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Draco went downstairs. Molly and Arthur were already in their room. He went to the living and sat on the couch next to the twins. They were drinking again. Draco had a couple of beers.

- She doesn't like when you drink. - Hermione mentioned.

- She's not here and I need to relax. - Draco replied.

He kept drinking with the boys. Hermione and Ginny were watching them. Some hours went by, it was around 11 pm. The boys were drunk while Hermione and Ginny taking care of them. Harry and Ron were doing a stare competition, Draco was on the couch drinking and the twins were saying things with no sense. The girls wanted to go to sleep but they couldn't leave them like that.

- That's it, c'mon let's go. - Hermione said getting up.

The boys looked at her. She had that mad look and had her arms crossed. They got up while Ginny was putting the bottles in the trash. The twins went upstairs. Harry went with Ginny and Hermione went with Ron. Draco was behind them. He entered the room and saw Daisy sleeping.

- Oh oh, be quiet. - he whispered closing the door.

He closed the door, trying to be quiet but when he turned around his leg hit the nightstand. He started laughing and that woke up Daisy. She opened her eyes and turned on the light with a spell.

- Draco? - she asked sitting on the bed.

- Sorry...I didn't mean to wake you up. - he murmured.

- Are you drunk!?

- Maybe...A little.

- Again? - she asked getting up.

She held his arm and sat him on the bed. She took his shirt off and helped him dressing his pajama.

- Is this my sweater? - he asked pulling the sweater she was wearing.

- Yes.

He lifted the sweatshirt.

- Ups...someone is not wearing a bra.

She grabbed his hand.

- Stop.

- Sorry Mrs.Malfoy. - he said closing his eyes.

- Why do you keep drinking? - she asked not expecting him to answer.

- 'Cause it's the only way I can forget about my problems...- he replied.

- What problems?

- You...the dad.

Daisy didn't finish dressing him and laid him with his clothes. She covered him and laid on the opposite side of the bed. He started snoring and she started crying. "I'm a problem" she kept thinking. She ended up falling asleep while crying.

*the next morning*

Daisy was awake, looking at the ceiling. Draco started waking up and turned around. He opened his eyes and saw her.

- Morning love. - his morning voice said.

She looked at him and laughed. She sat on the bed and put on her slippers. He sat on the bed and grabbed her arm.

- What's wrong? - he asked.

- You got drunk again.

- I'm sorry about that...

- You get drunk to forget about your problems.

- What?

- Me, the baby, and your father.

- Daisy what are you talking about!?

She looked at him with tears in her eyes.

- Your drunk self told me that.

- You can't be serious, Daisy I was drunk!

- Drunk words...sober thoughts.

She got up and went to wash her face. Draco also got up.

- You really think you and the baby are a problem?

- Yes Draco! I do think that!

He grabbed her face and looked into her eyes.

- Daisy, I swear you and the baby are not a problem!

She could tell he was being honest with her. But what he said when he was drunk also sounded honest, she was getting confused. She pushed him off her way and left the room. She went downstairs and saw Hermione and Molly in the kitchen.

- Good morning, dear. - Molly said looking at Daisy.

She grabbed a piece of bread.

- How are you feeling? - Hermione asked.

- I'm good.

Draco got out of the room and slammed the door. Molly, Hermione, and Daisy looked at the stairs, waiting for him to show up. He showed up and walked to Daisy.

- Can we private? - he asked whispering.

- No.

- Daisy...

- Just say it, right in front of them.

- What do you want me to say!?

- The truth, Draco.

- I love you! I love you so much that it became a problem!

Hermione looked at Molly. Daisy took a step back and looked at Hermione.

- Daisy...- he said pulling her by the arms. - The problem is that I love you so much that it hurts.

- Love doesn't hurt. - she said.

- But seeing the love of my life suffering hurts.

Hermione covered her mouth while looking at Molly. Daisy hugged him and he hugged her back. Ginny showed up from upstairs.

- What did I miss? - she asked yawning. 

Daisy stopped the hug and looked at Ginny.

- Did you really had to ruin the moment? - Daisy asked laughing.

- Sorry.

Daisy turned around and gave Draco an apple. He grabbed the apple from her hand and looked at her with love written in his eyes.

- Thank you.

Molly noticed the way Draco looked at Daisy, he's in love. Yes, he is because the love he feels for Daisy never died. 

* to be continued*

Draco |A love storyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz