Part 3

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I heard someone calling me from afar it's was so faint and then I felt a sting on my cheek ooh shit what the fuck?

I slowly opened my eyes and I was meet with Mangalisa and Portia eyes fixed on mine
Portia: are you ok?
Mangalisa: what on earth are you doing on the kitchen floor? What happen is the panic attack back? "
Portia: what panic attack?"
Mangalisa: was I talking to you?"
Portia: if there is something wrong with Cebo it's best I know I live with her"
Mangalisa: so that makes you untitled to know everything about her...get out of here let me talk to her "
Portia: the hell I will move I'm a nurse I'm qualified for such things"
Mangalisa: I said fuck off!"

They busy exchanging words shouting and making my head spin, what the fuck is going on what am doing on the kitchen floor I'm trying to register everything and it finally hit me the pendant, I hold my chest it's still there
Portia: I hate you"
Mangalisa: funny how you forgot to say that to me when I made you came last night "

Ok, this two are getting on my last nerve now,
I try standing up but my head was heavy that I sigh loud holding it
Me: can you two stop ...just shut up !!"
They stopped and looked at me, Mangalisa helped me stand up and I rested my arms on the kitchen counter placing my head on top of my arms
Portia: babe are you ?"
Me: I'm fine I just fainted"
Mangalisa: why ?...what happened are the dreams back ?"
I looked at him telling him to zip it
Portia: what dreams?"
Me: Portia im fine stop listening to every absurd thing Mangalisa says "

She looked at me, I know I will not hear the last of this she is not buying the ' i fainted story '

" what the fuck happened ?" Mangalisa budge in my room and banged the door behind  him he whispered coming to sit next to me
Me: I don't know "
Him: is it ..."
Me: no it's not that "
He looks at me " you look shaken it's like you have seen a ghost"
He's right about that but I doubt that its ghost that I saw but something bigger than that, I just need answers
Me: I feel like rescuing the old lady last night was no coincidence"
He looks at me
Me: look... I don't know but I have this unsettling feeling, so I will pass by the hospital this morning and just get clarity "
Him: does it have to do with that thing on your neck?" He points at the pendent,
I touched it and nod
Me: I don't know...look let me get ready for work "

Him: sure I will come to fetch you later "
Me: my shift starts at 10:00 I got a class to teach wena you need to tell management about your EMS quitting and what work must be assigned to you meanwhile till they find you a new replacement partner"
Him: urg ...why don't I work with you nje meanwhile?"
I laughed
Me: because I love challenging my brain that why I wanted to try something new like training new recruits,
and you like things the way they are but my brother you forget that Comfort and the fear of change are the greatest enemies of success...just try stepping out of comfort zone"

Him: ooh shit here we go again I'm out if here usuqalile with your lectures "
I laughed
Me: ooh! and Mangalisa can you please stop sleeping with Portia it's kind sheepish, she is my friend and my roommate and you are my person urg i just can't deal with you're bullshit "
Him: you know how I feel about her!"
Me: Mangalisa you're afraid of commitment and you know you can't give Portia what she wants"
Him: what she wants is my dick what she needs I'm still working on it "
Me: more reason to stop making her you booty call"
Him: come on Cebo I'm trying to work on my shit here..manje nawe uyangibasela come on dude!!!"
I raised my hand to surrender every day I have this same talk with him or with Portia but they always end up doing the opposite, he walked out, and I breathe out loud throwing my back on the bed.

I set on my bed thinking about this pendant on my neck, a few minutes later I jumped off my bed dropped my clothes, wrapped a towel around my body and made my way out to take a shower only to be meet by Mangalisa and Portia exchanging spit in the passage, ooh God really now!!?

Me: guys really? You have a bedroom for crying out loud "
Mangalisa: we done I'm on my way mom"
Portia laughed,
Urg I pushed them off the way walking in between them and made my way to the bathroom,

Minutes later I was on the road going to the hospital, upon arriving it was a whole new story
" what do you mean she died"
Dr: more like she was already dead when you here "
I looked at her with my eyes wide open
Dr: you brought her here with a missing organ only God knows how she talks with you all the way from old age home to here, but when we started the operation we realized that she had no heart and she was long dead because her body was cold and turning blue "
Me: that is absurd you know it and I do"
Dr: I know but ..."
Me: but the stab wound was not close to her vital organs, how can her heart be missing? "
Dr: all I know is that she was missing a heart look Cebo I have to go home my shift is over, this is no longer our case but an investigation the body is at the morgue and we called the  police to investigate further."
I stopped and looked at her what the fuck?
Me: can I see her ... I mean the body "
Dr: its a police matter now so you may wait here or you may go to the police station for a statement and ask them to see the corpse "
She taps my shoulder and walked away ok this just really strange what just happened?
To be continued

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