"More often"

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(this story contain sexual activity, if you wanna read it it's your choice)

- Well you were right, detention is fun. - Draco said laughing.

It was lunch time so they both go to The Great Hall. Daisy was nervous, she didn't know what to say to Harry, Ron and Hermione.

- Please don't ever leave me alone again...- Daisy said looking at Draco's eyes.

- I promise.

They entered The Great Hall and she immediatly saw the golden trio. She got nervous, so she looked at Draco and he smiled at her. "Wow so this is real, I'm dating Draco" she though.

- Hi Daisy... - Ron said. - I'm sorry if i was rude earlier.

- It's okay.

- How are you? - Hermione asked.

- Good.

Harry showed up behind Daisy and gave her a hug from behind.

- Hi silly. - Daisy said. - I missed you.

Draco showed up, he looked furious.

- Potter, don't ever touch her again like that. -Draco said while pushing Harry.

Daisy was so confused.

- Draco stop!- Daisy screamed.

Draco and Harry started a fight, Daisy got scared, she hates fights so she ran to the Slytherin common room. Daisy was also furious, she wanted to curse someone. "Why me?" she though,"I should probably end things with Draco." , "But i love him so much". She was in her room thinking about everything. Lunch time was alredy over and she missed it, she had to leave for a class. She found Draco waiting for her in the corridor.

- I had a talk with Dumbledore, you can miss this class.

- Yeah I don't want to miss this class. - Daisy said.

Draco pull her close to him.

- You are going to miss this class.

- You can't boss me around! - Daisy screamed.

- Daisy, please.

- Fine!

Draco pull her inside their room, she got butterflies but she was mad at him. Draco start taking off his shirt. Daisy blushed a lot.

- Calm down- Draco said laughing- I'm just going to take a shower.

She sat on her bed thinking, "yeah I love him", "Is he thinking about me..?". She had a million thoughts on her head. She should be happy, she was but everything was weird. She started smelling Draco's perfume or cologne she didn't know but she love it. Draco came out of the bathroom, his hair was wet and he only had a towell aroud his waist. Daisy got herself up and kissed him.

- You know...you should use this perfume more often. -she said in a flirty way.

Draco ran his fingers over her lips, Daisy blushed a lot.

- You should kiss me more often. -Draco said in her ear.

He put his cold hand on her chin and slowly brought her face up to him and kissed her.

Daisy knew that what she felt for him was real and true.

- We have some time...I'm going to miss this class- Daisy said while putting her hands on his chest.

- I like your idea.

Draco pushed her to his bed. He started to taking off her shirt, exposing her tits.

- Fuck. - he said looking at her body.

He took of her skirt, notincing her black thongs, he looked at her and smiled.

- Good girl.

Daisy felt Draco's cold lips kissing her naked body, she moan quietly. Draco puts his hand in the perfect place down there, she started to moan.

- Dra-Draco..- Daisy tried to speak.

Draco was doing it faster and faster.

- Draco I'm... - she said moaning.

- Shh...

After they were done, Draco looked at her and said...

- You are a good girl aren't you?

Daisy could't answer, she was trying to say something but she couldn't.

Daisy didn't know how to react. "Wow" was the only thing she was thinking of. "Did I just...oh my god". She was shaking, but she enjoy it. She looked at Draco, her face was red.

- I love it Malfoy.

- I know you did - he said smiling - We are going to be late to class.

Draco started to get dressed while Daisy was trying to get herself up from his bed. Draco was about to leave the room.

- Did I came fast? - Daisy asked embarassed.

Draco ran his fingers over her lips.

- You were perfect. - and gave her a kiss - See you in class.

*to be continued*

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