"I love you"

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Hermione touched Daisy's shoulder.

- Blaise is here. - Hermione said pointing to the end of the corridor.

Daisy looked at Draco. She could see he was angry so she grabbed his arm and walked away. She held his left arm and she could feel the dark mark burning under his sleeve. They went far away from everyone. She looked at him.

- Does it hurt? - she asked.

- Sometimes. - his dry voice replied.

- Why did you let this happen?

He stopped and held her hands.

- Bellatrix is no longer in Azkaban and she gave me two options, or she would kill you, or I had to become a Death Eater. At the time, I ignored her attempts to contact me but my father talked with me while you were recovering from the attack and I realized I had to become a Death Eater.

- Bellatrix is out of Azkaban? I didn't saw any news about it.

- As I said, you were recovering. - he replied.

- You're working for my father, you're working with my father!

- I know love, I know.

Daisy took a deep breath.

- Did you speak with my father?

- Yes.

Daisy rolled her eyes and took a step back.

- Daisy, nothing happened, I'm still Draco! I'm still the guy you fell in love with, I promise!

- You're not. The guy I fell in love with was not a Death Eater. The guy I fell in love with is a good person and that's not you. I tried, Draco, we had fights, we broke up, but I always came back because you're this caring and loving guy and I don't know what happened to you.

- I screwed up! You were dying in a bed, I almost lost you! I wasn't thinking, no, actually I was thinking about you and the baby so yes I became a Death Eater to save you!

- You became a Death Eater because you were born to be one. Lucius gave away a baby girl, your sister because she wouldn't be a good Death Eater! 

- You know nothing about Allie! You have no right to talk about her! - Draco shouted with tears in his eyes.

- I know a lot about Allie. I know that Bellatrix took her from your parents and I know that your mother spent days and nights looking for her but she never found her and I also know that your father asked Bellatrix to kidnap Allie.

Draco was speechless. Tears started falling from his eyes. Daisy immediately felt guilty and hugged him.

- I'm sorry, love. I didn't mean to make you cry. - Daisy whispered.

- I remember that night...I was playing with Allie. - Draco started saying. - When Bellatrix came in and took her. I couldn't save her.

- You were a kid, there was nothing you could do. - Daisy said.

Daisy kissed his cheek and cleaned his tears. She grabbed his hand and placed it on her belly.

- The baby is moving. - she said smiling.

He looked at her and smiled.

- I think Allie it's a great name for our baby if the baby is a girl.

Draco |A love storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن