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She tried not to make noise laughing. Draco was also trying not to laugh. He started smiling and was just looking at her smile. She looked at him.

- Aw thanks, I love my smile too. - she said.

- Don't read my mind!

- Mhm...We'll see about that.

- Dumb flower.

- Stupid boy.

He grabbed her thigh. Hermione, Harry, and Ron came in and saw them. Daisy moved Draco's hand away from her leg. The Golden Trio sat at the same table. They didn't know that Daisy could read minds. It was, in fact, really easy.

- Draco leave. - Hermione said without even looking at him.

- I'll be right there. - he said pointing to a table.

After Draco left, Hermione looked deep into Daisy's eyes.

- Tell me you didn't sleep with Chester. - Hermione said.

Chester Davies, a Ravenclaw boy.

- Who!? - Draco said walking towards their table.

- I don't even know who he is! - Daisy said in her defense.

- He's telling everyone you slept with him. - Harry mentioned.

- What!? - Draco and Daisy said at the same time.

- He's like in the third year. - Ron said. - That's why we doubt it when he heard him.

Daisy's hands became fists. She got up and grabbed her crutches and left all of them behind. She went after the boy. It was easy to find him, he was basically yelling "I slept with Dai Dai". She found him in a corridor. 

- Hey you! - Daisy shouted.

- Hi Dai! - the boy replied.

- First of all only friends call me Dai and second what the fuck you think you're doing!?

The boy didn't reply.

- Look I don't give a shit if you dreamed about me, but you can't say those things to people!

- What you gonna do about it? It's my word against yours.

- You little... - Daisy said taking her wand out.

Draco showed up running. Daisy's eyes turned black and she started levitating. Draco ran to her.

- Daisy, don't do it!

When he got close to her, some kind of invisible shield blocked him, so he couldn't touch her. The Golden Trio showed up too.

- Daisy! - Draco kept screaming.

- Avada Kedav...

- Daisy! - Draco yelled with all the air he had on his lungs.

She fell to the ground and Draco ran to her. The boy, Chester, was in pure shock. That's when Dumbledore showed up with Snape. Draco was trying to wake her up.

- It's time, headmaster. - Snape whispered.

- Time? What's going on? - Draco shouted.

Daisy started waking up. She sat on the floor and looked around.

- What happened? - she asked.

Draco |A love storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora