesitant to say this but looking in Sfiso eyes it felt right to utter the words "I love you too"
[Austin ]
" can we talk " Austin looked behind him and swallowed, he checked if the coast was clear and he decided to pull her aside
Austin: this is not the right time or place Noline"
Nolin: I don't know when I will ever see you again ain't you the one that left without saying goodbye and a few years later I was served with divorce papers "
Austin: it was not a real marriage what did you expect?  you got your work permit and your business is up and running you even changed your surname  to your madan surname don't bullshit me"
Noline: why did you leave me ?"

Austin: Damn it Noline what the fuck do you want? "
Nkosi looked at Austin talking to this tall beautiful colored  women he has never seen her and Austin was pissed judging by his body language

" Fox, Gail said I must call you the family attorney is here "
Austin tried to pull a straight face but Nkosi saw right trough him there was more to this than what meets the eye.

Austin: thank let's go "
Nolan looked at Nkosi and Austin, they looked like an ordinary guy not showing anything that they might be gays no way could Austin be really gay? could the roamers she heard about him be true?

Noline looked at him, it was in the wat Austin looked at Nkosi that maid Noline's heartbreak into million pieces and confirmed her suspensions, when Austin decide to nudge Nkosi, while Nkosi laughed throwing his head back, she became furious
Noline: Austin!!'
Austin stopped and looked at her
Noline: so you divorced me to be with another man?"
Nkosi: Divorce?"
To be continued

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