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Draco left the cafe. They were already drinking their butterbeer.

- Daisy you love butterbeer. - George said.

- Yeah but I'm pregnant.

Daisy was thinking about the Imperius curse a lot. Who could do something like that? Oh, wait his father or her father. It made sense because Draco would never hurt her in any way and that explains why he doesn't remember what happened but why would someone do that to them? Someone that really wanted them to break up or someone jealous. She was trying to remember something or someone that was there. Lucius was at the manor and her father was also in the manor so who could it be? Snape or even Blaise or just someone random.

- Shit! - Daisy said running away.

All of them went after her. She ran outside, it was snowing and she saw Draco far away from. She ran to him.

- Draco!

- Daisy?

- Imperius curse?

Hermione stopped Oliver and Fred. They were going after her. Harry looked at Ron confused and Ginny was smiling.

- Yes! That's the only possible reason.

He had snow on his hair and she was freezing. He took his jacket.

- Here take it.

She put the jacket on and looked at him.

- Go! Have fun with them, I'll be around.

She kissed his cheek.

- Thank you. - she whispered.

She ran back to her confused friends.

- I love her Mione...- Oliver whispered to Hermione.

Daisy heard and turned around.

- You what!?

- Nothing.

Daisy hugged him.

- Oliver, he's the father of my child.

- You never say you love him.

- Because I don't.

She walked away and Oliver stood there in shock. He grabbed her arm.

- We'll meet you at the cafe guys. - Oliver said.

He pulled her behind a house.

- Daisy you don't love him?

- It's difficult because honestly, you are confusing me, Oliver.

- How?

- You were there for me and we are very close friends and you treat me like your girlfriend, I'm not saying Draco is a bad boyfriend cause he's amazing.

- You have feelings for me? You just ran to Draco!

- Look Draco is watching me so we should probably not talk about this.

- Too late Daisy. - Draco said.

- Draco we were just talking.

- Woods, leave.

Oliver walked away and left them alone. "Please start a fight..." she thought.

- And I trusted you with your friends. - he said laughing.

Draco |A love storyWhere stories live. Discover now