Birthday surprise

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It's a busy Wednesday ahead of the German GP at Hockenheim. I have all of Lando's interviews and signings organised and booked. My office phone rings "Hello McLaren, Molly Lanes speaking?" "Oh yes hello Miss Lanes I'm calling from BBC sport we would like to do a one on one interview with Lando are you the person to talk to?" I'm get excited and book in the interview for next week!

Once everything is ready for the weekend I head out arriving home around 8pm, I don't expect Lando to be home as he is pretty much living with Amelie now. I unlock the door and can hear music coming from the kitchen, I start to worry till I round the corner and see Alex, George, Lando and Max in the kitchen all laughing and joking. "Hi guys?" They all turn to look at me "HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY MOLS" they all shout, I completely forgot it's my birthday tomorrow. I stand there in shock for a minute "guys you didn't need to do anything, I forgot it was my birthday to be completely honest" George comes over and hugs me "your best friends didn't!" They all take it in turns giving me a hug "Max what are you doing here?" He grins "well Lando mentioned a party but this wasn't quite what I was expecting" I laugh "yeah I don't really do parties" finally Lando speaks "okay so we have made your favourite dinner, fish pie with greens and we have made waffle berry pudding for dessert" I give him a look "you mean George and Alex made my favourite meal" he blushes "you know I can't cook but it was my idea!" He protests "thank you all so much!"

We sit and eat our meal laughing and joking and it all feels like old times which I have missed. Alex, George and Max give me gifts which I wasn't expecting but I open them anyway! George got my a cute new succulent in an elephant shaped pot "for your new place!" I see lando grimace but choose to ignore it "Thank you George" he grins at me "open the envelope!" I do "a spa day for two?! Thanks although you do realise you will be joining me!" George fist bumps me "I hoped that would be your reaction" I move on and open Alex's gift which is a sweatshirt from Champion and a pair of Wonder Woman high top Converse "I love them both Alex thank you!" Last but not least was from Max who I don't spend huge amounts of time with so I was surprised he got me anything. I open the bag to reveal a Red Bull team shirt and a little Red Bull can bag pin. I burst out laughing "trying to get me to change team?" I ask still giggling "always but it was more for this reaction and to annoy Leclerc if you wear it in bed" I crack up laughing before feeling quite emotional. I can't believe how thoughtful they have all been! Lando speaks up "you're getting my gift tomorrow" I smile at him "I didn't expect any of you to get me anything so don't worry!" He laughs "it's already packed in my case silly"

After a lovely evening all the boys end up staying but luckily I get out of bed sharing this time as Lando shares with Max! Turns out we are all flying to Hockenheim together which will be fun, not. I know they won't be able to resist taking the piss out of me with my reaction to flying.

I get up at 4am and go for a quick run to wake me up as the flight is at 8am. Once I return the boys are all up and eating breakfast and grab a banana "Happy 21st Birthday" they all yell once I'm seated. It's really cute the effort they have put into my birthday, I head off to shower. I overhear Alex "she is absolutely amazing, Lando you are an idiot for not taking your chance with her"they all laugh except Lando "I know lads but I'm focusing on what I do have now".
Once I'm showered and ready we put the luggage in my car and Alex and George ride with me and Lando takes Max in his McLaren. We have a fun drive to the airport singing and laughing, but I find myself missing Charles. He sent me a voice note this morning wishing me happy birthday which made my heart swell! We arrive at Heathrow with 2 hours till our flight so I head to Starbucks and grab a coffee. People seem to recognise Max more than the rest of us and it's weird to be travelling with him. It's must seem strange 3 different team drivers flying together!
Once we are boarding the plane Lando hold my arm to help calm me down. We sit in our seats and I start to panic "it's gonna be okay Mols, I promise you" I can hear Lando say but it doesn't help. I pop my AirPods in and close my eyes and wait for it to all be over. As expected all of them take the piss out of me for my reaction.

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