How to save a life

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It's been about a week since I visited Mols in the hospital. Lando and George flew out to Japan already but I'm not due to fly till late tonight so I've decided I will pop in as no one else is going to be visiting for a few days! Who knows maybe she will be awake! It's about an hour drive from Keynes to Mols hospital so I should arrive shortly. I'm gonna give Lando a call and let him know the plan. I ask Siri to call his number, I wait patiently for him to pick up drumming my fingers on the steering wheel "Verstappen?" He finally answers "Alright Lando?" I take the turning for the hospital "yeah Landed about an hour ago just travelling to the circuit now, did you want to meet?" I let out a laugh "I'm actually still in the UK, I'm just going to visit Mols" I hear a sigh of relief "oh that's great! She's without everyone this weekend, I'm worried" I know she isn't awake yet but what else does he need to worry about? "What are you worried about?" I decide to question "well actually James trying something" he wouldn't "she is safe in the hospital Lando! I will give you a call again if anything's changed!" He is overreacting "okay thanks Max" we say our goodbyes and I park the car up.

These hallways have become quite familiar, I've missed hearing Mols laugh and complain about George and Lando and cheering me up. She doesn't deserve this. I'm about to round the corner to her room when I think I see a familiar face walk past, James? I break out in a run towards Molly's room with a bad feeling sinking to the pit of my stomach. What if Lando was right to worry? I sprint into the room and see that all of the monitors that are usually flashing and beeping are off and the tube that's usually in her mouth is laying on the floor. I immediately hit the call bell before running out into the corridor "I think something happened!" I say at the nurse at the desk as she was getting up to answer the call bell "sorry Sir what?" We both rush back into the room and I see the panic on her face as she switches the machine back on. I'm not too sure what's happening "do you know if I man came to visit her earlier?" I ask "yeah her friend Jimmy" she doesn't have anyone called Jimmy, wait there is the guy from Williams but he flew out with George "what did he look like? Was he an older guy?" I ask as the room fills with people as it seems Molly isn't okay! "Young like you, sorry I need to help your friend" I step out of the room, it was him.

I sit on the chair outside her room when suddenly she is being wheeled out "what's happening?" The nurse I spoke too first "I'm sorry, her breathing tube was harshly removed and has damaged her trachea so we need to fix that in a surgery" I nod my head "is she going to be okay?" Her features soften "this shouldn't have happened, her brain has been without oxygen for too long so we aren't too sure what damage has been done" my heart sinks "okay, I have to catch a flight this evening but I will stay as late as I can" she smiles softly "we will do everything we can" she runs off down the hallway. Shit, Jimmy must have been James. I call Lando and after a few rings he answers "Max?" He sounds worried "Lando, he was here, you were right" I can hear his sharp intake of breath "shit, is she okay?" I shake my head "they don't know, her breathing tube was ripped out, and monitors switched off, I'm not sure what would've happened if I hadn't chosen to visit" this just is never ending, we need to catch the bastard "but she is okay?" Is all he asks "she is in surgery, he damaged her trachea and they need to repair it, they aren't sure about the brain damage due to the lack of oxygen" I stumble over the last words as the realisation hits me "okay, I know you can't stay too late so let me know when you leave" he tells me and I agree before hanging up the phone.


I'm so glad Max is Mols friend, he might have saved her life today. I knew something would happen, I just knew he wouldn't let it go! How does he know where she is? Who is giving him this information? I need to speak with George. I grab my room key before running down to George's room. I bang hard on the door very impatiently. It swings open and George takes in my appearance "you okay Lando?" I shake my head "he got to her George, she is in emergency surgery right now" he looks confused "how? What? Is she okay?" I step in his room "he managed to get access to her room and pulled out her breathing tube and switched off the monitors. Luckily Max decided to visit before flying out here and realised something was wrong. How did he know she was there?" George shakes his head "I have a theory, I think it's Sam and Lauren" I'm surprised "who work at Williams?" He nods "they have both been acting sketchy lately and I was going to give them some fake information about James and see what the response was" he's been suspicious for a while "right, well we need to get to the bottom of this as she won't be safe till he has gone" he nods "My blood is boiling Lando I'm so angry" I know exactly what he means "let's set up Sam and Lauren and get the best result for her this weekend. We can't do anything else" I tell him

