Part 7

703 71 13

[ Nomcebo]
" why is it hanging around your neck? "
Mbali asked I swallowed hard, I feel guilty right now for what? I mean I didn't do anything but just wear a dead women jewelry...oh God I'm going to jail

Me: she gave it to me, one off the reason I came to see her today was to give it back to her"
I look at her ooh God I hope she buys it
Mbali: I see  ... Well it part of evidence now you may give it back I will give it to her family "
I looked at her and at Ziqubu , how do I say this without looking crazy that whenever I take it off it finds its way back to my neck,
Ziqubu: dude take it off "
He nudges me as I reluctantly took it off and placed it at her hand,

She held it for a moment I could swear that I saw two worrier angels standing next to her,
When she raised her eyes to meet mine her eyes turned sky blue and I felt harmony in her presence, she was different she still looked like the same girl but different aura about her
Her: you may go thank you for the statement "
Me: ok"
Her: ooh and Mis Makhayi it has begun and I will be in touch "
I looked at her for the longest time, it was the same words the dead old lady said to, she knew something who is this girl? Ziqubu pulled me by the hand, I think he was more afraid of me being in trouble with wearing a deads women pendent

I have spent years trying to muster my spiritual calling, I studied forensic and science because I wanted to know the grey areas between the supernatural and natural world, I was called to be a prophet to prophesize of what to come but God never gave me any tools or detailed information on when is it coming...who will it affect... how can it be stopped. 

I guess that how God works because That what happens when he uses his people as vassal,
This goes back to the bible when,
Noah was told about the flood  
Adam and eve were told about the fruit
Moses was sent to lead his people from slavery,

God gives instruction and he says that with faith you will find the answer, but who listen to faith not all humans are believers, I spend years trying to close that gap that science can meet spirituality, I mean we leave in the natural world but not all things are natural and it takes a person with a third eye to cover all bases.

So I took this career path to fight the underworld, evil and the supernatural using my calling, knowledge, and skill because trust me with just me being Mbali the prophet I suck at resolving anything I'm left with more questions than answers
which lead to me giving false information making the worst-case scenario even more complicated.

But it good to say that we learn from our mistake because right now I'm not shaken and work with no doubt, with help from heaven and earth I got this.

I looked at the pendant again and frown,
It's like Noncebo past flash before my eyes when she handed me that panded,
I saw everything, No wonder she has OCD her past is really dark I salute her for being this strong, but yet again I'm afraid that her life is yet to be more complicated I wish she survives this blow

I bagged the evidence and placed it on the desk, I took my cup of coffee and stood by the window thinking about this case.
I took out my phone and called my beautiful Professor she is an Archaeologist and also the love of my life
Her: I don't have much time I'm representing my article to the bord"
I looked at my wristwatch
Me: you late "
Her: story if my life, but this is huge for the university "
Me: I just want you back home'
Her: you traveled the world for almost 10 years you never heard me complain"
Me: shut up you tag along most of the time "
Her: mmmm yeh almost forgot "
I chuckled 
Me: did you find anything about the crystal"
Her: ooh about that sorry babe it belongs to an ancient covenant of witches"
Me: covenant?"
Her: “yah Covenant also refers to a spiritual power of agreement much like coven which refers to a gathering of any kind, though we now use the word groups or organization of witches, "
Me: wow where are they from? Who's the leader "
Her: babe I have to go I will skype you when I get the hotel for more details just summon Raguel she might know, we talking about 10,0000 BC ancient here "
Me: damn ..."
Her: by babe wish me luck"
Me: goo...
Beep... beep... beep... Just like that she was gone, I slouched down and taking the evidence bag trying to get some answers from looking at the pendant, but the bag was empty I stood up looking around the office, thinking if it fell down I could have sworn that I put it in the bag
" what the fuck ?"

