Part 18

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I walked in the house and found Mvelo on his laptop,  knowing him his probably working
Me: I honestly thought you joking when you said you in my house"
Him: I wish I was but after talking to mama I realize that you need a slap in your head to realize how serious this is"

He closed his laptop and looks at me
"What did you find out about the four women who were killed "
Me: wow straight to the point I see"
Him: Mbali I got a crazy wife that I can't keep my hands off her, a soccer team of kids that drive me crazy, an international firm that I have to run, as we speak right now I'm supposed to be in a plain to KZN to Zoe and Langa's baby christening ceremony but guess what I'm across the country to try and help you realize how serious this shit is! "

I look down not knowing what to say, he stands up and walked around ever since Mvelo became king he speaks with so much authority you can never tell that his one and half years older them me right now I feel like I'm speaking God himself
Him: I'm going to ask  you again what do you know about the four women who were killed "
Me: there we're Witches high ranking they are part of an old ancient  coven "
Him: what type of witch were they?"
Me: what do you mean?"
He laughs and looks at me
Him: I'm a sangoma so is your mother and Gogo Nomacawe, in English term I'm a witch, but my gift differs from your mother and to Gogo Nomacawe, the minute you find our that they are witches and belong to coven you had to find out what type and kind of witches they are, that would have made it easy to find the killer"
Me: I was working on that "
Him: Mbali for once stop trying to mix science and culture you have a calling use it and stop trying question everything around you !"

Easier said than done I'm not like him, I don't walk around with an ancient  lion who constantly whispers in my ear
Him: don't make me mad stop talking shit about me in your head!! "
Me: sorry but Mvelo you and mom are always trying to make me look dumb, I told her I'm handling this but already you here and you think I'm incompetent "

"Will it kill you to ask if you don't know something? The problem with you is your pride, trying to prove to everyone that you can handle this calling, Mbali having a gift or calling means you learn something new every day, you can never say you mastered everything that why I spend most of my time with Mama, Sbahle has me and Gogo Ndoni when she is troubled by her gift and you? You have who?  Books and google ?"

I look at her and bite my lower lip
Me: I'm sorry"
Him: tell that to the four women who died while you were fully aware of what's about to happen, Damn it Mbali how could you be so ...urg..fuck!"
I looked down rubbing my hands as he roars standing over me, he started breathing heavily calming himself down
Me: I said I'm sorry ok!"

He steps back breathing heavily,
Him: three decades ago four demonic spirits left the underworld "
I looked at him as he stood by the dining table his back was facing me as his hands were resting on the dining table with his head looking down
Me: we both know that demons don't just escape without being summoned out, so who's behind this?"
He sighs turned around and  looked at me with his hands in his pocket his facial expression said it all

Me: Nomakhwezi!!?"
He nods
Me: What!!!! ooh hell no!!"
Him: that what I said too when I found out"
Me: what the fuck was she thinking?  Four demon spirit not one but four?? was your Aunt right in the head to allow this to happen?"
Him: I doubt it and I don't even believe anymore that I'm related to her, it's like she was the Queen of all dark magic "

Me: how do we stop this mass she created ?"
Him: I have no idea all I know is that they want to lift the veil of the natural and supernatural world "
Me: Raguel said something about that too what does this all mean"
He set down and looked at me me
Him: ok let me take you to school a bit, "
I laugh shaking my head, he pointed his finger at me " ngimdala sani so better listen and stop thinking you wiser than me "
Me: indlela ibuzwa kwabaphambili so ya talk big brother"

He busts out and laughs
Him: ok istory sithi For generations, African beliefs, and practices regarding witchcraft and traditional healing have been located at the intersection between the natural world and the supernatural world. Despite the impact of both colonialism and, in the contemporary context, modernization, the complex interplay between these worlds has not been reduced."
Me: ya so trying to say one can not leave without the other ?"

Him: correct but however The interaction between nature and non-natural, as an element of culture, has long been a subject of inquiry in the natural world "
Me: ya like the most famous question asked how can you believe what you believe is not real or myth ?"
Him: yes so that why they is a veil between the naked eye and supernatural eye,  a coven was designed to hold this vail up, the leaders or they call it head and tail of this veil of this coven is known to be an oracle or Augury he who sees the future beyond the future, he who manipulate history to create what the future should hold, he who lives in present but can bounce back and forth from the past to future in a split second "

I stood up and held my head
Me: you said Augury "
Him: yes !"
Me: I believe we have a mutual friend who possesses such power "
He raised his eyebrow and looked at me
Me: her Name is Nomcebo Makhaye, you meet her when she was working at Addington hospital in Durban she was...
Him: a cleaner tormented by wailing sounds of babies... I helped her, there was something about her baby crying it was some kind of  language I was too young in my calling then and I wasn't  able to understand it  "

I nodded as he looked at me
Him: ooh my God is she..."
Me: I think so ... in fact, I know so...but she does not know who she is or what she posses but she has been experiencing a glimpse of her powers "
Him: an Augury is more like Phoenix she might not know who she is today but might wake up reborn with a new set of wings, it makes sense now she  can only be reborn if she knew what it feels like to die inside, thinking about her past,
Her story might be called “Resilience” or “Hope” or even “Freedom.” It’s the story of the Phoenix and that Augury being reborn no doubt she is one"

I held my mouth looking at him Mvelo just easily put two and two together without any struggle or what so ever,
Him: they killed four of the coven witches who were protecting the head and tail of the chain if she is what you say she is she connected to someone, "
Me: what? But who?"
He looked at me ..." Damn it the yin and yang symbol "
I clicked my fingers realizing this
Him: that's it! It's black and white and represents two energy source, These two energies identify polar opposites that attract each other and together create a whole and balanced energy ...  It unites a harmonious relationship, the question is with whom is she linked to?"
Me: haven't dug that far "
Him: what the fuck were you doing all along Mbali you do know that they want to kill her...."
Me: I know!!"
Him: She is the protector of our kind if she is dead our existence will be known to the underworld"
Me: I know Mvelo ok!"
Him: do you? Do you really know? have you asked yourself why the earth has witches, Sangoma, izinyanga, abathandazi... prophet even izanusi? "

I hate it when he shouts God Mvelo treat me like a child
Me: because  A distinct relationship exists between witchcraft beliefs and traditional healing methods I know that This relationship brings these two aspects together in such a complex manner that it is difficult to attempt to understand the dynamics of witchcraft without referring to traditional healing methods, and vice versa  I know ok!!! my Mother was born Sangoma an African traditional healer with knowledge of African witchcraft stop shouting at me!!! "

Him: people's lives are taken Mbali while you sit back and do an assessment and analyze every element of human behavior we are not you ginny pigs Mbali we human with special ability!!! stop trying to study us there is no time for that !!"
He's on his feet his angry I just have spoken to a lion right now I literally saw Ngonyama the white lion stepping out, he did not shift but I was able to see the great white lion in him, damn his mad
Him: what are you standing there for ?" I frown and look at him
Him: take me to this girl now!! "
I swallow, I took my car keys following him out
To be continued

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