"Main character"

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They went to the Great Hall so that she could see her friends. Draco opened the door for her and they immediately saw her friends at the Gryffindor table. They looked at Daisy.

- Daisy what the hell happened!? - Ron shouted.

- I stepped on glass...

Draco laughed a bit.

- What? - Hermione asked looking at Draco.

- Nothing...- he said. - Dumb flower.- he whispered in Daisy's ear.

He was standing behind her so she looked at him from the side. He was laughing, a quiet and soft laugh. Daisy smiled and looked back at her friends.

- Don't you have to talk with Goyle or something? - Daisy said without looking at him.

- So you want me to leave?

- Yes. - she turned her head. - Please.

Draco started walking to the Slytherin table and she started talking with her friends.

- How are you feeling?

- I'm good, just a little nauseous. 

- Have you been crying? - Ginny asked.

She didn't reply.

- Did you guys fight? - Oliver said getting up.

Daisy looked up and down. 

- None of your business.

Oliver grabbed her waist. She tried to step back but because of the crutches, she fell. Draco was already looking at her and Oliver and ran to catch her. He got on one knee and caught her.

- This looks straight out of a movie. - she said laughing a bit.

- And I'm the main character. - Draco replied.

She laughed.

- Is this the part we kiss? - he asked.

- Stupid blonde boy. - she grabbed him by his tie.

They kissed. He was still holding her. Oliver went back to his seat. She felt something hitting the back of her thigh. She stopped the kiss and tried to look down. She laughed.

- Draco. - she said trying to be discrete. - Boner...

- Fuck.

He couldn't do anything. His hands were holding her so she covered it with her hand.

- Don't fucking...touch it. - he said.

She started laughing even more. She got up and he stood behind her. He had his hands on her waist and slowly started walking away while using her as a shield. Her friends looked confused. Daisy was still laughing and her cheeks were getting red. They walked outside and Draco pulled her inside an empty classroom.

- Stop laughing! - Draco said trying to hide his laughs.

- I was trying to help I didn't know you would almost cum! - she said laughing even more.

- I didn't...Anyways you can't touch my boner.

- I was trying to help! - she said laughing.

- You made me hornier, happy?

- It's not my fault that you can't control yourself.

Draco |A love storyWhere stories live. Discover now