Part 100

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We had nothing to do but just talk, in this dimensions, Becky is not a talkative person so I was the one pushing her button the wrong way,
she easily gets annoyed and damn does she hate when you ask her personal question, at this point, I want to crack her open so we can get out of this place,

Me: all because you hated that your father decided to move on after your mother died ?"
She looked at me with a frown

Me: I think it was never about my father but my ability to be forefront with my life, I really on him for my happiness he had to give it to me"
Me: what made you think he was having an affair with your stepmother while your mother was still alive and sick"
Her: three months after my mother died he remarried "
Me: mmm I see look Becky your stepmother did not kill your mother "

Her: you do not know that !!"
Me: I know that a man weakness is to see the love of his life die and has to deal with a teenage girl, he was not looking for a wife when he married the other women but more of a companion who will feel the void"

Her: that's not true ... That woman was a witch "
Me: So was the woman who took your ex-boyfriend and so was the woman who married your baby day?"
Her: stop putting words in my mouth "

I stood up and with my hands on my head
Me: do you know how many parents die in our community and children have to live with abusive guardians
or even worst evil stepparents! but you don't see us inviting a devil to have supper with us better yet allow them to feed in our soul and possess us "

Her: Zichuuubu"
Me: Z...I...Q...U...B...U!!"
Me: you invited it in ...and you knew that darkness was creeping in, you saw it and wanted to use it for revenge"
She looked away
Me: you hold me captive in this dry forsaken land of yours for what? Just because you feel will feel empty without that blood-sucking demon in you "
Her: Shut up!!"
Me:  you going to let this devil shit hanging over your head go and leave your life don't you want to be free ... To be you love reconnect with your family"
Her: you think I like being like this!!?"
Me: so you rather leave with a demon to feel whole ?"
Her: I did not have a choice "
Me: you enjoy being in control... Selling lust and crippling man to your spell "
Her: you really starting to annoy me "
Me: we stuck in your heard women and I got a life to live back home, I want to rewrite my wrongs and live my life the right way you the key of getting us out of here, stop being in denial and just admit it!!"

She set up straight and pulled her knees to her chest
Her: I did not know I had a demon inside of me till off late, ...when I found out it was too late it has already become part of me, I didn't know who Becky was without it so I allowed it to feed inside of me are you happy now!!! "

I turned to look at her, she was crying

"For years I lived in feat, I was terrified but also convinced more than ever that I had to keep my affliction a secret. I feared that if anyone found out I was possessed they would either think I was crazy and send me to an asylum or, if they actually believed me, I would have to face possibly being seen as evil myself...
During these episodes, my brain felt as if it were vibrating and then turning to concrete from the inside out. I wouldn’t lose consciousness, but I would zone out, unable to speak. My reality was twisted in ways both nonsensical and scary. Almost everything I saw either changed physically or registered as something else in my mind.

After each episode, I was left with a creepy feeling and a monstrous headache that caused me to be distracted and unsettled for hours. Still, as freaked out as I was, I didn’t tell anyone what was happening to me. Not my parents, not any of my teachers, not even my friends. In part, it was because I had trouble finding the words to describe what was happening. And, at first, I wondered if it was really happening at all or if maybe it was just my imagination run amok.... "

Me:  What I see here is you crying out t be loved, but because it mixed with the feeling of loss and grieve I sense hate and resentment and this beast inside of you has been feeding you with the thought of revenge do what was done to you tan times more to others ..."

She stood up and giving me her back 
Me: I would say I'm getting worm but this hit is blazing we pretty Hot "
Her: shut up!"
Me: have it ever occurred to you that you are beautiful without that thing inside of you "
Her: I said shut up "
Me: Whatever you try to run away from, you run into and whatever you try to bury buries you, until you learn to love both sides. Any part of your life, any person, place, thing, idea, or event that you try to avoid or seek runs your life. Becky, You are the master of what you love and the slave to what you don’t...

The key is to love and accept yourself despite your past  and implement strategies that will help you to innocently favor your newly developed and preferred you, not a bad person or evil person were posses say it believe and cust it away "

She looked at me with tears running down her face
Me: now please get us out of here "
Her: i...I don't know how too..."
Me: what?"
To be continued

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