Part 141

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I walked downstairs any d the house was quiet, I breathe out loud, she has done it again, gave the servent's a day off so that she will have my head on the platter, Sbahle hardly gets mad it looks like today is one of those days when I need to say I'm sorry a thousand time, she is furious, she will yell most probably slap me, but I love her too much that I'm willing to take it all in since I know I'm in the wrong.

I breathe out loud as I found her in the kitchen cooking, she has a knife in her hand and she does not look happy
" Ndlokulu " I kissed her cheek holding her from behind taking the big knife from her hand
Her: Mvelo wenzeni?"
She said pushing me off her, I swallowed putting the knife in the sink, this was not a question per se but more like a statement.
Her: I know Impi is your cousin but pleading not guilty! Do you know what this will do to Jabu? our circle... the people we call friends and family!...the media!!! Mvelo wenzeni!!"
Me: Impi is of royal blood and..."
Her: wendoda you are king and you live by example what example are you trying to show la?"

Me: baby I can explain just...please stop shouting at me "
She walks close to me and starts pushing me with her small hands,
Her: don't tell me that bull shit I have every right to be angry!!"
She is pointing at me with her finger and her small eyes are now intimidating me like hell, I'm tall than her most probably three times bigger than her but right now I feel like an ant in her presence.
Me: ma Bhengu I know this whole thing looks like a mass now, but look it will soon blow over... Please trust me "
Her: trust you!!!"
I felt a hot sting on my cheek, fuck she slapped me I turn red in anger but I remain cool swallowing in my rage,

Her: don't fuckin tell me to trust you!  While you go behind my back and do things your own way!! This family is split into million pieces because of your stupid actions !!!"
I looked down
Me: baby ubugula and I just..."
Him: it's been over a month Mvelo stop making me weak wena mani!...when are you going to learn that I'm your wife not a trophy wife with no brains "
I breathe out loud and looked down 

Her: do you know what Impi did?"
I nodded looking at her
Her: SAY IT !!!"
me: she violated a girl "
Her: the girl does not have a name ?"
Me: she violated Jabulile Nene" I swallowed the most bitter truth that did not go well with me

Her: Yes Mvelo, Impi Mnguni your cousin raped and impregnated an innocent girl, she was a virgin Mvelo!!"
I looked down while she continued to shout at me
Her: Do you know that this will destroy Jabu!! do you know what the media is already saying about her? Her life is tainted by this....and wena you decide to save your own and forgot about her!!"
Me: I know... "
Her: but your main priority is for Impi to get out !"
Me: his family!..."
She started slapping me with a dishcloth I'm hiding my face saying I'm sorry I won't dare hold her hand because she will scream, God damn my wife is crazy!

Me: I'm sorry... I'm sorry...Mabhengu please"
She huffed walking around with her hands on her waist, she is tired and breathing out loud
Her: Mvelo uzele amatombazane I'm also a woman, actions like this can not be condoned NOT in my house yangizwa !!"
Me: yes mam"
Her: I understand his your blood but sometimes You have to be cruel to be kind.”

Me: I know... But there is royal blood involve "
She folded her hands and looked at me
Me: look sthandwa sami I hate this more than you hate it...but I had no choice"
Her: you used Okuhle Menzi's Sister ... Who is married to Sindy the very same Sindy that is Jabu big sister... Why Mvelo!"
Me: Okuhle is a good lawyer ..."
Her: Mvelo you lying to me playing a chess game with people's lives and only you know the end game... So tell me what is it?"
I looked at her and did not say a word

I jumped up a bit hiding my head
Me: A Life for A Life "
She looked at me popping her small eyes open,
Me: usiko lakwa Mnguni is that they take life for new life to be born "
She held her mouth and tears ran down her face,
Her: the baby Mvelo I lost my baby..."
I tried to hold her but she pushed me away,
Me: this whole thing is not about the rape, but it's about that baby that Jabu is carrying... I'm sorry "

Her: kanti that does not apply to when a king is born another kumele ikhothame"
Him: I don't know Sbahle all I know is that that baby is important to this family "
Her: ooh my God but the baby was conceived in the most brutal way "
Me: I know...I'm so sorry ..." I said holding her she slowly wrapped her arms around me as held her tight, she busts out and cried, making me drop a tear too,

Me: I need you Sbahle ... I need your support ...the world is fighting with me and people I call family has turned their back on me...I really need you, my Queen"
Her: what do we do now ?"
Me: our loyalties are with the family...with Impi Nguni and his child"
She breathes out loud
Me: Jabu is pregnant and I need that child and her mother to be taken care of...I can't do that while me and Menzi are currently not talking "
She sniffed looking at me, I wiped her tears
Her: I will see what I can do "
Me: thank you sthandwa sami " I kissed her forehead and continued to hold her,
Me: I will make this right I promise "
my phone vibrated in my pocket I looked at the massage and swallowed

Me: I have to go "
Her: uyaphi?"
Me: I have to fix something "
Her: Mvelo you not eaten for a few days now"
Me: I promise to eat when I get back "
I kissed her lips and walked out, I jumped into my car and drove off to the cabin, I sigh out loud the minute I parked my car,

"Sanibona," I said walking in my Cabin
My eyes scan the room, and I was meet by angry faces.
It was Sbu, Langa,  Lubanzi, and Bongani, fuck I am going to get another beating
Sbu: we need to talk ..."
His saying that but his eyes are saying something else
Me: it does not look like you here to talk "

Within a blink of an eye, I was on the floor, Lubanzi just punched me on the face
" You got that right !!! "
He said looking at me with clenched jaws
Banzi: now tell me why I must not kill you?"
I spit out the blood from my mouth
Banzi: I have Thabo walking around the street of Durban because of you !! Do you know what this shit will do to my family!!!"

Bongani crouched next to me and looked at me
Bongani: you fucked up boy! ...You massed with family!"
Langa: they say that the power of a gun can kill. and the power of fire can burn. The power of wind can chill and the power of the mind can learn. The power of anger can rage inside until it tears you apart, It is said that power corrupts, but actually it's more true that power attracts the corruptible. . . your actions have caused chaos...and you created enemies for that sick busted cousin of it all worth it !"
To be continued

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