[ Sifiso]

I looked at her with a surprise what did she say the caretaker name was...
Me: what?"
Her: Nomcebo Makhayi...Buyisile Mzobe...Prianta Chetty... Lilly Adams... "
Me: what?"
Her: she had split personality disorder when she believes she is a different person with a different name she acted and spoke like that person,  so the last one before she disappeared was Nomcebo Makhayi,  ... "
Me: what do you mean she disappears?"
Her:  she left one day as Nomcebo talking about she needs the warn the others that it's coming ... Their lives are in danger or something,
But it been two weeks and she never returned "
Me: and you never reported her missing? "
Her: we did but it was a cold case she had no identity documents or relatives "
Me: what's her real name?"
Her: we called her what she wanted to be called on those days she used other people's identity,  the staff said she had some psychic ability because she spoke the past... the present and what's about to happen, we'll I never had any of those encounters... Until?
Me: until when?"
Her: ooh my God"
Me: what??"
She is annoying me with this hesitation speech 
Her:  Life is a flame that is always burning itself out, but it catches fire again every time a child is born. June 3rd the Augury will rise "
Me: what? That was yesterday...June 3rd and when did she say this?"
Her: two weeks ago ..what does it mean?"
She looked at me for answers  like how on mother of Christ will I know
Me: can you give me a minute, '
She handed me the keys
Her: drop them off my office when you done,
Me: sure "
She walked out leaving me more puzzled than the minute I stepped inside this room, I started opening up drawers and I found what looks like a thick journal, I page through it and this writing was not normal it was written upside down from the write to the left of your page the handwriting  was not clear, but surprisingly the dictionary size journal was written till the last page,

I took out my phone and called Mbali
Her: you found something ?"
Me: you have no idea "I looked around the room shaking my head,
Me: I think Nomcebo is linked to this case "
Her: she is the key and she is in danger " 
Me: what?"
Her: just a hunch what did you find there? "
Me: drawing of the victims and other unfamiliar faces and journal I can't read this language"
Her: I'm coming there with my team "
I looked at the pictures and frowned, it was a picture of a heart held in a hand with long claws Nomcebo was kneeling next to some girl that was bleeding out, she was wearing a crystal ankle bracelet
Me: damn I think she knows more then she giving out"
Mbali: or she knows nothing at all, but either way will get answers... "

I dropped the call and I made my way to the metron office, I told her that the outside building is a crime scene now, she had no problem with that thank God.
I type a message to Mbali providing her with all the alias names that the matron gave me to run on the system along with the riddle
~~Life is a flame that is always burning itself out, but it catches fire again every time a child is born. June 3rd the Augury will rise, ~~

Mbali: bring the journal with you I have a situation here I just lost evidence "
She texted back what the fuck is she talking about? I walked out as the forensic team made there way inside.

Driving back to the office I was not sure about this case anymore, it looked not normal, I have been in the force for years but never ever been spooked by a case before,
why a heart out of all human organs?
It definitely has to do with illegal organ trade

"What the fuck happened here ?"
I screamed the minute I walked inside my office
" no, I can't walk in clean spaces I just can't!  WHO THE FUCK DID THIS! "
Mbali walked in and laughed
Her: more of the reason why I said she needs to go home because you were going to act like this "

Me: who?"
Her: Nomcebo"
Me: you interrogated her in my office?? Yet alone let her mess with my shit??"
Mbali: I was out for just a few seconds and walked into this clean space dude angazi how did she do it, "
I was scared to touch anything it was too clean she had organized striker notes on every file,
Me: how can I work when I can't find anything"
All I wanted to do was to turn this place upside down and make it messy again I work better with knowing where I put things, call me disorganized or what so ever but that how organized I am messy like that,

Me: fuck !!!!" I banged the table in frustration,
Mbali: let's go grab lunch I think I need to feel you in what she told me "
Me: you buying"
Her: Why are all cops so stingy "
Him: it comes with the badge "
We bust out and laughed 
To be continued

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