Part 81

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me:" it all started when I was 4 or 5 years, I had an imaginary friend her name was Monica, ..."
Him: the dream walker?"
Me: yes...I was a lonely child while growing up I had no friends, and my mother was overprotective, so I created this world in my head, little did I know that it was real... Monica told me everything about being a dream walker, I did not know till off late that I was walking between two worlds " 

him: " lucid dreaming ?" 

I nodded
him: " yah,  it felt like dream but it was real, my dad said I have sleep paralysis and I had to go under heavy medication, mom was more of a person that listens to me and she told me that it might be a case of lucid dreaming, she said I must try to see past my fears. . . "
Him: mmmm"

Me: So When I was twelve I started seeing things. My eyes began to open after a good night of sleep, but something felt weird. I tried to rub the tiredness out of my face but could not, I lift my arms In a panic I tried to take a deep breath but could not draw air. I could not sit up, and I will constantly see a shadow in the corner of my room. but I knew back then that this was not a nightmare since my subconscious was wide awake. "

Him: I know exactly what you talking about I went through that same process too, I would wake up, but can't move. I will feel like something is sitting on my chest or I'm sinking into my mattress. I might even see something or someone sitting on my chest or witness some other figure lurking in my room. I was puzzled like you and shit like this makes you wonder if you’re really awake or if you’re still dreaming. You start questioning yourself Why can’t I move? Are these visions actually real?"

him: " oooh my God it's like you in my head I was going to say exactly that !"
He looked at me and side smile.
I popped my eyes open fascinated by his reaction, ever since I have known this man I have never seen him smile it was a strange feeling but yet comforting.

Him: so I believe you pushed through your fears right?"
I nodded
Him: what did you see "
I chewed the inside of my lip
me: My first time entering the dreamscape or dream walker journey was a terrifying affair. I opened my eyes to see a beautiful blue sky above me and I could feel the warm sand on my back, if it wasn’t for the fact that I could only move my eyes it would have been downright relaxing. But being paralyzed is a fear-inducing event, and fear opens doors. As I frantically scanned around me, only able to move my eyes I could hear someone approaching me and I desperately tried to sit up to no avail. As I lay there silently pleading with my body to move, I saw myself enter into my field of view. I had the misfortune of not knowing what to do on my first attempt. Shock tool over me as I could see myself, I  stood over the actual me with a friendly smile on his face. What felt like hours passed as we stared at each other, neither of us moving. I eventually worked up the courage and started walking ...towards a long hallway of rooms on each side.

I walked into every room that when I realize that this was not any room but in actual fact, I was walking inside someone dream,
it was off my father and my mother subconscious ... It was fun peace full place to be ....till one day the day my father died I walked to this one room   " 

He shifted and looked at Me,  
him: " what room? ... What did you see ?  "

me: it was a dream of some room but looked like the basement in our house, there was a large group of people inside ...They were all dressed really weirdly. It was like they were all from different eras. There were people clearly dressed like they were from the 1920s all the way up to the 1990’s that kind of vintage look.  When I came down the stairs, they all stood motionless in a large open room. They all stared straight ahead, wherever that happened to be at the time. But as I came off the last step, they all turned to face me. A man...A man ooh my God it's him !" 

I stood up and held my head, 

me: "I was young when it all happened but I know for a fact that it's him..." 
Mvelo' '' Alex you not making sense who? what man?"

me: " the man, back then he was much larger... he stepped out from the crowd. He was a massive man, clothed in a dark trench coat and a large-brimmed hat. I was terrified, I mean, I’ve never seen something like that before. the hat man spoke. He told me that I was to leave and never come back unless I wanted to be trapped with all the other dream walker in that room " 

him: " ya but who is the man" 

me: " the voice the, physical features, the hat I do not doubt that it is the same man I dreamed about today ... " 

him: " hold up the dream you had today was about the hellhound... if this man is in every dark dream you walk into, it might mean one thing that he is your spirit guardian" 

me: " my what? " 
Him: take off your t-shirt "
Me: what?"
He pulled my shirt up and looked at my back
Him: you healing... How is it possible? You are a hellhound and you were attacked by a spirit lion..."
Me: what do you mean ?"

him: " look I don't know much about this ... but I know a person who might pack a bag we going  for a short trip"
Me: to where ?"
Him: just do as I say...while I figure this out "
He stepped out taking his phone calling his mother I say this because he said " sawubona ma"
"So these are the yin yang twins, fuck their gorgeous "
I rolled my eyes and looked at him,
Me: I need your help "
He folded his arms and chewed his gum, I hate his dress style, but even worst I hate his attitude,
Me; she is here....and I need her "
Him: ngingenaphi lapho? "
Me: I'm weak Impi ... I can do it on my own if I could but I cant "
Him: look around you Mr. I used to kill for fun The world is collapsing, and the only thing that really mattered to you is this girl...what the fuck!!"

I ran my hands on my face I have little left in myself...but I must have her. The world may laugh... may call me absurd, selfish but it does not signify. My very soul demands her it will be satisfied, or it will take deadly vengeance on its frame. .  .
Me: we have a deal I get you Mvelo and...."
Him: I don't need your help ...looks like your offspring did the work for me...and made it all easy"
Me: what are you talking about ?"
Him: the hellhound bites the queen...."
Ooh my God, his changing this is bad this is really bad,
I look at Impi laughing  throwing his head back,
If Mvelo if finds out about his wife having a deadly beast bite we all fucked up and this full finds this mess amusing

Me: where is she ?"
Him: with her ancestors ... I got him where I want him...weak "
Me: Impi you underestimate this guy"
Him: there is a new king in town ...look here because I'm in a happy mood today I will get you the girl ... And after this, we're done you old, slow, and not as powerful as  people in our world perceive you to be...who knows I might even take your thrown"
Me: you know that I can kill you "
He laughed walking out giving me the finger...FUCK HIS SO STUPID


"I have to check up on my wife and kids and I need to protect your brother so tell me how on the shit will I do that while I'm stuck here "
Me: Mvelo...I get what you saying but... "
Him: I don't have time Austin...I have this bad feeling that something big is about to happen I don't want it to find me unprepared...on the other hand mama is ignoring my calls she only does that when she hiding something I have to go "
Me: ok ...give me time let me pack"
Him: dude I got this...I need you in the assured Alex is safer with me than being here "

Alex came down and looked at us
Me: you sure you want to do this?"
He nodded, Mvelo phone started ringing and he looked at it and frowned

Him: Mbali...." He answered
Him: what ?...."
Him: what do you mean that Becky still has succubas ???"
Him: damn it! ....shut up and let me talk ...fuck man, look for something, bracelet, neckpiece or ring ....uuuuhmmm  she has a tattoo on her shoulder Gemini tattoo..."
Him: Bingo! are you going to get rid of it? "
Him: dude do you even know what you doing?"
Him: don't give me that bullshit a man's life is in danger not to mention Becky life ..."
Him: good lord how did we miss this? ...ok sure keep me posted...ok shup"
He dropped the call and ran his hands on his hair
Me: what about Becky?'
Him: long story ... let's go, bro"

Alex walked with him and but  suddenly stopped by the door and held his head
Me: Alex are you ok?"
Him: there is a woman in my head her name is Usher ..."
He stops and looks at us
Him: " Cebo is in danger ..."
To be continued

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