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Daisy was playing with Oliver's hand while thinking bout her choice. Oliver looked at her.

- Do you want to leave him?

- No.

- Why?

- Cause he's the father of my future child.

- That's the only reason? You don't love him?

- Of course, I love him!

- Then why didn't you first mention that?

- Oliver you're confusing me! - she shouted.

- Sorry...

She looked at the ring on her left hand and that was probably one of the good memories they had together but the ring was just to prove that she wasn't dating Oliver. Draco just gave her the ring to show everyone she was with him and not with Oliver. So the ring was just to prove to people something it didn't actually mean anything. It was getting late and Daisy was getting tired of thinking and thinking.

- I think I'm going to sleep. - she said.

- Okay then I'll leave you.

She grabbed Oliver's arm.

- Stay...I miss this.

He smiled and laid again. Draco was in his dorm and was still waiting for her to return. He ended up falling asleep with one of her shirts in his hand. When Hermione entered the dorm Daisy and Oliver were already sleeping so she slept in Ron's bed with him.

*the next morning*

Draco woke up to the noise of the door opening.

- Daisy!? - he said opening his eyes.

- No you dumbass, it's Hermione.

- What? Where is she?

- Far away from you. She asked me to grab her some clothes.

- C'mon Hermione, you know that something was weird yesterday, I wasn't in myself.

- You choked her Draco! You tried to kill right in front of us!

- Wait did you left her alone?

- No. - she said smiling. - She's with Oliver.

- What?

Draco got up and ran to the Gryffindor common room. Ginny and the twins didn't let him enter.

- Daisy please! - he yelled. - I know that you can hear me, just please we need to talk, and please don't cheat on me...

Ginny slammed the door on his face. Daisy was in Hermione's room crying and Oliver was comforting her.

- Dai please stop crying! You're making me nervous c'mon stop.

Fred ran upstairs to where Daisy was.

- Daisy?

- Fred you heard Ginny yesterday. - Oliver said pushing him.

- She's still my friend!

Fred sat next to her, on the bed. Oliver was about to leave.

- Wait! - she said between the cry.

Fred looked up at Oliver and made him a signal with his head. Oliver got close to her.

Draco |A love storyWhere stories live. Discover now