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We arrived home from the German GP about 3 hours go. I'm exhausted but I've been on the phone with my mum for the last hour. I've realised she needs me more than I realised but I'm not sure if I can be there for her. I'm still not coping well with losing my Dad but she has lost her husband just the idea of loosing lando makes my heart break and I don't know how to comfort her.

We have a week off before the Portuguese GP at another new track Portimao. There is a lot of preparation for Lando and Daniel before next weekend and I'm worried about not having Lando for company. Perhaps I should go see mum, I can do some work remotely but I will need to go into work before this weekend. I know Lando will worry about me but I'm going to be with my mum. I send her a message that I will drive to hers in the morning.

I'm currently washing up some mugs and glasses we left before the weekend. I can't stand an untidy house "Hey! There you are! Let's go to bed" Lando says wrapping his arms around my waist. I take my washing up gloves off "okay, I was finished anyway" I tell him turning to look at him "I'm so proud of how strong you have been this weekend" he tells me brushing some hair away from my face "it's was hard but I had you and the team" I say trying to brush off his compliment. He scoops me up "let's get you to bed" I roll my eyes "just because I'm the only person smaller than you doesn't mean you can pick me up whenever you fancy" I say jokingly "to be honest you make me feel tall!" I laugh "I'm glad I can be of service" and we both end up laughing our heads off. Once we are cuddled up in bed I decide to tell him I'm going to see my mum for a couple of days "Lands, I'm gonna go stay with Mum for a couple of days" he looks at me "she needs you" he simply states "yeah she does, I feel like I haven't been there enough" he nods his head "when are you gonna go?" He questions "tomorrow I thought" he frowns "okay Mols, whatever you need" I give him a squeeze.

Lando was up early this morning for training with Jon. I didn't have the energy today but I've been awake since he left. I get up and decide to pack before Lando gets back. I throw some leggings and sweatshirts in a bag then some underwear and some big T-shirt's to sleep in. At least 50% of what I have packed is Lando's. I jump in the shower so I can pack my toiletries. I'm just finishing putting my charger and toothbrush into my bag when I hear the front door open "Mols?" I hear Lando shout "upstairs" I respond. I can hear him run up the stairs and he spots me when he comes through the bedroom door. He pulls me into a rather sweaty cuddle "ewwww Lands you are well sweaty" I tell him scrunching up my nose "well I have been working out for the last 2 hours" he defends and I boop his nose "I don't mind really" I tell him. He grins at me "I'm gonna miss you" I frown "I thought you would come stay as well?" I tell him "I can but I think you need time with your mum" I frown "I get that, okay fair enough. I'm only going to stay for 2 nights as I'm back working from Wednesday anyway" he nods "we will be okay" I smile.

Lando has gone to the MTC and I'm getting everything in my car to go to my mums. I double check all the locks as we don't want anyone breaking in. I climb into my car and pop my favourite playlist on and the journey goes quite quickly. About 30 minutes later I arrive at my mums. I grab my case out of the boot and knock on the door. I wait a few seconds before my mum appears in the doorway "Molly!" She shouts and pulls me into a cuddle "Hey mum! How are you going?" I ask her "the Australian in the team is really rubbing off on you" she laughs and I'm confused "you have never once asked me how I'm going before" the realisation hits me "oh my god, he really is changing me!" She laughs.

We head inside and I go to drop my bag in my room. Once I step inside I feel 16 years old again and I feel my heart break at the fact that Dad won't just pop his head round the corner. It's harder being here than I thought. I'm emptying out my bag into my old drawers when I spot a letter in the bottom addressed to me, I haven't used this bag since last season as I've managed now to keep everything in one carry on. I'm confused as to where this has come from so I decide to quickly open it

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