Part 9

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[ Sfiso]
Me: I'm looking for a Monica, "
She looked at me and smiled
Receptionist: Please provide me with her last name sir"
I placed my badge on the table
Me: Look in the system how many Monica's are booked in this lodge "
Her: Aaah..."
Me: look at screen lady "

She started typing
Her: this is against company policy "
Me: do I look like I care?"
She looked at me and frown,
" We got two but one checked out this afternoon and the other is still booked in our lodge "
Me: Good call her down and tell her, Detective Mngadi needs to  ask her a few questions"
Her: I'm sorry sir but..."
Me: just call her damn it " she jumped and start dialing

"I'm sorry sir but she is not answering the landline in her room "
Sfiso: you did your part so can I do mine now? What's her room number?"
Her: I will need a warrant for that, I'm sorry I can let you pass "
Sfiso: for fuck sake let me speak to the manager"
Her: with all due respect sir..."
Me: urg fuck you wasting my time"
I clicked my tongue and stood back calling Mbali on her phone

Her: any luck "
Me: I need a fuckin warrant and the last name, security is tight in this place"
Her: does the hotel have a person Named Monica?"
Me: yes but this bitch won't give me any information "
Her: damn it, I'm driving to Nomcebo house right now maybe she has something that might be of use"
Me: what if she is sending us on wild goose chase?"
Her: I doubt you believe that she is "
Me: dude this is strange...this whole case is just strange, fuck I'm going to sleep I can't work on hunch or dream I work on hardcore evidence I was trained to investigate not follow what people feel or dream about "
Her: in my line of work I came to understand that People usually experience true intuition when they are under severe time pressure or in a situation of information overload or acute danger, where conscious analysis of the situation may be difficult or impossible, look Sfiso I know this look far fetch to you but we  Humans need both conscious and non-conscious thought to  processes such situations, this is neither intrinsically ‘better’ than the other, ” 

Me: what the fuck?"
Me: Feelings do not always determine truth, but they can sometimes tell you what is true
Follow reason, but don’t ignore that gut feeling. What I'm trying to say is that she gave you a full description of a woman ln danger and you still going say it's bullshit?"
Me: well what if she is behind the killings and hiding in hunch and dreams, what if she is psychopath I have worked with cases like this before she might be the serial killer for all we know!! "
Her: more of the reason that I will rock up in her house unannounced, if she is lying about this I will tell you, but a part of me believes her "

All I'm thinking right now is that  there is more to this girl than what meets the eye and I will find out
Her: look bro a women life is in danger "
Me: you don't know that ?"
Her: damn it Sfiso, take it from me When the universe compels me toward the best path to take, it never leaves me with "maybe," "should I," or even "perhaps." I always know for sure when it's telling me to proceed  because everything inside me rises up to reverberate "YES!"

I yawn and stepped outside I looked around and it hit me that tingling feeling in my spine, something was compelling me to stay something was definitely wrong but what the fuck is it?
Me: I will stick around till midnight, I'm going to sit in my car and look out for anything suspicious but if nothing comes im done and this time around I will need to have a word with Mis Makhayi and trust me she will crack on my interrogation "

I dropped the call and bump shoulders with someone by the door,
Me: fuck watch where you going!! "
I tried to look at the person who bumps shoulders with me, but my vision became blurry
Voice: sorry sir "it sounds like a tape recorder playing in slow motion the way she or he said it,
I know I'm tired  but not this tired my eyes become heavy, I was walking like a drunk man, my vision became impelled the minute I stepped inside my car, it was light out for me,
[ Nomcebo]
" tell me everything you know "
That what she said walking I inside my house,  I looked at the time it's after 22h00
Me: Mbali? What are you doing here "
Her: Sfiso believe you are killer and if that woman is found dead you will have to answer to him"
Me: what?'
Her: he is checking out the location as we speak, but if you sent him on a witch hunt I feel very sorry for you ...uzowukhomba umuzi onotshwala"
Me: I'm not lying please believe me "
Her: make me believe and tell me everything"
I look at her and swallowed I'm in deep waters only God knows I can't swim damn I'm sinking

Me: where do I start "
She set down and looked at me,
Her: start with that thing around your neck and tell me how did it leave the evidence bag"
I touched my neck she is talking about the pendant
Me: Mbali I don't know "
Her: what did the dead lady say to you ?"
Me: I don't remember..."
Her: Nomcebo I need answers to think of something anything that can help me help you "

Me: she called me by my name that night but that night I was not wearing a name badge,
She said she has been looking for me, she said she does not have enough time and the place I found her in was dangerous, she looked perfectly fine, she had a beautiful smile and skin, she looked old but had no wrinkles insight "

I stood up and walked around
Her: tell me about that pendent "
I stopped walking and looked
Her: she gave it to you right ?"
I nodded " you the keeper now speak to it now and it will speak to you ...that was her exact words "
Me: strange as it might sound when I take it off it always finds its way to me "

She bites her lip thinking
Me: I know it sounds crazy but Mbali I swear to God it's true "
Her: which can mean one thing you born with this power and she only awaken it "
Me: what?...what power?"
Her: did she say something like that to you ?"
I looked at her shaking my head
Her: Think Nomcebo...focus "
I shake my head trying to think back but all I heard is my loud thoughts
Her: think !!! You will never follow your own inner voice until you clear up the doubts in your mind ... Focus!"

Me: she said It is all one vast awakened thing, she calls it the golden eternity the rise of an Augury, the gift that is perfect. She goes on and says We were never really born, we will never really die ..."
I looked at her as I played with my pendent it started to glow and suddenly I had this unsettling feeling but I brushed it away,
Me: ever since she put it around my neck strange things happened, she says the lives of our kind are in my hand, Mbali I don't know ok ... I wish I knew what's going on, I sleep and wake up in some strange women bed, she  tells me that I can change the past and she gives me her bracelet "

I show her the bracelet but when I look at it saw Monica being stabbed, I cant see the face of the killer but I see the dagger sink deep in her skin, Monica was sleeping soundly no movement no screaming in pain, the killer's claws then dig deep in her flash and pulls out her heart but it was no ordinary heart it's was decomposing, a decaying heart, rotting with Margaret eating the flash,

I screamed realizing what I just saw, I drop the bracelet down and curled up on the couch,
" ooh...  oh God what happening to me!!!"

Mbali rushed to my side and crouched in front of me
Her: it's ok ... It's ok it was just a vision"
I held my face shaking my head, it felt so real like I was there, I started crying I feel like I'm losing my mind, I looked at the pendant as it glowed in pink I held it tight, I found my inner self floating
in two worlds, it's like my soul left my body, I felt an impulse to say something, I opened up my mouth to speak im saying something but it feels like someone else took over my body as I look into Mbali eyes,

Me: even though I have no true training that will help me  initiated me into my true Augury self, its has not even been two days since it all started it expanded my life in ways beyond what I believed to be possible, I know you can see right through me as I can see right through you help me be one with who I truly am to help others like us "

I found Mbali looking at me, with her eyes wide open
Me: why you looking at me like that ?" I said with hick-up coming out of a daze
Her: Nomcebo ..." Her phone ring and she looked at me stood up to answer it, a few minutes later she walks back to the room and looked at me and looks at the clock hanging on the wall, it's after 00:09,
Me: she dead I know I saw her "
To be continued

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