The forbidden kiss

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 She ran as far she could go, she went to the Forbidden Florest, she screamed as loud as she could. She didn't know why she was so angry and sad at the same time, probably because she was tired of being treated like a baby and tired of everyone telling her what to do. She fell on her knees, crying...

- Are you okay? - a soft and calm voice asked.

- Who's there? - Daisy asked scared.

- It's me, Luna.

- Oh Luna, I'm fine...- Daisy said.

- You don't look fine. What happened? - Luna asked.

- Please don't ask, I have to go, thank you tho.

- Anytime.

Daisy walked away, crying.

*Draco's chat with the golden trio*

- Look I'm just doing this because I love her, she's suffering because of you,  I can see in her eyes and I hear her crying every night, so please talk with her. - Draco said.

- We just want to see her happy, but if she's happy with you, we just have to accept...- Hermione said- we will talk with her...but where she is?

Draco looked around him and he didn't saw her, he started running calling her name, but nothing. He looked scared and he had tears in his eyes. He started running through the hall when he saw Daisy walking alone in a dark hall, her hair was a mess and he could see that she had been crying, her shirt was dirty Draco was immediately concerned.

-Daisy! - Draco said as he ran to her.

He gave her a tight hug and she hugged him back while crying on his shoulder.

- What happened? - Draco asked concerned.

- I'm fine, I was with Luna in the Forbidden Florest.

- You what -

Daisy stopped him and gave him a kiss, and a long kiss, he kissed her back. He pinned her against the wall and put his hand on her neck. Daisy got butterflies while Draco slowly moved his cold hand to her waist.

- What's going on here? - professor Snape asked...slowly.

- Professor, we can explain. - Daisy said - we were just...we just...humm...

- Detention both of you - professor Snape said calmy.

Draco and Daisy laughed quietly while professor Snape was leaving them.

- Shh - Daisy said laughing - He can hear us.

- Well what did just happened?

- I don't know...but I liked it. -Daisy said blushing.

- I liked too but we got detention. -Draco said.

Daisy smiled.

- Well...detention can be fun. - she said in a flirty way.

- Uhhh Roads you are fast, that's a big step don't you think? - Draco said.

Daisy was confused, she knew that Draco was going fast and she was ready, she was embaressed for saying that.

- I'm messing with you. - Draco said laughing. - You should see your face.

- Shut up Malfoy and my name is Daisy!

They both go to class, they were already late, and it was Snape's class. Daisy was about to opened the door when Draco pulled her close to him.

- You are mine and only mine. -Draco said in Daisy's ear.

She blushed and said:

- We'll see about that.

She turn around and opened the door. They both sat next to each other, Daisy smiled at Draco. Her hair was still a mess and her shirt was still dirty, but for Draco that only makes her look hotter. Daisy felt Draco's hand close to her skirt, but she didn't said anything. Nothing happened the class was over and nothing happened.

- Mr. Malfoy and Ms. Roads stay after class for your detention.- Snape said.

They both looked at each other and sat in their seats again.

*1 hour of detention later*

- Severus! - Dumbledore said while opening the door.

- What can I do for you headmaster?

- Finish this detention now.

- Headmaster I found them-

- Severus I said now. - Dumbledore said.

- Detention it's over. - Snape said.- Leave.

They both left the room laughing.

*to be continued*

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