Part 88

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***Inside Becky house ***

Becky: Mmmmm "
She said rolling her head right to left, grinding her teeth together.
As much as the demon can hide inside a human host it was no match to the water they stepped in too,
Mbali started with pouring the waters over their head down to their body, and things change from thereafter, their body change they started feeling that the water is burning,

Ziqubu: uuuuuh!Mbali I'm burning up! "
Mbali did not say a word but continued to pray and walk in circles around the jacuzzi tub,

Ziqubu's head started burning up, it was like the sun is shining just a few meters from his face, he could hear Mbali praying  but deep inside his head there was this loud noise, it was chaotic noise, screaming and talking at once kind of noise, he screamed and held his ears,
Ziqibu: stop..."
His ears started to bleed and every time he tried to talk he bite his lip, tongue, and inner cheek causing  blood to sludge out of his mouth

Mbali continued to walk around calling heaven, "  Devine internal father in the union with your divine son and the holy spirit and through the immaculate heart of marry, I beg you to destroy the power of the greatest enemy the evil spirit that resides in this two souls .... "

Thami popped his eyes open as he saw Becky's eyes change to yellow wish snake eyes
Thami: ooh bawo " he ran inside the house and closed the sliding door as his heart pounded.

The atmosphere, in the back yard, changed completely the sunset that was shining so beautifully a few minutes ago was now dark skies, fear crept in Mbali heart she could tell that the demon was invoked and about to come out,  she has never conducted such spiritual casting on a human being.

And It was even scarier to think about the demons she about to banish out of their host, these dark spirits are the most dangerous blood-sucking and a paralyzed entity that ever lived a succubus and Incubus...

She closes her eyes, embedding her spirit, mind, body, and soul to the  heavens, she could only count on her faith and allow her body to float and allow the holy spirit to take over

Mbali: cust them into deepest recesses of hell, I call upon Saint Michael Archangel to defend this two soul before you...."

Ziqubu  stomach started turning and he let out what looked like dark black blood, his eyes red with veins around his eyes, he was puzzled about what happening to him worst part scared, he knew something or someone was taking over his body, he kept seeing things from the dark world and the living,  his  entire body was stationed in one sport every time he tried to jump off this boiling hot waters, he was blocked by some sort of force shield,

Ziqubu: Mbali...I feel...oh God I'm dying...., " he screamed again as he felt something grabbing his brain and squeezing it, he was bleeding through his note, eyes mouth and ears,

He notices that the bubbles of water inside the jacuzzi was boiling and bubbling with steam rising, while his head was buzzing with terror he heard the siren calling him he was in pain and drain to even look around,  he could not fight whatever is taking over,

He slowly opens his eyes and looked at Becky, he was shocked to see how she was screaming and transformed into what looks like an angel, But it was red with big wings that had no feathers more like bat wings, the beautiful women she admired a few minutes ago was totally different, she looked scary, ghoulish yellow eyes and a large, extended snake-like mouth with rows of razor-sharp fangs that were similar to a shark. Not only was her teeth hanging out her mouth they drip of dark fluid, but her whole mouth was also dark inside like a venomous  black mamba's she looked half serpent and human,

Ziqubu: Mbali gets me out of this bloody water now !!!"
Mbali was not even paying attention, she was deep in prayer, Ziqubu tried to swim out of this jacuzzi but it felt like quicksand, pulling him down, while Becky grew bigger and she could  flap her  wings
Becky: "Do you know who I am!!! "....the Succubus in her that possess Becky body spoke as it rose from the water, it's was powerful and big and the force shield could not stop it,

Thami screamed inside the house and ran to the bedroom and hide in a closet,

The succubus flew around Mbali as she prayed even louder
" Stop that ..." The beast inside Becky said, it tried to attack Mbali but bigger wings flapped around the sky and Becky screamed as she was hit by a spear

Mbali: don't kill it ... It's still holding on to Becky soul!"
Mbali said to archangel Raguel her guardian angel archangel of justice, fairness, harmony, vengeance, and redemption...
Mbali: I need to save them and deliver them redeem them from this evil ..."

Raguel looked at Becky her variety of supernatural powers that grow stronger every time it came closer to them,  he started heating her with fireballs that were enough to tire her down then kill her,
Raguel: save the boy " he said to Mbali

Ziqubu's body was becoming weak and started shaking, he collapsed and slowly sank underwater, his soul was on spiritual warfare with the entity that was fighting to take his soul to the underworld.

Becky screamed looking at Ziqubu burning and sinking in holy water that was enough to kill a demon in him,
She tried to help him but the water was burning and it did not help that she was down and injured as well she Was hissing at Mbali, as she went deeper and shouted out ancient prayers that invoke God's power to dispel the darkness of evil. And that alone made dark forces  weaker

Mbali spoke to Ziqubu, in fact, she spoke with his soul she felt the need to hug the lost soul he was after all a victim in all of this,
"  Ziqubu allow this dark spirit to leave your soul your body and your mind,
I know you feel a deep longing...A tugging at your heart... Overwhelming emotion trying to bubble up...This is a good sign that the Spirit of God is encouraging you and that you should consider praying and asking Jesus into your life. You are only guaranteed one chance before your time on Earth is done, his yours use it "

Ziqubu was slowly losing air the entity was taking him with him, it knew that it can never rise, the prayer, the holly water the archangels that are surrounding this place this was a war it was never going to win,
Mbali: Fight Ziqubu... Call out his name now! "
~~ God, I know that I am a sinner and unless you save me I will be lost forever. I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins and arose on the 3rd day. I accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior, in the name of Jesus,~~~
Becky( Succubas)  felt strong air or was it a blow that left her plastered on the walls bleeding to death it started crawling through the walls, it wanted to escape but it was surrounded by archangels, carrying, swords, spears, and arrows,

Ziqubu rose underwater it like something pulled him out and placed him on the ground next to the jacuzzi, he only felt wings flapping,   he started coughing and catching his breath,

Mbali finally rose up from the floor she was tired but, Mvelo told her that she must cust the demon back to hell  with fire so that it will not harm the host which is the body of Becky and Ziqubu

She took a glass bowl and said the Incantation, "let light rise out of darkness," while holding a match over It,  She then took the mandrake root, and place inside the glass bowl, Ziqubu's Tomy Hilfiger hand band, and Becky hair strand and a few drops of z their blood into the glass bowl. She then drops the lite match inside. As the flames rise so were Becky and Ziqubu's entity started burned from the inside out.

Mbali continues to Incantation: "Let light rise out of darkness".
Ziqibu and Becky screamed as flames covered their body,

With so much energy drained from Mbali her, she dragged her body inside the house,

Thami mouth was on the floor with his head looking through a small space through the blind, he was in shock and almost peed himself
Mbali: it's done ..."
Thami: Mbali they burning "
Him: not them but the spirit that possesses them, give them 15 minutes"
Thami: are they in pain....they look like they're in pain "Mbali slouch on the couch,
Mbali: they should be there are carries of sexual spiritual tiars and they allowed their body to be used by sensual spiritual demons, let them burn please"
. to be continued

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