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Draco left the room first. "Wow we just did it" he though, "she's so fucking hot", " I want more", he couldn't stop thinking about her and what just happened. He was passing the Slytherin common room, he couln't miss the next class.

- Hey Malfoy - Blaise said - next time keep your slut quiet, she was insane.

Draco got so furious.

- But who is she anyways? Is that Ravenclaw slut? - Blaise said laughing.

Daisy heard him, she didn't want to hear that but she did, she tried to ignore them. She pass the common room, looks at Draco and keept her way to class.

- Wait Daisy! - Draco said - Thanks Blaise.

Daisy try to walk a little bit faster, Draco was following her. She saw Hermione and ran to her. She tried not to cry infront of Draco but she couldn't hold the cry.

- What's wrong? - Hermione asked concerned. - What did he do?

"Nothing", she though, she knew that Draco was a player.

- Nothing I'm just to sensitive.

Draco had tears in his eyes, he's biggest fear was becoming real, Daisy was starting to hate him. She turned around and looked at his eyes and slapped him.

- You keep hurting me, but I love you. - Daisy said.

Draco cleaned Daisy's tears and gave her a forhead kiss.

- You will be punished for that - he said in Daisy's ear.

He left Daisy and Hermione and went to class. Daisy was blushing. "Why do I blush so much?" she though, probably because of Draco. Daisy had already dated a lot of guys but just Draco make her blush.

- So you and Malfoy? - Hermione said - " You will be punished for that?", really?

- Yeah I have to explain some stuff, but now I have a class.

Daisy left for class, the class would start in 5 minutes. She was alone, about to open the door, when Draco pulls her by the neck. She got goosebumps immediately. He kissed aggressively.

- You can't slap me like that... you will be punish. - he said between the kiss.

Daisy only said "mhmm". She was pulling him close to her, grabbing him by his tie, they were still kissing. Draco stopped the kiss.

- We have a class.

Draco opened the door and let Daisy entered the classroom.

- Ms.Roads and Mr.Malfoy did you got lost on the way to the class?

- I'm sorry professor, I was feeling sick and my dear roommate, helped me. He use a spell to make me feel better.

- I'm glad you are feeling better, now please have a seat.

Both sat in different tables.


Damn she's a good liar. I can't take my eyes off her, if we had some time...God what I would do to her. Focus Draco...Shit that lip bite. What is she doing to me? Damn that skirt is short...I can't wait to take it off. Focus Draco.


The class was almost over and Draco couldn't take is eyes of Daisy, she was also teasing him, the short skirt, the lip bite, everything... She wanted him and he wanted her so bad. They didn't had more classes...and we both know what that means ;) (yeah I'm talking about the dirty). Hermione was wainting for Daisy.

- Explain everything before my class.- Hermione said. They had separeted classes.

- I explain later, I promise. - Daisy said rushing from class.

She was walking on the corridor alone, she knew that Draco was looking for her. She pulled her skirt to make it look shorter. Draco called her name and he looked up and down "She's so hot" he though. He got close to her, from behind, and hugged her.

- Our room in 5 minutes, my dear roommate. - he said in Daisy's ear.

Draco left her with butterflies, as always, she did as he asked. She knew what was about to happen. She followed Draco to their room.

*to be continued*

( hey guys sorry so I took a little bit longer to post this part cause i was kinda busy, I tried to do a POV please tell me if you liked and if I should keep using it .love you all)

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