Part 149

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I was born a witch a healer, born with a disability of hearing but my gift allowed me only to hear and
Sence bad things before they happen, when my sister died a part of my ability went with her, I became human...mortal per se, I started having feeling and emotions that human have, Jisha the yin yang twin was now just Jisha the deaf girl.

When Usher died, depression, anger, and hate clouded me which I now realize was grief, Cebo did everything single-handedly and made my sister's service the most dignified send-off, not to mention the most beautiful one.
She sang a song on Usher's funeral service that I know she probably thought was performed poorly, but that moment was so dear to me. As much as it was such an emotional day for me and Cebo, we both needed that reminder that we needed each other more ever now.

Transitioning from having powers to being an ordinary girl was hard but Cebo told me that  'The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any, great power lies not on the surface, but deep within persons being'

She was right because not only did I Master helping her find her powers but it also helps me to unleash what I am capable of.
Being in Cape Town was a roller coaster ride of emotions for me, I lost, cried, grieved, laughed, love and I found belonging, and all of this was made possible by Cebo being in my life.

My relationship with Cebo has blossomed into something so strong and so remarkable, in her I found a big sister, a friend, and the person I look up to, She has thought me that
Sisterhood can be a big sacrifice.  You have to give up a part of yourself and accept the other woman for the imperfect daughter of God that she is. It is not always perfect, but this bond we have is so beautiful.

In the past, I was focused on the sacrifices I made for her, but I know she also made sacrifices to accommodate me in her life. I cannot imagine what it must have been like to have me trailing behind her all the time, wanting to know how to be more human and to understand love.

I remember how she helped me on my first date with Mbali. She did my hair and gave me a dress to wear, not forgetting her advice about relationships ...and that night turned out to be the best night of my life.
When my makeup smeared from crying when I and Mbali faced relationship challenges, Cebo took it upon herself to protect me and told Mbali where to get off, and that alone told me that she will forever have my back as much as I will have has.

I felt Mbali hands on my thigh
"We home "
I looked at her house it was big, really big,
Me: ooh God why did you convince me to come here "
Her: it's just Christmas with family"
Me: with your in such a house?"
Her: babe stop stressing... Mom will. love you "

I bite my lip a part of me wish that I could have spent my first Christmas  celebration with Cebo and the boys, but Mbali on the other hand has shown me so much love that made us move from being just girls making out to talking about the future,
I really can not believe that I started without knowing how to open my heart or love someone so fully and so did she. We were best friends and were just teaching each other how to love another person in an indescribable way. Love is a scary four-letter word that gives another person a key to your heart that they hold forever. . . but I trust Mbali with my heart wholeheartedly.

As we walked out of the car she took my hand and kissed it, " come let's go " I'm thinking that I need a mirror to look at my self just to check if my hair and makeup are still in tacked
Her: you look beautiful "
She says it in a way that just made me blush,

We were welcomed by screams from A  beautiful lady with deep dimples, she has a natural afro, that was held into two buns she wearing shorts and a baggy tank top, ok I thought Mbali was cute but her  damn
" Finally  ... I was getting uncomfortable with your father looking at me with a smile on his face "
Mbali: he is your father too"
Mbali said after they stopped hugging,
Her: whatever... you must be Jisha "
She said looking at me with a bright smile, I nodded

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