It's now Thursday which means Press Conference day, me and George have made a plan to trip up Sam and Lauren. I know we are all going to get asked about Molly and her condition and we are going to tell the world about James and that we have evidence that he was the one to hurt her. Max called last night she is stable and recovering but we still aren't sure about the damage to her brain. He also said the hospital have CCTV footage of him in Mols room so we do actually have enough to get him arrested it's just the matter of finding him. I'm going to watch Lauren's reaction during the conference and George is going to stick to her like glue afterwards. We have a plan and we are going to take them down. This has all gone on long enough.

George has just taken his seat in the press conference and I'm sat behind Lauren. We have told Nicky about this and he is on board with backing up George's claims, he likes Mols as well and it's nice to know she has such a group of people to back her up. She is a good person "George are there any updates on your PO condition?" He looks at me and I nod my head "She is still recovering and hasn't woken up yet. However we have made progress in catching the perpetrator and have evidence to prove that James Deacon is her stalker" the whole conference room goes silent "are you meaning to say when this happened it's been happening before?" George looks over at me for confirmation and I give him a nod "yes, he was the reason she was hospitalised before, we can get him put away now" the conference moves on and I see Lauren jump up on her phone so I decide to follow her. I have my phone out recording as She leans against the side of the building "I don't know, of course it wasn't discussed" she says "looks I don't know where they got the evidence from" she sighs rubbing her face "look James, I don't have anymore information, George hasn't really mentioned anything" she sighs again "what do you mean she is dead?" My heart sinks "well you don't know for sure, I will see what George says but I'm sure you have succeeded this time" I walk back round the corner as it sounds like the conversation is ending. I'm proved right a few moments later as she storms around the corner back into the conference. We've got him.

I wait outside for George who walks over followed by Lauren "I'm sorry for telling everyone" I shake my head giving him a subtle look "we have everything we need" he nods "wanna grab a water at Williams it's a little while till your conference" I nod my head "absolutely" Lauren is silent this entire time "heard any news on Mols?" George asks and Her head perks up "they managed to save her but no one knows if there was damage done to her brain" she is furiously typing on her phone and doesn't see Simon waiting at the rear of the Williams garage "George, Lando, Lauren" he greets with a knowing look "Hello Simon, can we discuss the press conference in your office?" He nods "Lauren I need you for this" she looks surprised "I'm sorry sir I didn't know that would be George's response" he shakes his head and we all follow him to his office "why is Lando here?" She finally asks once we take a seat "he needs to be" is all Simon says as he waits for George to speak "I'm sorry for saying too much" he starts and Simon looks at Lauren "did you get what you needed?" She looks confused "Sir?" He looks menacing "to talk to James" her face says it all "I have no idea what you are talking about" I pull my phone out and play the recording she goes pale "anything you want to say?" Simon asks "I have nothing to say" she sits defiant "well Lauren, I've called the local police and you are fired" she seems taken aback "you don't have any proof that he hurt her" I interject her "going into a hospital was his biggest mistake" the realisation hits "do I need to stay here?" Simon nods "you absolutely do, now we know Sam is involved" she nods I start recording again "I asked him for his help, James is the love of my life and I will do anything to help him" and that's all the proof we needed.


The light is too bright, my throat hurts. I can't focus on the room but it's bright and white. What's going on? "She is rejecting the tube, she is waking up" I feel burning as something is being pulled out my throat and I can't help he coughing that follows. My eyes finally settle on a woman "Molly? Can you hear me?" I nod my head "fantastic! I just need to get the doctor" she runs out of the room, I need water. I look around and I'm alone. I few moments later she returns with a man "Hello Miss Lanes, can you tell me the year?" I struggle to speak "2021?" He looks pleased as the nurse passes me water, it hurts to drink it but I need to know "how did I get here?" He frowns slightly "you were attacked at home" fear rises "I don't remember" he nods sadly "I'm not surprised the brain blocks out trauma" he explains "where is my mum?" He looks at the nurse "I will call her now" she gives my arm a reassuring squeeze as she leaves the room. What's happened to me?

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