Part 56

326 63 5

[Portia ]

I walked inside the kitchen and found this beautiful lady cooking in my father's kitchen,  she was light skin, with beautiful structure, small baby face and her skin was just resident,  she was humming and making breakfast,

Me: Morning "
She turned and looked at me with the most warmest smile I have ever seen, do I know her? I bet I have seen this face somewhere
Her: sawbona Portia unjani"
Wow is that her real voice God, is there anything wrong with this women, she is just too perfect
I smiled,
Me: ngiyaphila? "
Her: I believe we were not officially introduced im Silindile...your big brother fiance "
I popped my eyes open,
Me: which one?"
She laughed out loud, ok her smile tops it all, jealous down she is gorgeous
Her: Mpilo"
Me: angizwanga? Mpilo my big brother, the boring never talk never laugh...stuck up book smart Mpilo, the big gorilla Mpilo? Lowakithi? ....hhaybo are you talking about ingane kaJomo...that Mpilo?"

She was in tears with laughter
Her: yes him, and he's behind you "
Me: oh my God " I turned in terror just to be meet by Sli laughter,
Her: damn your face was priceless "
I held my chest, calming my racing heart down
Me: girl don't play like that know that guy, he can't take a joke"
Her:  I'm marrying him trust me I what I live with every day"

We both laughed, I like this lady ... I don't know her that well but I think will get along pretty well together, we talking just getting to know each other with a few laughs here and there while I helped her prepare breakfast,  she then decided to puts a tray of food in front of me
Me: and then ?"
Her: your father's breakfast please take it to his room, "

Me: hhayboo Sli after everything I told you, you want me to go to the lion's den alone"
Her: you made it this far angithi, you can't hide in your room forever ngcela uhambe"
Me:ngiyasaba" I said looking down, as shame washed over me,

Her: The greatest storms in a child's heart are calmed by the loving waves in the sea of a father's love, so when you go in there you must understand that his half of you, so he knows you better than you might even know yourself. Rely on his wisdom in life and apologize for going astray ...ngcela uhambe before his food get cold "'

She rubbed my arm and continued with what she was doing, my knees felt like jelly as I made my way to his room, the door was open but he was not there, I placed his food on the small coffee table on the corner of his room, memories from my childhood came rushing in looking at the two-seater lazy couch, where my mom will rest her head on my father's lap, while my father red his newspaper

" Go play Portia! We busy "  my mother used to say, but my dad will always push my mothers head off him and made space for me on his lap
"Come popo, ...tell baba what wrong ?"
Me: xolani pushed me "

I smiled, thinking of how overprotective my father use to be, 
I turned and found my father standing by the bathroom door looking at me with a smile on his face
Me: Baba"  tears ran down my face, he opened his arms and
I ran to him and hugged him
Him: my popo when did you arrive ?"
Me: yesterday ..."
Him: so the whole of last night you were in this house and you did not wake me up? "
Me: ngiyaxolisa baba"
I said looking down after breaking the hug
Him: let me look at this really you?"
I giggled " awukahle baba"

I woke up feeling down yet again another day of job hustling I know for a fact that today is yet going to be a tough day for me getting a job, mom and maMakhaye are hopeful that something will come up but  I feel like my prayers are not being heard at all

" bhuti....bhuti Duma"
I turned around and smile it was my little sister Londa,
Her: I'm ready "
Me: let me wash my face I won't be long"
I did my hygiene process and put on track pants and a t-shirt,
Me: let's go "
This has been our daily routine for as long as I could remember,  I walk her to school every morning

Me: So tell me about school?"
She giggled " same as yesterday, kodwa the stressful part is that we only a few months to finals so yah I'm nervous "
Me: girl you got this in the  bag...uvalo alunandawo lakuthina "

She laughed, while I bite my lip thinking that she needs to go to varsity and as much as we can apply for nsfas funding since mom is unemployed I will still need to pay for the registration fee, she was talking and telling me about her subject and how physics is driving her crazy but I know she just saying it because the last tern she got a 'B' in physics she has always been a straight 'A' student regardless of the leaving conditions at home of sometimes sleeping without a meal she still made us proud academically.

A speeding VW golf came speeding to us that I had to shiel Londa,
Me: yini manje Pro!!"
He laughed displaying his grills
" sure Duma,"  he said with a forever hype voice, Pro was one of my friends, he was driving yet another pimped up car, with young girls in the back seat,  he was your typical thug kind of guy, 'bhuti madlisa' they called him,  for as long I can remember Pro has been hustler, his been in and out of jail like it was a hobby for him 

me: " sure Pro! " 

pro: " hello, Ms. Londa " 
Luthando just frowned and looked at him, Pro laughed shaking his head 
Pro: " asiringe ndoda " 
me: "as you can see, ngikhapha my little sister to school " 
Pro: "I can give you a ride...I mean nami ngihambisa amanakazi esgele" 
Londa looked at me with my mothers disapproving eyes,

Londa: " siright Pro, ngicele usiyeke please! " 
Pro started laughing again
Me: "Londa" she rolled her eyes at me, 
me: "look Mfethu ngcela siringe late  ... " 
Pro: " sure  ... " 
He said spinning his tire and driving off 

Londa: "I don't like that friend of yours " 
me: " that does not give you the right to speak to him the way you did " she rolled her eyes 
me: " and stop doing that "I pointed a finger at her 
her: "Bhuti last time you hang out with him you ended up being chased by policy..."
Me: that happened in the past ..."
Her: you know very well that history can easily repeat itself, all I'm saying that be careful of the company you keep " 

she started walking fast and making her way to the school gate, leaving me behind stunned

Mbali budge in my office, she was angry 
her: " what the fuck you doing here!! " 
me: "I'm working as you can see "
her: if I remember correctly I told the captain that you working in my team, till we solve this case you under my supervision, so go home and start packing we going to KZN " 

Me: " what? " 
her: " we have a lead, Cebo knows where Silas is" 
I started laughing and walking around with my coffee mug in my hand, I handed her a file 

me: " I'm done chasing a ghost, find another detective " 
her: " Sfiso ! " 
me: " I'm behind with work, so please " 
I started laughing again " you found a lead bloody hell? " 
her: " excuse me did I say something funny ? " 

him: " well let's see, firstly not so long ago I wanted to find a killer and put him behind bars, wena and Nomcebo told me that the killer is a demon or fallen angel, whatever the fuck he is, well mina I might not know shit about this supernatural life yenu but I know for a fact that you can not arrest a demon or whatever shit this guy is! " 

Mbali: "I know but I need to put this on my report, that I'm taking you with me because we have a lead " 
me: " how about you just give this case to someone else because ever since these killings happened my life has been turned upside down, I just want my life  to back to normal, I'm done Mbali!" 

her: Sfiso what about Cebo " 

me: " what about her ? "

her: " wow! " 

to be continued 

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