part 32

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[ Cebo ]

I yawned as I took a sip on my coffee mug with my eyes fixed on the diary while my other hand was on my laptop, I sigh as I noticed that I just finished my coffee, damn it I was only able to taste a drop of coffee that was left in my mug.

I stood up and made my way to the kitchen, looking outside the window I could not believe my eyes noticing that it was already morning,

For some strange reason I did not sleep last night I think insomnia kicked in or maybe this diary was keeping me up, I just kept turning pages and pages doing a bit of research on my laptop, it's official I have a glips of what the Augury is or what's im called to become, it's quite fascinating that the balance of mankind and the supernatural world lays on my hand my purpose in life is to save the two worlds existence.

For some strange reason It's like the diary was written by me the way I connected with it was out of this world, I felt like I was teleported to another dimension and to realize that I have some sort of powers and ability to manipulate time is like wow factor!

" are you going to drink that?"
I looked up and I was meet by Portia, she was wearing her nurse uniform
Me: mmm"
Her: girl you have been pouring sugar in that cup for hours now, what on earth are you  reading?"
Me: oh shoot I must have ...urg!"
I look at my diary and shove it under my arm "It's just working today ?" I was not about to explain weird writing to her she is a nurse and in her eyes, if it looks  strange and weird it means you need a physic valuation

Her: yah over time girl I need the money, are you on leave or something? " she started making her bowl of cereal
Me: ya I'm on leave  "
Her: wow really!!"
Me: yah" I chuckled
Her: girl you never take time off from work who died ?"
I laughed shaking my head
Me: I'm just tired babe any way you and Ziqubu?"
Her: it is what it is, let's just say that my unhappiness began to grow into resentment with him. Like every couple, we had been through our share of ups and downs and had plenty of arguments and bruised egos to show for it. The last fight we had was different and my decision to leave was sporadic, almost as if I had woke up one morning and my inner conscience said, "Portia, today you have to take control of your life."
Me: I'm sorry friend "
Her: it's ok was bound to happen just that I never anticipated that it will end like this, you know yesterday was the final draw  I drove back home with dry eyes and a sense of peace that didn't exist in my relationship with him, where I constantly ignored my wants and needs to please him. You see girl it's the simple things that made me happy that he turned around and mocked and ridiculed.
Like... "Why should I take you on a date? No man really wants to go on a date," he would say. "Why do you want to celebrate your birthday? You are near 30, grow up," he will laugh as if it's a joke or something.

He never told me that he loved me and said that I should know that, but I needed to hear it. It always saddened me to hear my desires mocked it was just too much for me "
Me: I'm sorry friend, all in all, how do you feel?"
I held her hand

Her: I don't know Cebo I feel sad I just meet this amazing guy even went on date with him the  same day I officially broke up with Ziqubu and I have mix emotions "
Me: why?"
Her: like it's soon you know, I have not healed from the breakup I kinda feel guilty"
Me: Portia, Ziqubu is my best friend but girl he has his own demons to deal with if you stayed with him any longer he would have broken you "
Her: that's true"

We had a moment of silence where we both got lost in our thoughts
Me: so Mr. I went on date with him... who is he?"
She blushed
Her: his name is Thabo Motaung ...his an advocate
Me:yooh Choma levels"
She screamed and we high five

Her: ooh God Cebo his so hot, matured, rich and his such a gentleman, last night we watched the stars, talked kissed ooh Cebo no man ever took his time to boost my self-confidence the way he did "

I'm smiling ear to ear she so smitten the last time I saw Portia like this was the first time she meets Ziqubu it's hurt a bit that my two best friend just called it quiet but I'm glad she is happy.

I rushed to my phone that was ringing as Portia screamed
Her: ooh my God his here his taking me to work, how do I look"
Me: like a hot sexy nurse "
We busy out and laughed, she ran out with her phone in her ear
[Sfiso ]
" hello"
I held my breath its kinda strange talking to her without thinking that she suspects in the murder case
" hi " I sad as I clear my throat
Me: I hope I did not wake you "
Her: No I'm already up "

I'm smiling to myself just to hear her voice again gives me butterflies. I know I shouldn't have but damn these feelings the excitement that She answered my call and how it feels like a breath of fresh air, Like life came back to me all at once at this moment. She did not say much but her voice resonated so deeply in me, it's as if she promised to find me and hold me, or  promised to seek me out to the end of the world and show me the true meaning of love

" Sfiso ....Sfiso are you still there ?"
Me: uuuh ...sorry sure "
Her: did you find any leads ?"
I cleared my throat and nodded shit I even forgot she can't see me
Me: yes I did "
Her: ooh my God....really? "
She sounds so happy, I just made her happy I punch the air

Me: so you want to grab lunch so we can talk about it "
I bite my thumb, this girl scares me, she the kind of girl you wish to introduce to your mother, even though my track record with women is not that good Cebo makes me want to take that lip of faith with her.

I know the problem is me with all my failed relationships I'm moody, short-tempered, I don't give a shit about anyone feeling and I'm always working which means no time for dates and that kind of shit that lovers do.

On a serious note why on earth will I want to complicate Cebo life, she does not deserve that shit in her life, but fuck my heart just beats too fast when I think of another guy with her, hold up is she even dating I mean I just knew her like yesterday "fuck!!!"

Her: what?"
Damn it did I say that out loud
Me: I'm sorry I just ...never mind...look can we meet? "
Her: sure where can we meet ?"
Did she just agree
Me: what ?"
Her: Lunch ?"
Me: ooh uhmmm can I come to pick you up ?"
Her: no need I will be in town say around about 12h00'
Me:cool "
Her: look I have to go, and Thank you again for finding him"
Me: it's my Job"
She laughed
Her: thanks bye"
Me: bye "

When the call was over my world collapsed back to the dark reality that it is, is she bloody seeing anyone " fuck!!"
To be begun again

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