Letters and notes

325 11 3

They walked away.

- Idiot. - Zack murmured.

Draco pushed Daisy away and walked towards Zack again. Daisy fell on the floor and Draco didn't even notice.

- What did you just say? - Draco asked.

The common room door closed which called Draco's attention. 

- Maybe next time don't push your pregnant girlfriend to the floor. - Zack said.

Draco ran outside. He looked around and didn't saw her. He ran his hands on his hair, thinking.

- Hermione's dorm! - he said.

He ran to the Gryffindor common room. He knew the password so he entered the common room. Fred and George were helping Harry to sit on the couch. Ron walked towards Draco.

- What do you want? - Ron asked.

- I know she's here.

- Great. - Ron replied walking away.

He followed Ron.

- C'mon where is she?

George got up.

- She hit her head, Malfoy. - George said. - Are you happy?

- She hit her...- he looked at the stairs.

He ran upstairs and started opening every door. He found her. She was on Hermione's bed, crying. Hermione was holding some ice on Daisy's head. He pulled her and hugged her. She didn't even react she just hugged him.

- I'm sorry, Daisy. - he whispered. - I'm so sorry.

He kissed her over and over.

- Are you okay?

- Yes, I'm fine

He cleaned her tears and kissed her cheek.

- Let's go to our dorm okay? - he asked.

She nodded yes and both went to their dorm. He stopped at the common room door.

- I didn't know you dated Zack. - he said. 

- He didn't want people to know that he was dating a Riddle.

- I heard he hit you.

- It was a long time ago. - she replied.

- How long?

- 1 year, I think.

- We've been together for 6 months and you never told me this.

- Because I moved on and I didn't want you to get in trouble.

He hugged her.

- But if I see him once again.

- Draco, darling, move on.

- Yeah whatever.

They entered the common room and saw Pansy. She was talking with Francis. Daisy saw Zack's blood on the floor and laughed softly. Draco sat on the couch, next to Francis.

- I'm tired. - she said. - I'm going upstairs.

- Oh okay, I'll be there in a minute.

She went upstairs and closed the door. She slowly sat on the floor and covered her face with her hands. She was about to cry when suddenly she felt Allie kick. She smiled.

Draco |A love storyWhere stories live. Discover now