Part 113

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" Becky we have gone over this a million times ... "
Her: I don't know what you want me to do!"
Me: I want you to get me out of here now! "
Her: i cant ...i dont know how to !!!"

Me: God damn it ...think about your daughter she needs you, "
Her: I know that "
Me: then show me the way!"
She held her head and looked up in frustration
Me: look I get it you scared but You only get one life here on earth, and it's easy to forget how limited that time is. Time is too precious to be wasted in the depths of negativity and self-pity. If you want to see a change, be the change. You can either despair in the darkness that surrounds you or chooses to turn your heads toward the light and seize your life by the reigns.
Her: I know that..."
Me: but what Becky..."

Her: I just feel like people will never look at me the same again, what if I'm nothing without this entity, what if I lose it all that I have worked so hard for ?"

Here we go again!! I looked at her with a bored face she is pissing me off, I have come to realize that the only thing that  is keeping us here is her fear of what-ifs,

Me: bloody hell Becky  Don’t assume anything right now. How ...when....and if your life will fall apart or not!!!, you don’t know shit!!!. I’m not trying to make you feel worse than you already do. I say this with a smile, and I offer my optimistic thoughts. Realizing you don’t know shit is an invitation to become a more humble, curious, and determined person, Whole new worlds will open up to you when you admit you don’t know shit... Can we please focus on the now and how we can leave this hell!!!"
Her: Stop shouting at me!"
Me: Stop holding me hostage in your bloody screwed up world "
Her: if I knew how to get you out of this shit I would have done that I feel like I'm in hell just by looking at your face "
Me: you are hell !!"
Her: uuuuuuh I hate you "
Me: right back at you red-headed serpent "

She is breathing heavy I'm breathing heavily we looking at each other,  we too close to each other, I'm inhaling her air the mood changes we fighting but I somehow feel her heartbeat beating the same as mine,

" The best part is, you can start small. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. And it can be a baby step. That’s okay. You’ve got to start somewhere. Just start where you are. It doesn’t matter how far you get at first. What matters is that you’re taking steps "
I looked at where the voice is coming from,  a figure appeared and a man no wait boy appeared from a distance walking towards us.

Me: are you doing this ?"
I asked Becky but she was more shocked than I am
Me: ooh shit this is black Jesus, we are dead fuck you Becky you killed me !"
Becky: I did no, such things !'
Me: Black Jesus is talking about steps are we stepping to heaven or hell, ooh God I'm too young to die, he is here to read my testimony this is fuckin Judgment day"
Becky: shut up !"
Me: I don't want to go to hell!! God knows I'm a sinner"
Becky: I said shut the fuck up, you idiot "

" I'm Alexander and I was sent by Mbali, apparently you two are sleeping lifeless in some apartment, stuck in a subconscious realm"
Becky: Who are you ?"
Me: he said his Alexander, Dumm ass and he is here to get us out of here ..."
Becky: Mangalisa!!!"
Me: what ?"

She rolled her eyes and we looked at this boy
Him: God if married life is like this, I don't want to get married "
Me: what? She ain't my wife "
Him: whatever dude... Look Becky you the are the door Mangalisa is right ..."
Me: she does not want to admit that "
Becky: because I don't know how to get us out of here " she said through her teeth
Him: and Mangalisa you the Key"
Me: uuuum I'm a what now ??"
Becky: you the bloody fuckin key and all along you have been blaming me for being stuck here "
Me: Becky shut the fuck up and let Black Jesus talk "
Him: what ?"
Becky smacked my shoulder
Becky: don't mind him his mother bumped his head way too much when he was born...if you can be so kind and tell us how we can get out of here please !"

The boy laughed shaking his head
Him: Have you ever remodeled a house? After the demolition, it’s a mess much like your life now. And yet, people knock down walls and tear up floorboards every day, in the name of change, building something better in their place. The same thing happens in our lives. The structures we build for ourselves can only withstand so much. Some fissures run deep below us. Forces we cannot see or control may come ripping through at any moment, shaking our foundations and bringing our walls tumbling down.

Maybe you took a sledgehammer to your own life. Maybe a hurricane or a death in the family swept away everything you knew. A lover walked out, or a doctor walked in with the worst news of your life. You almost lost everything.

Whatever happened, your life did not go the way you expected it to go, and now you find yourself at a place you don’t want to be,' your own head ' reeling from a loss, frustration, and identity crisis.
Whether you chose it or not, you’re in the middle of a life remodeling so  let's start with the foundation "
Becky: I'm sorry but what are you ?"
The boy laughed
Him: I am Alexander Fox the Dreamwalker ...
To be continued

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