Best friend first and always

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It's been a difficult couple of weeks but I'm back at work and it's now the race weekend. We are getting ready to fly to Germany and we will be at the Nurburgring which is a completely new track for both of us! Although I'm still feeling sad I'm actually looking forward to going to the race. I'm placing my last couple of items in my case including my charger which I can't find. I think for a minute "Lando do you still have my charger?" I shout knowing he is chilling on the bed next door! I'm waiting for him to reply when he appears in the doorway with my charger like a scarf round his neck "you mean this one" he points and winks at me "I do! I'm glad you still have it" I tell him wandering over, I reach out to take it and he stops me "I must receive a kiss first" I laugh and kiss him "hmmm I think I need more kisses" I roll my eyes but oblige him "wanna get naked with me Lanes?" He questions me and I nod before kissing him again.

We wake up the next morning to my alarm sounding at 4am to get us up for our flight. Lando groans moving his arm over my waist "not yet" I get slightly distracted by his muscles tensing in his arm but I shake it off "come on Lands we hate being late" I tell him. I roll out of bed and get the shower running whilst brushing my teeth. Lando wanders in wearing just his boxers "could I join you? It's lonely out there" he pouts and I agree. We climb under the water and he squeals "this is boiling Mols" he tells me off whilst turning down the temperature "I like a hot shower" I tell him whilst washing my hair. We both get clean and get out and dressed. I pop my hair into double plaits knowing full well my hair will be crazy curly tomorrow.

We arrive at the airport and I feel my stomach drop, Lando notices my sudden mood change "it's gonna be okay Mols, I will hold your hand the whole flight if you need me to?" I smile at him under my mask as we climb the steps. He puts my bag in the overhead locker and takes the window seat and I follow him in, he takes my hand. Daniel enters the plane "Hey Dan, mind sitting with us?" Lando asks "sure! How you both going?" He questions "Mols has a phobia of flying, I was hoping you might be able to help distract her?" He nods "it's my specialty" they both laugh whilst I bite my lip and put my headphones in "I will be fine, can't embarrass myself in front of you can I avocado?" He laughs and I press play on my phone. Safe and Sound by Capital Cities, I feel the engines start and I scrunch my eyes closed and grab onto Lando's hand for dear life. After a couple of minutes the plane levels out and I remove my earphones "well I didn't think Lando was being serious but you are terrified!" He exclaims "Yup, it's worse when I'm alone, this is me being calm" Lando starts laughing at Daniels expression "she is dramatic" we all laugh "how are you getting on after everything?" Daniel asks me "I'm okay, it's easier but still not okay. Charles has been a real help but I couldn't have done any of it without Lands" I say squeezing his hand "Leclerc? Weren't you guys an item?" Daniel asks and Lando scowls "yeah but we are just friends now" I quickly say.

Once we arrive at the hotel I collapse on the bed, I'm exhausted and it's only 2pm. Lando follows my example and lands next to me on the bed. "I think I might need a nap" I tell him "go ahead, I said I would go see Jon anyway!" He tells me getting into his workout gear "I will see you in a little bit, love you" he kisses my head. I climb under the covers and snuggle down ready to sleep when my phone rings. I grown as I reach for it and see it's Charles. I sit up pressing the answer button "Lechair? You okay?" I ask "Mol, I'm okay I just wanted to check in on you!" I smile it's sweet "I'm okay Charles, I coped on the flight and I haven't cried yet today which I'm taking as a win" he laughs "I'm glad you are coping Mon Ange, I've been worried about this weekend" I'm confused as to why he is so worried "I'm gonna be fine, it's nice to have something to focus on" i cuddle back into the covers before yawning "okay Mon Ange, just please know I'm here for you. Did you just yawn?" I blush "I did but I'm not bored I'm just exhausted, I was about to nap when you called" I explain feeling bad "you don't need to explain, I will leave you to sleep! I'm sure I will see you this weekend" I smile "thanks Charles, I will pop and see you" I yawn again "I will go, have a good sleep mon ange" I hang up the phone and finally nod off

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