Part 140

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"From the  girl you


You are a rapist.
You took a part of me. Dimmed a light that was already flickering.
It was not yours to take. I was not disposable for your pleasure.
Inside of me was a little girl. Innocent. Full of life. Trusting.
That life, that light, vanished the day you compromised my soul.
While my legs lie underneath you, pinned by your inhumanity, you ignored my pleas to stop.
You stood blameless, drained me of my own worth.
My body flinched, made attempts to rid your touch,
my voice petitioned.
You silenced both with echoing disregard.
As I laid there, contemplating my own worth, my own right to say no
…You continued to violate the depths of my parts,
as I buried my dampened face
In the pillow.
Screaming from the inside out, but no voice came.
Frozen by the invasion- your invasion.
My body was not yours to govern. I was not a pawn for your insecurity.
Undraped by your ego, your carelessness, you took, my truth. . ."

I dropped my pan and hide my notepad under my pillow the minute I heard footsteps and loud voices, I got off from my bed I held my tummy I'm almost 5 months now but I look like I'm ready to pop,

" They make it sound like she wanted this!"
" Portia come down ..."
Portia: Okuhle speaks like she, not a female this was not date rape "
" all evidence point to that... Look Portia I said I will help win this allow me to do just that "

The voices I heard were from my mother, my attorney, and Portia I slowly walked to the living room holding my jersey tight, it must be 35 degrees hot outside, but I feel cold and my intuition is to always try to hide my big tummy.

Me: how did it go ?"
I said looking at my mom who was crying. This was the first case appearance, I hate what this situation has done to my family, there are split apart as Okuhle Menzi's sister took the case to stand for Impi.

Sindy condition got worse and her Dr has made her bedridden, her pregnancy was had a lot of complication and Dr urge her not to put too much stress in herself
especially now that she is about to give birth.

Loyalties are split, Mvelo just made everyone turn against each other for Impi 
"His plead is not guilty..." Portia said fighting her tears
Me: what ?"
Mom: this is good maybe this will help to put him behind bars for a long time "

" not quite ma... I'm sorry to say this "
My attorney said looked down, his name is Thabo Motaung, Portia boyfriend, his a handsome man a very good catch, his mature but yet damn sexy for his age if I may add, Portia trusts him so I believe that maybe we got this case in the bag, but his look right now just make me swallow my words.

Me: Thabo what does this mean ?"
He breathes out loud and looked at me
Him: By pleading not guilty the accused person is challenging the prosecution to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he or she committed the crime charged.  So when an accused person pleads not guilty, there needs to be a trial to determine his guilt. .  ."
Me: that could take months !"
Portia: we can still win this "

Me: Portia I got media outside the door wanting my statement, protest march from the LGBT community protesting my right to the nation, I cant show my face out there without people feeling pity for me !! I did not ask for this and I don't want this shit! "
Mom: Jabu you were assaulted justice must be served!!"
Me:in few months time I'm due to give birth...I don't have that much time...look guys I don't think i cant  go along with this !!"

Mom: baby come down ... We only here to help!"
Me: My life is ruined and when the dust settles I will still be holding constant reminders of what happens to me !! ...we win this case or not. Impi Mnguni still wins !!"
I wiped my tears looking at my lawyer

Me: what are my chances for winning "
Him: good ...but listening to his statement and evidence his sentence may not be that long ..."
I held my mouth as his baby started kicking, I sank on the couch crying
Him: I will fight with everything I got... But I will also need your help "
I looked at him
Him: I need to put you on the stand "
Portia: Baby No ... We talked about this " Portia said to Thabo, while
I just shook my head with tears running down my face

Me: I cant"
Him: right now it's your word against his, this case looks more of
acquaintance rape than a rape case,
The Judge and Jury's first glance maybe will be to blame the victim of a sexual assault. Sadly, it’s a common phenomenon. the judge may also have a question like
'You had to know what was going to happen if you went up to his apartment.

“You shouldn't have been drinking.”

“You must have sent mixed messages.”

“Was your door even locked?”

“What were you wearing?”

“How hard did you try to stop it?”
But think about it a little more. You may discover that there have been times when you too have put the responsibility to yourself, rather than the perpetrator... And that is Advocate Ngubane's strategy ...I'm sorry Jabu to tell you this but this  case will rip you apart before you can get justice, are you ready for that?"

I swallowed and stood up, I walked into my room and threw myself on the bed, and cried My sister once told me, “surviving rape made you brave and strong.” But that’s not true. I was brave and strong before somebody violated me and left me pregnant,

But after he made me afraid, made me cower on the gray-carpeted floor of my bedroom and avoid being touched, even by close friends and family.
To be continued

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